Aleppo to Mosul: The destruction of cities in Iraq and Syria
x Nicola Hadwa, Silvia Domenech: The US regime is looting the goods and using this looting as a weapon against the Venezuelan people
Nothing more current to understand why on August 9 is celebrated the International Day of American Crimes Against Humanity, that the latest measures to achieve the economic collapse of Venezuela and asphyxiate its people, taken by US President Donald Trump. Measures aimed at freezing all assets, rights and other resources, that is, the assets of the Venezuelan government in the United States and blocking that country.
And we say that because, beyond that the Venezuelan government can be defended or condemned, or beyond the distorted image that the enormous power of disinformation that the United States has managed to create from what the Venezuelan reality is, if it is analyzed coldly In fact, that is, if we analyze what the freezing of all Venezuelan assets in the US means, there is only one qualifier to name that action. It is, without a doubt, a looting. Looting that is being perpetrated by the US government which, taking advantage of the critical situation that is going through that country - created essentially by Washington's own actions against them - and from the position of strength and power that imperialism still retains, It is seizing illegitimately and indiscriminately the property belonging to the government and the Venezuelan people, to aggravate their situation to the fullest. He is looting his assets and using this looting as a weapon against the Venezuelan people.
This way of acting, however, is not new to them as severe blockades have also imposed North Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba [1]. And the looting through the freezing of assets as a weapon has been carried out systematically, especially since 2000, either to "sanction" individuals or non-gratifying officials, such as private companies or entire towns. Examples there are many [2]. In this case it is a looting similar to the freezing that was made of billions of dollars that Libya had in the United Kingdom, in France and in the US. Money that, despite belonging to the Libyan people, has not been returned [3].
To declare, as has been done, that what President Trump is doing with these measures is to protect the poor Venezuelan people from a government that does everything wrong [4], is an insult to people's intelligence. This statement, however, also constitutes a clear and forceful proof of what "American humanism" really means for those who, like the Guaidó and company, lend themselves to facilitate a foreign power as it is, in this case , the USA, be made of the wealth of your country thus achieving its objectives.
What the US wants, what Trump and the transnationals are looking for is to seize the enormous wealth of Venezuela, one of the richest countries in the world in oil, gas, gold, lots of resources and raw materials. And that is because when the US wants a wealth, it invents a justification, generally protection of freedom, justice, human rights. And so, by humanism, then, and under the principles of humanism, a country goes and assaults militarily. And, with blood and fire, he seizes those riches. That is precisely what he wants to do in Venezuela.
But perhaps it should also be said that this "type of humanism in the North American", they have designed it themselves, because it cannot be remembered nor are there indications that the United Nations has authorized this country to become a prosecutor, the judge or the executioner of the towns. The US acts as the world's policeman without respecting anything, it could be said, on its own. Thus, the Charter of the United Nations says that a country cannot be blocked. However, the US blocked Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela. Nicaragua wants to block it now, and I try to block Bolivia. The United Nations, in its founding Charter says that the free self-determination of peoples must be respected.
The US has the luxury of changing governments wherever it wants, and now it wants to change also the Venezuelan government that, whether they like it or not, was elected by the Venezuelan people themselves, in free elections. Elections that had more than 1000 international observers, and none of them, including Americans, were able to verify fraud. The US also has the luxury of not respecting the principle of non-interference in other countries. Every day threatens how much country comes up. It has threatened China and provokes it every day, threatens and also provokes Russia and North Korea, wants to invade Iran. Invaded and has troops in Libya, in Iraq and in Syria, it has blocked a lot of countries.
EEUU trata de imponerle ahora a Venezuela la democracia a la medida norteamericana. O sea, por el bloqueo, por hambre, por enfermedades, por muerte, por el desplazamiento de la población, aplicando sus leyes de forma extraterritorial, ejerciendo su auto asignado papel de amo del mundo.
¿De qué estamos hablando?
