Thursday, December 12, 2013


The Nazis experimented toxic chemicals put into the water with their captives!
The Department of Health Canada is using toxic substances in drinking water in Toronto!

Whole Family read the SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, watch the 20 little Films at and Fluoride Action, this is MASS MIND control it evolved from "code name ArtiChoke" Sold by Edward Bernays, and the People behind it are World BANKERS and CORPORATIONS see Fiat Empire

Sign the petition to end water fluoridation in Toronto
Why End Water Fluoridation?
1.) Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is a toxic waste by-product of phosphate fertilizer production that is used to fluoridate Toronto’s public water supply. In addition to Fluoride, it contains toxic chemical elements, such as lead, arsenic, mercury and radioactive substances.

Click The End is near... And watch the video

"FLUORIDE THE DEVILS POISON", HITLER had TONS at each CAMP, High Dose in Water Keep People like WALKING DEAD they did not try to ESCAPE, HIGER the Dose of FLUORIDE different effects on BRAIN, Soldiers get High Dose Called SoftPeter, General Patton Refused to give it to His Soldiers, People React Different to DRUGS, CHEMICALS, make sure You watch all the FILMS at, New World Order (NWO) plan started 1526 Crypto jews now called Zionist started and still Control JESUITS, see Jesuit Infiltration, see Operation paper Clip" 1945 started adding Fluoride to water, 1954 Krecheive we will take America without fireing a Shot, Stole American Money system see film FIAT EMPIRE" use digitized Hypnotic TV releases Endorfins, and Media make You beleive what they wont you to beleive, Watch the whole film at, If you watch it close you can PAUSE and read Secret Documents that have been DE Classified, they knew about the harm adding Fluoride to water would cause, at the Same time Dr. Hodge was telling people it was safe to drink Fluoride He was Participating in the Manhattan Project, they also used the MASTER of DECEPTION Edward Bernays to sell this LIE to the American people, Bernays was used to Help over throw a Guteamelan Leader an put in a TYRANT that MURDERED over 100,000 Innocent Men Women and Children, Drinking the DRUG, CHEMICAL, and POISON Fluoride = main ingredient in NERVE GAS BOMBS, Rat POISON, INSECT KILLER, is doing more damage to the Human Body and Brain than everything else in America combined, its outlawed by all the Countries that are a Member of the European Union, Take Magnesium befoe each meal, Purify the water you drink and cook with, You need to spend 5 or 6 Quality Hours with your Whole Family read the SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, watch the 20 little Films at and FluorideAction, this is MASS MIND control it evolved from "code name ArtiChoke" Sold by Edward Bernays, and the People behind it are World BANKERS and CORPORATIONS see Fiat Empire

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