Wednesday, June 11, 2014


CP24 - CTV - CBC: !.000 children die within Alberta's Child Welfare System! About Ontario and the other provinces!!!

                                                                          The Canadian media: They are to blame for the pain, suffering, torture, and death, of hundreds of thousands of children and youth in this country.                                                                                                                                     Canada Failing its Children and Young People Reactions to the 2013 UNICEF Innocent Report Card?
There is persuasive evidence from international data on the outcomes of the wellbeing and health of children and youth that all is far from well for them in Canada, the UK and in some other developed nations. The UNICEF report of 2013, Child Well-being in Rich Countries: A comparative overview, shows Canada to be falling in the international league table to 17th position overall. This is disproportionately low in the context of Canada through its resources and wealth that make it one of the most advantaged nations worldwide. The Report of the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published in 2012 highlights how far Canada has to go in making sure that all children are able to benefit from the universal rights of protection, provision and participation. The WHO report on the social determinants of health and wellbeing of 2009/10 also highlight the challenges facing Canada's children and youth. The publication of these reports seems to have generated little media coverage or public discourse let alone political debate. Why is this the case?             
The vilest mistake that can commit a tyrant; is to torment in mind, body, and soul, helpless children, and to bring to the sight of a soldier of thousands  Battles.
- Nadir Siguencia   

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