Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The West Increases Islamophobia as a Political Target

                                              The West Increases Islamophobia as a Political Target

A story has been repeated in France, which is by no means unpublished and thus continues to generate controversy and indignation. A weekly Pasquin called Charlie Hebdo, which with his work that he calls satirical, has made insults and offenses against Islam and its revered figures a target that favors the interests of Islamophobic sectors, Zionism and US foreign policy. This under an absolutely opportunistic framework of discussion such as freedom of expression.
The West Increases Islamophobia as a Political Target

A situation that was further aggravated with the murder of the history teacher Samuel Paty, in an unfortunate act of blood where the use in classes of this murdered teacher, of the questioned seminar, was mixed, within the framework of what is conceptualized as “ freedom of expression". A murder carried out by a student of Paty, an 18-year-old Russian refugee of Chechen origin, who at the time of his arrest (as is usual in the French intelligence services) was killed at the time of his arrest. The events stoked the never-extinguished fire of the attacks on Islam in French society.

A fire that increased the destructive power with the statements of an arson politician such as French President Emmanuel Macron, who appealed to freedom of expression to position Charlie Hebdo as a kind of paradigm of that freedom. Macron affirmed, at the funeral of Professor Samuel Paty that “We will defend secularism. And the freedom that you taught so well. We will not give up cartoons or illustrations. Paty was killed because Islamists want our future. They separate the faithful from the unfaithful. Paty only saw citizens ", concluded Macron.

A president who is currently experiencing serious internal difficulties in the political, social and economic fields and who today also has him at the center of criticism from the Islamic world and with a campaign to boycott the purchase of French products in countries with Muslim majority. A Macron that instead of reducing the degree of tension catalyzes the just claim of hundreds of millions of believers in Islam. Macron has brought out the idea of ​​Islamic separatism and the danger that this supposed political tendency represents for France. A current that is nourished by Zionist sources and research institutions, generously paid to strengthen certain historiographic myths, including that of the clash of civilizations, which is nourishing for fanatical Christian fundamentalists, liberals, Zionists and all those who believe they see in the faith of 1.6 billion Muslims a danger to their survival.

The aforementioned weekly Charlie Hebdo has made it a common practice to publish offensive photos and shameful satires about the Prophet Muhammad and about the Islam professed by 20 percent of the world's population, for whom the teachings and the figure of the prophet of Islam, such as it is named, it represents a sacred name against which unacceptable scorn has been poured. Faced with the fact that in previous years this magazine has suffered assaults and even the murder of 12 of its workers at the hands of extremists, who claimed revenge for the offenses against Islam, it is not credible or at least it is debatable, that In that context, please be stubborn to republish and offend the same prophet.

In addition, it is absolutely execrable that, within the framework of the defense of supposed freedom of expression, criticism is hidden and not directed towards extremists, which we remember, have intensified their actions precisely thanks to the financial generosity of those who with political objectives They destroyed Libya, they have tried to fragment Syria, they attack Lebanon, they have been invaded for 17 years in Iraq, 19 in Afghanistan, 72 years supporting Zionist extremism against Palestine. All of them countries that have suffered the attacks of takfiri groups, mercenaries, who have had the millionaire support of the West and its regional partners such as the Wahhabi monarchy, the Riverine monarchies of the Persian Gulf and the Israeli infanticidal entity.

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In addition, with the theme Charlie Hebdo, the question arises as to what could be the objective of attacking a religion, which contributes to French life and society, making it multicultural, which contributes to its economic, social, cultural, technical and technical development. scientific. It is not at first glance or logical or acceptable and less understandable this type of action, which from time to time comes to light and discussion before the commission of a murder, as was the case of Professor Samuel Paty. But as we go deeper, we realize which is the north, what are the objectives pursued with the statements and actions of Macron, Zionism, Trump, the right wing and all those who like to fish in troubled waters.

 The unknowns are multiple and one of them is to know if with the extreme defense of a media as controversial as Charlie Hebdo, it is really an extreme defense of freedom of expression or is it part of a larger plan where imperialism is mixed , the Zionist objectives of portraying Islam as violent and the crisis situation of French internal politics in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic. What really exists behind these types of actions - both the weekly and the political actions of the French Executive– that generate Islamophobic behavior in French society? What hides this clearly provocative behavior of blaming a belief like Islam, guiding social opinion towards the consideration of a violent Islam?

It is essential, prior to any analysis, to affirm with determination that the so-called Islamic fundamentalism, the Takfiri fundamentalism of Daesh, Al Qaeda, Fath al Sham, Boko Haram or any of the movements that emerged from the hand of Wahhabism, should not be linked in any way with Islam and even less accept the distortion that their actions are based on Jihad. This interested association is typical of the analysis of those who do not know Islam, of a Western press that with clear political intentions tries to show a violent face of Islam and Muslims.

