Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fear and its consequences

When the tolerance limit is reached, anything can happen.
Fear and its consequences

Guatemala is a country in full destruction: its institutions, co-opted by the mafias; its infrastructure, abandoned for privatization purposes; its natural heritage, handed over to agribusiness, mining and hydroelectric plants without respect for consultations with the affected populations; its girls, boys and adolescents condemned to a life of hunger and deprivation; its borders, administered by drug trafficking; and its legal, political and business instances, sunk in the most abject corruption. Few countries have fallen so deep in such a short time.

When citizen tolerance finally collapsed, prompting Guatemalans to take to the streets to express their rejection of the aberrations committed by their representatives in Congress - these were orchestrated by the president and his immediate circle - the entire repressive apparatus was put into action. march to crush this first attempt at civic exercise. Armed with all kinds of resources to make their intention to reach the ultimate consequences clear, the police and anti-riot agents had no qualms about attacking peaceful protesters with excessive and totally unjustified violence.

Poverty in Guatemala
As has happened in other countries, the Guatemalan government used the well-known stratagems of infiltrating its members of the security forces to commit acts of vandalism and blaming them on protesters. Even though the possibility of some groups exceeding their way of acting is undeniable, it is more than obvious that major events - such as the burning of the Congress building - had already been planned from official offices. All this accompanied by the obedient chorus of some followers, who immediately began to condemn on social networks the vandalization of heritage as if the destruction of a building had greater relevance than that of its institutionality and the lives of its inhabitants.

The president of Guatemala had already faced a process for extrajudicial execution. It was saved by the will of a corrupt judicial system, just as other political and business actors capable of generously financing its impunity have been saved from convictions. However, his weak nature and his debt to his financiers at the top of the business, induce him to act like a small dictator, without any qualms about violating the constitutional framework with the sole objective of enjoying a power that does not correspond to him, since the people have expressed their rejection of him explicitly.

This president suffers from a pathological fear. There is no other explanation for his irrational behavior. His inability is such that he has avoided all forms of dialogue and consensus, shamelessly continuing a path of erratic decisions and taking advantage of his power to enrich himself personally and allow his closest circle to use the State as a safe at their disposal. . Faced with this reality, it was logical for citizens to act to demand the veto of a budget of the Nation oriented towards economic and moral bankruptcy. This demand was met with a display of police violence rarely seen in urban centers.

Now it is up to the citizens to put things in their place and recover the spaces lost during many years of passivity and tolerance. The accusations of some interested in delegitimizing the protests should not stop the flow of history, because that newly opened door should not close until the lost democracy is recovered.

Only the fear of losing provokes such desperate actions.

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