Thursday, October 13, 2016


Aboriginal girls at most risk of sexual violence in province's care: report
Government evils existed in the world over centuries, and still existing today. IN CANADA HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN WERE FOREVER SILENCED, their lives are cut short and their promising futures annihilated. We must never forget, for "those Whose Lives Were destroyed, also by Those That Have to suffer for the rest of Their Lives.” The past are condemned to repeat it.

Children's watchdog says 121 children and youth experienced sexual abuse between 2011 and 2014
The provincial government says there are standards in place to assess caregivers

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Over 120 children in BC government care were sexually assaulted between 2011 and 2014, and not all of the cases were reported to police.

The latest report from the Representative for Children and Youth is calling for more support for the victims.

Of the 121 victims, 109 were girls. Aboriginal girls account for 74 of the cases. That amounts to 61 per cent of the total cases, even though Aboriginal girls account for 25 per cent of all children in care. Ages of the victims range from three to 18 years old.

The perpetrators were mostly known to their victims. They were foster parents, friends or acquaintances, and peers of their victims. There were cases involving strangers, but much of the violence involves people known to the children in care.

Children’s Representative Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond calls that finding significant. “(It’s) not inconsistent with what we’ve seen before, but significant meaning we have an ongoing issue around that and that speaks to the quality of supervision, supports, accreditation, engagement and review of safety within foster care and also the intense vulnerability of the children in care.”

The majority of the attacks happened in a private residence or placement, but there were cases involving adolescents assaulted in public places like parks. This type of “sexual victimization” was more likely to happen in larger cities like Vancouver and Surrey.

Turpel-Lafond says it’s troubling to not one-third of the perpetrators were other children in care. She says this element presents a safety risk. “Certainly, the pressures around protecting children as the responses to that type of peer-on-peer violence can mean simply removing one of the children and replacing them in another residence, but placing them in another residence may not adequately address the safety of other children and youth in the new residence.”

When it comes to how these incidences were responded to, Tuprel-Lafond says the level of government support wasn’t always the same and it wasn’t always enough. “The level of supports and services that they received varied, but were mostly minimal, were mostly transitory and some of the victims were victimized multiple times.”

The report found 12 of the cases were not forwarded to police. Turpel-Lafond suspects there are more cases out there which go unreported and the real number has the potential to be higher.

The Representative is calling on BC’s Justice Minister to set up Child Advocacy Centres around the province to offer help to victims. Turpel-Lafond says centres like this specifically for Aboriginal children should be the first priority.

BC’s minister of children and families thanks the representative for the work and has reiterated a number of changes it has made to improve the conditions for children in care. They include higher standards for social workers and revised protocols for responding to reports of abuse.

Stephanie Cadieux isn’t able to say if they’ll implement the main recommendations. “It’s horrific when any child is abused and certainly for those in our care, we have a duty to do everything we can to protect them. So, we’ll take a look at the advice in the report.” 
The NDP meanwhile is calling for funding to be increased so social workers can better monitor children in care.

Genocide: Canada Aboriginal Children Murdered with Kevin Annett 1/2

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