Estamos hablando de la potencia militar más agresiva que hay en la tierra. El poder mediático y de desinformación que genera EEUU, desafortunadamente, revierte la imagen de cualquier país y hace ver de él lo que le conviene y está de acuerdo con sus intereses. Trata, no obstante, de ocultar las manchas propias. Vale la pena, entonces, en honor a la verdad, repasar algunas cifras[5] que hablan del humanismo norteamericano, sobre todo las cifras de las víctimas que ese “humanismo” ha ido dejando a lo largo de su “lucha” por llevar la democracia y “ayudar” a otros pueblos.
Así, por ejemplo, los EEUU dividieron a Corea en dos países, Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur, que hasta el día de hoy permanecen en guerra. Una guerra que mató alrededor de 3 millones de civiles y dejó inválidos a otros 320.000. El humanismo norteamericano provocó, se calcula, 5.1 millones de muertos en Vietnam entre civiles y personal militar, y dejó 462 mil inválidos causando, además, graves daños medioambientales producto del uso de agentes químicos especiales por parte de EEUU en esa guerra. El humanismo norteamericano intervino también en los conflictos de Sudán, país que había ido adquiriendo importancia estratégica para ellos dadas las vastas reservas de petróleo descubiertas en su parte sur. Y también Sudán quedó dividido. Más de 2 millones de personas murieron y más de 4 millones fueron desplazadas o tuvieron que refugiarse creándose una grave situación humanitaria, para que surgiera Sudán del Sur, aliado de EEUU, donde se encuentran casi tres cuartas partes de los yacimientos sudaneses.
El humanismo norteamericano derrocó, asimismo, al gobierno de Libia, lo invadió en nombre de la libertad y los derechos humanos, matando a 500.000 libios. Libia era el país más próspero de África. Allí estaban las mejores universidades, las mejores obras de regadío, un país de gran estabilidad económica, que prestaba dinero y ayuda a muchos países africanos. Pero para los Estados ese país tenía un problema, el 13% de las exportaciones petroleras libias iba a parar a China, país que importaba de Libia el 99.4% del petróleo crudo [6]. Hoy en día Libia es un estado fallido, ingobernable. En ese país, desde el año 2011 a la fecha, se han formado 1200 milicias distintas (o sea, grupos que participaron en el derrocamiento de Muamar el-Gadafi que se niegan a desarmarse y dar paso a un Ejército unificado). Y no hay ningún sector de Libia que esté bajo un gobierno, sólo la capital, que tiene un gobierno reconocido por las Naciones Unidas. El resto del país es un caos. Bengasi, dónde está la mayor producción de petróleo, es el único lugar del país que está protegido por las tropas de la OTAN. El resto del país, ¡que se maten entre ellos!
El humanismo norteamericano invadió Irak. Allí mataron, en nombre de la democracia alrededor de 2.400.000 hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos, y dejaron 170.000 inválidos. Allí crearon y alimentaron además a Al Qaeda y al Estado Islámico, y a toda esa basura de los corta cabezas que se ve hoy en día. En las guerras que EEUU lideró en Afganistán y Pakistán perdieron la vida 1,2 millones de personas aproximadamente, y en Somalia unas 650,000. En Siria ha dejado 30 bases militares ilegales, 600.000 muertos, 80.000 inválidos y 7 millones de refugiados esparcidos por el mundo.
EEUU es un estado que protege a otro estado, Israel, que, si bien fue creado artificialmente por las Naciones Unidas en 1947, es denunciado ahora por la propia Oficina de Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios de esa organización (OCHA) por la detención de cientos de niños palestinos cada año, quienes sufren múltiples atropellos durante ese proceso; por su Consejo Económico y Social, como violador de los derechos humanos y de las mujeres en el mundo, y por la Asamblea General por el uso excesivo, desproporcionado e indiscriminado de la fuerza contra los palestinos[7].
