Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The age of mind control

                                  The age of mind control

 By Raúl Allain: Information and communication technologies are leading human society to a new paradigm of coexistence, where the virtual every day gains ground in all daily activities, passing through science, politics, electronic commerce, teleeducation and all the mass persuasion systems never seen before. 

As I have been arguing in my articles, today it is public in nature that scientific research is predominantly focused on the study of the human brain and mind - and, therefore, the behavior of individuals.

 But there are secret intentions. The media have reported that the multinational IBM has been carrying out experiments in neuroscience (quite questioned, by the way) using new technologies such as the implantation of brain nanobots in patients. 

 In the essay: "Human Brain Project: Are there secret experiments with humans in Latin America?" (, David Salinas Flores - visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - warns about this problem, raising the alarm about the existing forced and illicit human experimentation. 

 The researcher points out that there is evidence that there is a network of illegal experimentation with people that the Human Brain Project (HBP) has organized in association with some corrupt governments in Latin America and with the participation and cover-up of certain press.

 This network would be developing a forced and secret human neuroscientific experimentation with brain implants and nanobots, with which the real source of information from the map of the human brain would be obtained, at the cost of health and violating the privacy of Latin Americans.

 "The long list of illegal medical experiments and corrupt governments in Latin America that have officially allowed them, forces doctors to be alert, investigate and report possible inhuman neuroscientific experiments that are being carried out in the Human Brain Project," says Salinas.

 The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a medical-scientific and technological project funded by the European Union and directed by Henry Makram, whose objective is to artificially reproduce the characteristics of the human brain, supposedly for medical purposes. 

 This is not science fiction. It is a fact that these corporations, allegedly allied with corrupt governments in Latin America, are conducting illicit experiments with humans to develop the True North neuromorphic chip in children's hospitals in Mexico, with a view to creating the first artificial brain, all financed with more than 1,000 millions of dollars.

 In this scenario, Peru - a country where corruption reigns and it is even known that there are mafias of organ traffickers -, I have strong reasons to suspect that our country could become a "human farm" for trials in the near future. high-risk technology.

 Very close to our territory, in the neighboring country of Ecuador, there is another Silicon Valley called "Yachay", where IBM would be experimenting with rural communities, using "TIC" (initials for information and communication technology) as a front term. in order to achieve electronic human interconnectivity, and possibly implement digital slavery. 

As I have already affirmed in my essays on the attempts at mind and body control, we can affirm that the Human Brain Project is a new face of the MK Ultra Project started in the fifties, and that now it is being sophisticated through invasive neurotechnology such as implants brain or nanorobots in poor countries.

 It is of the utmost importance for humanity to analyze the legal, ethical, political, ecological and economic consequences of mind-body control through the use of Hertzian waves, which means the greatest crime in history against the populations of the planet and must be stopped. 

 The main consequence derived from the conduction and manipulation of electromagnetic frequencies is global warming. But in addition, the Hertzian waves are invading our subconscious and affecting our way of life. 

 The operation "antennae" (as I called it) bends man and the earth's surface is also perverted, causing an accelerated increase in the global average temperature, which many call the "greenhouse effect". This sinister conjunction corrupts the individual and his ecosystem, upsets reality and its socio-historical development, generating a decrease in life expectancy.    

Faced with this situation, it is worth asking ourselves how people who feel threatened or violated can exercise their right to report this harassment. In what instances could they do it? By what means of proof? Under what legislation or regulation of the Penal Code? 

There is a deficiency of great historical dimension of a Public Human Right in relation to the mental-corporal control, but that inevitably becomes more and more necessary to conceptualize. In Spain, in cases of mental persecution, victims of electronic harassment cite my article "Electromagnetic machinations: violation of human rights and the private sphere" as a supporting and referential document (

 Let's hope that soon in our country and in the world legislation will be debated and enacted to safeguard the right of people not to become victims of electromagnetic bend.

 Raúl Allain. Writer, poet, editor and sociologist. President of the Peruvian Youth Institute (IPJ) and director of Editorial Río Negro

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