Thursday, November 21, 2013


GOVERNMENT, which criminalizes and imprisons POOR PEOPLE FOR SELLING DRUGS ON THE STREET? BUT WHO MAY CRIMINALIZE AND SEND to prison to the government who sell drugs to addicts.                                                                                                       - REHABILITATION FROM THE STATE!                                                                  GOBIERNO, que criminaliza y encarcela PERSONAS POBRES POR VENDER DROGAS EN LA CALLE”  Pero ¿Y quién podría criminalizar y enviar a la cárcel al gobierno que vende drogas a los adictos.                

                                                                            Canadian parents; it’s time to save our children, from the brutality of these (Nazis) criminals, Health of Canada and mental health workers, are harming children and adults by lifetime.  Drugging of children and others for profit is a reality in this country! For many decades, these beasts are conducting psychiatric experiments with children, torturing, brutalizing and causing a permanent mental and physical damage especially in children. The mental y physical destruction of children is taken place, in elementary and secondary schools, when parents are complaining about the lack of universal education. As well in poor communities, CAS foster care, and group homes. The so called rehabilitation centers, operated by Heath Canada and private institutions across the nation; are harmfully to people addicted to the drugs.

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