Friday, August 23, 2019

The world oligarchy meets: the G7 begins

The world oligarchy meets: the G7 begins

The seven G7 countries represent 50% of the Global GDP, so its objective is none other than the maintenance of the current economic model, which allows 26 individuals to accumulate as much wealth as the 3,800 million poorest inhabitants of the planet, which It leads us to an increasingly irremediable climatic catastrophe that does not take into account the less well-off classes, leaving them along the way.

What changes can a forum propose that does not include at least the three poorest countries, Burundi, Central African Republic and Democratic Republic of the Congo, to hear what they need? There is no real democracy without real representativeness.

The G7 must take the debate to the UN and the climate summits, it must introduce the legislative and commercial initiatives that they propose within the international governance system. The UN is the place where great consensus is sought to face global challenges, where diplomacy and real politics are practiced. Let's give way to the G193 and let the whole world speak.

Image result for images of world poverty
Demonstrations 24 and 25

While the representatives of the G7 governments meet in Biarritz from August 24 to 26, it is important to show that we are mobilizing to build another world. The mobilizations on the occasion of the G7 counter will highlight the diversity of the movements that are committed to solidarity, ecological, feminist, anti-racist, decolonial and anti-imperialist alternatives. We rely on decades of mobilization for social, fiscal and climate justice, both in the North and in the South, and we stand in solidarity with the struggles against all forms of domination and injustice.

To govern through commercial and military persuasion, the exchange of influences, at the orders of the only purely global organizations of our day.

In this context, the G7EZ organization undertakes «to respect a consensus of action that must be applied to all the mobilizations (in the camp, during the demonstration on August 24 and during the rallies in the 7 squares on August 25) of the against G7 proposed by the platforms «G7 Ez!» and «Alternatives G7», from August 19 to 26, in Hendaye, Urruña, Irún and surroundings of Biarritz «. They are the following:

    We will act with calm and determination, in a spirit of construction and resistance.

    We will not degrade anything, we will only use non-violent and peaceful methods and techniques to show our determination, we will not participate in the escalation and we will not carry out a strategy of confrontation with the police forces. In the case of police charges and violence, we will implement non-violent resistance techniques, which we will define together.

    We are committed to ensuring the safety of the people present in the scenarios of our demonstrations and actions. By our presence, our number and our cohesion, we will show that we are the solution.

    On the contrary, we oppose any attempt to recover our mobilizations for commercial, reactionary or violent purposes.

    To create favorable conditions for this framework, we demand the withdrawal of police forces from the places where all our concentrations will take place. The violent management of the Macron government against any expression of opposition is a matter of great concern for us, as is the brutality of the neoliberal system he defends, totally disproportionate to the anger expressed during the demonstrations.

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