Thursday, November 1, 2012



The Inquest of Ashley Smith is just again a circus because for decades there have been countless investigations without positive results. The recommendations made by the Judicial Officer have been of any help to resolve the changes in the Correctional System. Inmates of juvenile jails and others prisons around the country are still subject to the same atrocities by the guards and other staff from the Correctional System, therefore the wave of suicides inside of youth and others prisons will continue. Ashley Smith suicide should be resolved in a Canadian court of law, as the Canadian Justice System is corrupt, it’s jurisdiction for human rights abuses is the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.  The impunity of gross Human Rights’ Violations in this country it’s at the large, because the ineffectiveness of the judicial system, Public prosecutors offices, others authorities and the courts. All the perpetrators of human right’s abuses continue to evade accountability. Despite the overwhelming evidence that repose in the victims, government institutions and societies files.
                    HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN CANADA PRISONS                                                   
                                                                              La Investigación Judicial de Ashley Smith no es más que un circo, porque durante décadas se han realizado un sinnúmero de pesquisas judiciales sin resultados positivos. Las  recomendaciones del Funcionario Judicial  ha sido de poca ayuda para resolver los cambios  del sistema Correccional. Los prisioneros de cárceles juveniles y otros siguen sujetos a las mismas atrocidades por parte de los guardias de las diferentes prisiones alrededor del país y por lo tanto esta ola de  suicidios dentro de esos infiernos  juveniles y otras cárceles seguirá adelante. El suicidio de Ashley Smith debería resolverse en una corte de justica Canadiense, pero como no tenemos un sistema judicial en este país, su jurisdicción es la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para interponer una  acción judicial,  juzgar y encarcelar a los violadores de derechos humanos  por

                                                                                                                                                   “Crímenes Contra la Humanidad”.


The latest videos of Ashley Smith exposed in the Judicial Investigation by the Coroner  and the public are showing the causes that contributed to Ashley Smith suicide, these videos display more horror than the previous videos played for the public of the  world. The inhuman mistreatment shines through the same methods use by the CIA when prisoners are transported in airplanes from the Middle East to be tortured in the jails across Europe, Asia, Guantanamo, etc. The harm, torture and sadism for part of his captors inflicted on those victims caused that, some captives preferred to commit suicide than to resist the years of torture. The same atrocious harm was imposed in Ashley Smith with the Correctional System (Caravans of death) 17 different jails around the country? Without human dignity, mistreated, along, along in the hands of their executioners and thinking how to end her suffering, torture and life, finally in order to liberate from her tormentors choose to kill herself.

Police question: meat – tax   don’t intimidate our family                                                                                      Police question: Where I came from? Answer for my veins flow Native American blood!  “MEAT” you had three opportunities to kill me in cold blood. We remember the decades of yours brutality, persecution, sadism with my small children my wife after this apocalypses created by you police, societies, judges, prisons, hospitals… I learned to live without fear.
                                                                                 Los últimos videos de Ashley Smith expuestos en la investigación judicial  que se realiza actualmente sobre las causas que contribuyeron para su suicidio,  demuestra al público mas  revulsión que los videos anteriores.  El tratamiento impuesto en Ashley Smith sale a relucir los mismos métodos utilizados por la CIA con los presos transportados en aviones desde el Oriente Medio, para ser torturados en cárceles Europeas, Guantanamo etc. El tratamiento inhumano, tortura y sadismo infringido en estas victimas trajo como resultado que algunos cautivos prefirieron suicidarse para no resistir las anos de torturas. A esta misma  horrible situación fue impuesta  Ashley en las 17 diferentes cárceles de esta nación, donde ella escogió que la única alternativa para poner fin al sufrimiento y tortura impuesta por sus verdugos, "prefirió quitarse la vida".

“DON’T MAKE BUSINESS WITH THE BLOOD OF OUR CHILDREN”                                                                                                                                                 

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