Es un estado que, asociado con los israelíes y Arabia Saudí, ha invadido a Yemen, dejando un rastro de cientos de miles de muertos y miles de lisiados, epidemias de cólera y otras enfermedades, también con miles de víctimas. Todo, porque no le entrega el estratégico estrecho de Bab el-Mandeb - ruta obligatoria para el transporte de petróleo a través del Canal de Suez por su conectividad con los países del golfo Pérsico, África y el Mar Mediterráneo -, a EEUU.
Syria – the laboratory for world destruction
We are actually speaking, then, of a power that is to blame, directly or indirectly, for the greatest number of deaths, hunger, diseases and misery of dozens of countries in the world. A power whose "humanism", in essence, is its antithesis. And his so-called fight for freedom, democracy, justice, human rights, is nothing more than the layer with which the US and its admirers and defenders have concealed and conceal the crimes it commits to impose itself and achieve its objectives. From a country that has the luxury of saying that it authorizes its intelligence service to commit selective killings in other countries [8]. And it does.
The USA, since 1776 when it was founded, has always been at war [9]. Of the last 211 wars that humanity has had, that country has been present in 201. It overthrows governments and puts military dictatorships and puppet governments where it occurs to them, so that they then hand over the wealth of those countries almost free of charge. Why does the US have to be in Yemen, in Korea, in Libya, in Iraq in Palestine, in Niger ...? Why do your troops have to be anywhere where there is a conflict?
The US is a genocidal country since its emergence, since it was born. How was the US built, where do current Americans come from? The current Americans do not come from the native inhabitants of America, but from the Europeans who colonized it. The native inhabitants of the US would be the descendants of Sitting Bull, or Crazy Horse - American Indian chiefs known for having led the most famous combat, the battle of Little Bighorn, in 1876, in which Sioux and Cheyenne warriors defeated the Seventh Cavalry- , or of Sequoia, the wise chief of the Cherokee, or the Apaches, the seminoles or the Nez Perce or many others [10]. Villages that were forcibly exterminated by European colonialists who arrived in North America, without regard to any species, taking them to the last piece of land. It is estimated that, upon the arrival of Europeans, there were in the US today about 1,000,000 indigenous people. In 1900, only 230,000 remained [11].
It turns out, then, that if the so-called international legality was actually respected (or perhaps it should be said “badly called,” because it only responds to the interests of the powerful and not to the interests of weak countries). If he respected it, then, the United States would have to be judged for the genocide that was committed against all the people of North America because, according to the Charter of the United Nations, crimes and crimes against humanity do not prescribe. With the aggravating factor for this country that they do not prescribe the crimes committed by him, led by his thirst for hegemony and wealth, placated with aggressions and wars that, in the name of bringing "his" democracy and "helping" other peoples, has cost and It still costs millions of dead, wounded, displaced and refugees, shattered and divided countries, poverty, disease and famine for millions of people.
However, regardless of the sympathy or not that can be had by the Venezuelan government, or by any government, there is something that perhaps we can all agree, and those that do not, at least appear to agree. And it is in the idea that all peoples have the right to live in peace, to be governed in peace without foreign interference. Therefore, it gives "shame on others", which is the worst of the shame, for being the one who feels when you are seeing that someone is doing something wrong, and you can not do anything to avoid it, while feeling in your own flesh what that we thought that same person would feel if she could see herself -. It is "ashamed of others" that, immediately after Trump announced the measures to suffocate the Venezuelan people and achieve the economic collapse of that country, the Lima Group - which is what the group of servile countries to the United States is called the latter used to Plan the aggression against Venezuela - will convene a “Conference for Democracy”. Countries whose governments have been condemned to subservience and submission to the US, which has a selfish, offensive, warlike and rapacious government. And whose current president, Donal Trump, is a white supremacist, who comes from a family that, apparently, was associated with Ku Klux Klan [12], who has labeled Latinos as trash and stupid blacks and turned racism in creed officially promoted in the US [13].
And ashamed of others because those countries are playing the role of Caines. Our world is one! Humanism refers, in essence, to the ideas and actions that express respect for human dignity, concern for the good of all men. And everything that divides men, everything that specifies them, separates or corners them, is a sin against humanity. [14]
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