Understanding what makes a group of artists, businessmen, cartoonists have as their main objective of their ridicule and their offenses one of the most faithful monotheistic religions in the world alarms us and raises various questions. What prompts you to make the same mistake and in the same way? Let's remember an interesting fact and decision that can help us solve part of the questions that overwhelm us. The weekly Charlie Hebdo, in 2015, after the massacre of January 7 of that year, took to the streets, determined to demonstrate the strength of this supposed "freedom of expression." Noting, in his statement of intent, that his work would not be truncated by any death.

There are some interesting antecedents regarding this magazine and that is not new, since it has already been published, but it deserves to be brought to the attention of those who do not believe in or doubt the hegemonic media. Days after the attack on the headquarters of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, the New York-based International Business Times (IBT) magazine, in its India edition, denounced that the Mossad was behind the attack on Charlie Hebdo. This, after the decision of the French Government of the time (chaired by François Hollande) to approve, on December 30, 2014, within the UN Security Council, the Jordanian proposal to end the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories within three years and peace negotiations within one year.

The outcome of this complaint roused Zionists and Islamophobes around the world from their seats. It marked the beginning of a campaign against IBT which was accused of catalyzing anti-Semitic hatred, which is usually the preferred way to silence dissenting voices to the hegemonic narrative. Both the editor-in-chief of the magazine in New York, Peter Goodman, and IBT reporter in India, Gopi Chandra Kahrel, made public apologies. Here freedom of expression did not deserve any defense. Let us also remember what happened to the late Charlie Hebdo cartoonist, Marcel Siné who, “as a result of a chronicle published in the weekly in July 2008 about Jean Sarkozy, one of the sons of then French President Nicolas Sarkozy, was fired by the owners of the weekly, after generating a wave of criticism for alleged anti-Semitism in that article.

The accusations against Siné were spearheaded by the powerful French Zionist lobby that claimed that Siné incited "racial hatred." Siné was fired and despite the fact that Justice ruled in his favor he was not reinstated. It is the conduct of the political caste when its ally is Zionism. A breed that leaves no room for doubt as to his servility with Zionism. "A France where insulting the son of a politician is considered very serious and turns the wheels of influence to punish those who dare to bare the adventures of a member of power, but it is not when the figure venerated by 1,700 million people is insulted" . Pure hypocrisy. It is the price to pay when the crimes of Zionism, its destabilizing actions and a clearly criminal behavior are revealed, but which enjoys impunity.

The Government of François Hollande finished completing the staging, to spread even more a cloak of doubts about the attack against the weekly, killing the French brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi accused of being part of the group that attacked the headquarters of the French magazine. As well as Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered a policeman and four people in a supermarket in France, on the same day as the weekly attack. The three subject to surveillance by the police antiterrorist services and yet had all the time in the world to carry out the attack, which at this point is clearly a false flag action aimed at catalyzing Islamophobia in France. Let us also remember that two days after the attack, the decision of the British Zionist Rothschilds Billionaire Transnational Zionist group came to light - through the information provided by the Dutch economics magazine Quote - the decision of the Rothschild's British Zionist Billionaire Transnational group to acquire after the January 7 attack the operation business that left Charlie Hebdo in the hands of the Rothschild communication holding.

In this line of opinion was also found that of the former US Under Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, who pointed out that the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo was a false flag operation “designed to keep France as a vassal state of Washington. Suspects can be both guilty and scapegoats. It is enough to remember all the terrorist plots created by the FBI, which served to give an appearance of reality to the terrorist threat before the Americans, ”said this Republican critic in an article published on his website. Craig added that “Police found Said Kouachi's identity document at the scene of the shooting. Does this sound familiar to you? ”, Giving an account of the identity document found in the smoking remains of one of those allegedly responsible for the attacks against the Twin Towers that were demolished on September 11, 2001.

In an article published on that date we noted that “Five million copies were sold out on the first day of departure, again showing the figure of the Prophet of Islam on its cover. While it is not reasonable, nor logical, nor sensible, to publish cartoons and films that offend the Prophet or attack Islam. If it is agreed that the perpetrators of the attack in Paris were a minority that does not represent Islam and Muslims, how can one respond with acts that are not directed against them, but against the Prophet revered by 1.6 billion Muslims? "

Perhaps one of the explanations that makes it possible to elucidate these questions, which we have raised, is to give an account of this France and its history of subjugation, like a doggie of North American imperialism. Faithful follower in the adventures of invasions and aggressions against our countries, without the ability to defend themselves from the voracity of those who will distribute the spoils and in which France always receives a quota for their services rendered and its soldiers who sacrificed themselves for freedom. fraternity and solidarity principles that have become the justifications of transnational corporations eager to usurp and use unpaid wealth for free. We are talking about a France that has also become an exponent of pro-Zionist Western policies.

