Canada is a country of heinous crimes of grief and mourning, a land of human misery without any hope. An ocean of human tragedy, that their fierce waves drag millions of shattered lives. Nadir Siguencia
“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is
predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its
achievements are insignificant.” - H. L.
Mencken“Obamaleft inRidiculousbyRafaelCorrea”Victor Hugo Ballen ReyesIt's the truth; the Americansshould set an exampleof respectfor human rightsand democracy,
non-intervention in the internal affairsof each country, respecting their sovereignty.Angel Wilson Fuentes MartilloECUADORWORTHY, FREE AND
SOVEREIGNCARAJO.-... "BarackObamaINTERNATIONALSHAME"jhuvenal huaman hualpaPresidentRafaelCorreaart myadmiration, hopefullyin Latin Americawillcontinue
to formleaderslike you, soyou have tosay things withthe truth andno more liesof capitalist governments manipulatorsand commitabuses againstdefenselesspeoples.Carlos Ivan M.VargasA Colombian that moredeeplyadmiresPresidentCorrea! Thisif it isa realhonestleader
whofights for his[people
and not for theirpersonal interestsandgroupsof
oligarchs! People like himare
therequired by society. Thatgreatman!!!!!Deep admirationand respect for him...always in my heart.
"Communitarian Clinic fundedwith government money" works for thegovernment Carajo?QueenStreetandBayStreet,APPROPRIATEPLACETO REPORTTHEBRUTALITYANDINJUSTICECOMMITTED
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