Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Pleasures of Deception

                                       "Maybe I've gotten so used to lies,
The Pleasures of Deception

that the truth sounds indecently false to me "

(Trainspotting, Danny Boyle, 1996, based on the

eponymous novel written by Irvine Welsh)

by | Fernando Good Abbot
The bourgeois mentality, sponsor of the most brutal metastasis of profitable fears, disgusts living without negotiable certainties, when it does not possess them, it invents them (or pays someone to invent them), whether in a pleasant or ephemeral way, as in advertising or as in churches, for example. They manufacture tons of anguish reflected before reality, (as in Plato's cave) and with such anguish they pave the way of all denials and resignations. If the world is (as it is presented by Judeo-Christian morality) a mass of terrorizing threats, the only truth is the joy of deception that consists in accepting everything as it is represented to us and defending, fanatically, what offers some security. That makes it easier to assume deception as the best reality, as the best shield that is much more pleasant and easy. The other reality is impossible to face because it shows us vulnerable, powerless, fragile ... and for that, we better live by illusions convinced that we are a humanity created for deception and deception ... in "private" life, in politics, in education, art ... living on tasty illusions. That's the way it is since Adam and Eve.

A small-time singer, and relative fame in Mexico, said in one of his "hits": "lie to me more than your evil makes me happy." Why do some like lies, what pleasure produces the falsification of what we are seeing and living? Does "mental laziness" reign, the laziness of knowing the truth and assuming it? Freud was well aware of these psychological strategies which he called "defense mechanisms" and which allow us to move away from reality while we are not prepared to face it. There is an induced mania to deny what exists, which is not ignorance (or error) but denial of knowing reality ... and making it kind.

What is it that makes us enjoy deception? There are multiple causes associated with the painful and irremediable. The end of happiness, of love ... of life itself. In the History of Philosophy there are hundreds of idealistic currents accustomed to sowing the idea that all misfortunes come from reality. Many philosophers, fathers or stepfathers of subjectivism, escapism, irrationalism, and serial scholastic idealisms have lived from these idealisms. If reality is threatening, incomprehensible and unknowable ... a demonic dump of fear and turmoil ... we had better flee and take refuge in some fiction, ghost or fallacy comfortable like a mother's womb. Uterine pleasure from deception. That song of the bad singer with a relative audience, says: "I am already living from your lies ...", "... more if you give me to live happiness with your feigned love, lie to me an eternity that makes me your evil, happy. And what difference does it make, life is a lie, lie to me more, your evil makes me happy ”. (Author: Armando Domínguez Borrás)

Capitalism has spent millions of millions in turning fallacies into pleasures, and that is an overwhelming reality. But the enjoyment of deception involves a degree of aberration that requires semiotic, sociological and psychiatric treatments, among many other tools, to unravel the ideological mess that the dominant ideology has manufactured for us. How to combat the masochism that is delivered as a joy for the deception perpetrated by any mediocre politician, who promises changes and paradises, happy magic in abundance? How to believe, with pleasure, the advertising of soaps, credit cards, cars or miracle drugs ...? How can we believe that money can buy everything that saves us from reality and from the class struggle? Fortunes have been invested in teaching us to love stereotypes and hierarchies of lies, from "pious" to "high treason." Thus, the lie made pleasure, has intoxicated the Republics and the Democracies with fallacies that do not safeguard the rights of all, fallacies (even legal ones) that mask the poverty of the majority, that tolerate miserable wages, that accept the weather for the families, who rule "organized crime" to power, who are simply incapable of guaranteeing public health ... institutional life reduced to a sham under the yoke of Capital perched on the back of the human species. The great farce that capitalism is a civilization under construction. That there is a good capitalism: "Happytalism"


 We have not completed the independence, the revolutions or the modernizations. The "progress" has been reduced to a huge "Fake News" to anesthetize constituencies. Those who loot fortunes from the State profitably lied (people's money) Here they lie tasty. They lie fiercely, with a talent for ruffians and a culture of complacency. You lie unnecessarily and for pleasure, you lie to others, and to yourself, as if the truth were insufficient and inconsequential, petty and despicable. As if it was always "terrible" and always "boring." You lie when you promise and when you steal, you lie in the budgets and in the ephemeris, in the anecdotes and in the blogs. The big problem is that the lie, turned into mass pleasure, has created the atmosphere of mistrust that suits the bourgeoisie, in a market of ominous suspicions effective to disbelieve everything. We are living a pandemic of reciprocal fallacies to make possible the dream of perfect domination, the control of emotions, feelings and desires. Fallacies to forge totalitarianism and live the impunity of falsifying everything, nullifying the conscience and the will of the peoples. It's an exaggeration? The use of lies has been relativized; it is a weapon of ideological warfare to ensure disciplined compliance with orders in a swift, ubiquitous and uncritical manner.

Ideological warfare in stressful situations, war to subdue an enemy and enjoy his slavery without presenting a battle. Minefields with fallacies that paralyze, regulate, nullify and confuse the will and the capacity for understanding. It turns some people into automatons, without critical skills, without awareness of reality and ashamed to show their doubts. A worldwide redesign of pleasurable fallacy-making devices is underway. Devices for collecting and disseminating "Fake News" with the gift of ubiquity and speed to create "consensus." When everyone believes in the same fallacy, everything seems more real. The most diverse “think tanks” obsessed with destroying the critical capacity and the will to emancipation of the peoples are working on this in order to move the world towards a bourgeois “New Order” at the pace that suits the markets and with a consumerist human species convinced that this is living in "freedom". And enjoy it.

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