In media critical of Zionism and the hegemonic policies of the West and its allies, it is stated that Macron with this support for Islamophobic actions is diverting “public attention from the continuous demonstrations against his policies and the bad economic situation that France is suffering. Attacking Islam has become a refuge for the French president in order to reduce the political pressures against him, as he had no choice but to flirt with certain currents of French politics, most of them belonging to the extreme right, in an attempt to increase its popularity what has been classified as a policy of flight forward "

There is a natural doubt that there is behind all this and there is no doubt that it is linked to the presidential campaign of the megalomaniac Donald Trump who eventually defeated in the next elections according to all the polls reveal the natural rejection that his sayings and religious minorities provoked. anti-Islamic actions, which seem to increase the chances of this imminent defeat. Consequently, it is worth analyzing whether this is part of the theory of internal national security that is so widely used and tampered with with the justifications that fight them in other countries in the idea of ​​"to prevent them from bringing war to our homes, we take it to their homes to at the same time that the actions aimed at taking the war to other countries are prepared, no matter what continent they are on. "

 What would one of those countries be? Will it be Iran to satisfy international Zionism? It is likely that several interests converge here. The first, to save the megalomaniac Trump from defeat, who believed that by attacking other religions and nations he would increase their votes by awakening the thumbed-up nationalism of the American people whose young people do not know why they die or why they kill. Second, another objective is to use those same young men in a war to do work commissioned by the Zionist entity to attack and weaken Iran or Syria before it leaves the White House. For both objectives the way could be paved if the natural annoyances of the Muslims of the world end in major confrontations and the ideal justification is created, to accuse those countries of fomenting and supporting terrorism and therefore it would be legitimate to attack them and try to destroy them.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have not expressed any opinion about the insults to the prophet, what is the reason for not opening their mouths and expressing their repudiation for these offenses if the Saudis also presume to be the custodians of the holy places of the Islam? The only logical answer is that they are collaborating with these conspiracies and the matter is much deeper and more strategic than it seems at first glance. It is no coincidence then that it has generated this policy of "normalization" together with Zionism.

A country that claims to be from the first world shows, through the Islamophobic opinions of its president, that the objective is to stimulate a religious aggression against millions of human beings who profess this religion, and there are no justifications for defending the principle of freedom of thought or expression when at the same time it is forbidden with jail to think that the holocaust may be different from how Zionism presents it or without going any further saying or thinking that Zionism is a perverse, racist, discriminatory and fascist ideology is immediately qualified as anti-Semitic and you can go to jail, uniting political Zionism with religious Judaism and everything tied to an ethnic concept and therefore is classified as anti-Semitic, this is a crude way of infringing the right to think, to disagree and express one's own opinions constituting an open outrage and repression of an inalienable human right which is the right to think and express.

French President Emmanuel Macron with his defense of what he calls freedom of expression, offends Islam and 1.6 billion believers around the world. Macron talks about freedom, but when Zionism has been criticized for its crimes and violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people, that France supposedly defender of freedom, equality and fraternity usually punishes those who with courage and reason denounce a criminal ideology as is Zionism. It is hypocrisy and unacceptable double standards.

Therefore, it is wise to have the words of Sayed Ali Khamenei presented in a public letter addressed to the youth of France “French youth; ask your president why does he support the desecration of the Prophet of God and consider it part of freedom of expression? Is the meaning of free speech to insult and desecrate eminent and holy figures? This stupid act would not be an insult to the conscience of a nation that has elected him president. How is it that doubting the Holocaust is considered a crime, for which they imprison whoever writes something on the subject, but it is not forbidden to desecrate the Prophet? Accurate words are those of Ali Khamenei, since they reveal the hypocrisy, the double standards, the immorality of those who see the straw in another's eye and not the trunk that in their own. Words that generated the response of Instagram: the closure of his account in French. That is the famous freedom of expression of the West.

Freedom of expression without political background, without understanding the desolation of millions of human beings, who suffer acts of aggression by France and its allies, who are not usually at the center of criticism from their societies. Interventions in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan. Support for the monarchical, colonizing and occupying regime of Morocco, which, precisely thanks to the complicity of France, has subjected the Saharawi people for 45 years. Preventing their self-determination. Preventing their free voices from expressing themselves. Denying them freedom of expression. That is the France of the Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité, pure empty talk.

 At the time of the attacks, the deaths and the political use made of them, it is necessary to ask: Is the life of a Parisian, a European, worth more than a Muslim? The deaths, without any condemnation, when it comes to those that take place on French soil raise more of a stir than in the rest of the world. An attack in France fills the headlines of the media. An attack in Tripoli, Damascus, Ramallah, Al Quds, Homs, Beirut are simple numbers: Arabs, blacks, Muslims, extremists. For Macron and his people they are not human beings, they are simply parts of a world that must be feared and kept as far away as possible. When the West leaves that double standard, that double standard in the face of the events that are usually caused by the ineffectiveness of its policies with the peoples of the world, that day they will be able to join hands in condemning all kinds of terrorism, without thinking that it is more a hypocritical mask than an honest wish.

Pablo Jofré Leal / Nicola Hadwa Shahwan

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