Friday, August 16, 2019

The ‘US 6506148 B2’ patent is the project of using TV as a means of mind control

The human mind is usually the battlefield par excellence of the factions that dispute world power, because that is where opinions are formed and therefore the different realities and historical outcomes are forged, which must occur at different junctures for which a society could go through.

The world's top leaders are very clear that the power based on violence and repression is not sustainable over time, so they use persuasive tactics such as the 'US 6506148 B2' patent that contemplates the use of TV as a means of control mental.

Electromagnetic manipulation of the nervous system

We have always recognized the media power of TV to instill ideas and patterns of behavior in the population, through subliminal messages and psychological tactics of audiovisual suggestion, however, the patent 'US 6506148 B2' has made an unimaginable quantum leap and without unparalleled in the history of mankind, raising the mind control of the masses based on the electromagnetic manipulation of the nervous system.

This American project has proposed that the electromagnetic waves emitted by the TV console can be programmed, with an amplitude that could reach all that are present in a room or room in front of the TV, in order to remotely induce certain thoughts or sensations in people, in response to the programming that is being presented.

The scientific and technological basis of this patent is essentially the same as that implemented in remote control devices, since it involves inducing psychological responses in people at an unconscious level and modifying their reactions, trends and behaviors by means of electromagnetic waves as if I was changing the signal of a television channel.

If the operators of this perverse system want to sell you an idea, however cruel, inhuman or absurd it may be, they simply put it on TV and activate the sensors of your nervous system that induce you the feeling of approval, which you usually feel when you are Agree with something and in that way manipulate your mind remotely making you feel sympathy for the proposed idea.

Today you have the possibility of contributing to stop this atrocity by simply sharing this article on your social networks and in that way, get this perverse project unveiled before the world.

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