The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. - Edmund Burke
x Marcos Roitman Rosenmann: The messages of the political power are clear: if someone has to survive, it is not the people, it is the system
It is so obvious that we don't see it. The human has long been dying. The pandemic has not brought out the best in us, rather it reveals the miseries of an individualism that eats away the foundations of any social species: cooperation for the common good and, in the case of Homo sapiens sapiens, for a decent life. When death becomes the political reason to keep the population cohesive, the Covid-19 is not the objective, it is its carriers.
Reality gives no reason for optimism. The messages of the political power are clear: if someone has to survive, it is not the people, it is the system. The virus is not affected by social distinctions, although it is the class structure that prevails. The most vulnerable, the unprotected, the damned of the earth, are the first to fall. Today, doctors, despite themselves, are forced to decide in the absence of artificial respirators, in Spain and Italy, who has the right to be intubated and, therefore, more options to get ahead.
Our societies, concerned with preventing euthanasia, now practice eugenics.
The Community of Madrid forces health workers, despite being infected, to continue in their posts, contaminating patients, while the private health company, HM, with 17 hospitals and 21 clinics, requests its staff to take vacations , ask for low incentives, permits, leave of absence or reduce working hours.
Meanwhile, criticism of China intensifies, devaluing the success in stopping the pandemic. Better dead than under the communist yoke. The West praises the system of individual, market freedoms, private property and the free movement of people (sic). Hunger, social inequality, exploitation or the sale of human beings are considered inalienable achievements. Our deaths from the Covid-19 will do so due to lack of material. It is the freedom to choose! The anti-communist discourse points out: China is a society subjected to digital control through big data that prevents privacy.
In our societies, digital control of big data does not work? The military have taken over large cities and control the population. Even Spain requests the support of NATO. I advise reading Éric Sadin: The silicolonization of the world. The irresistible expansion of digital liberalism and Humanity increased. The digital administration of the world.
In our societies, he says, “little by little an algorithmic governmentality emerges and not only that which allows political action to be determined based on an infinity of statistics and projective inferences, but even that which 'secretly' governs numerous collective situations and individual. It is the indefinitely adjusted form of an 'electronic administration' of life, whose intentions of protection, optimization and fluidification depend in fact on an undeclared, impersonal, although expansive and structuring political project. It is the emergence of a ubiquitously distributed technique policy that is characterized only by the intelligence of the present time and the immediate future, since it is programmed to analyze, in the here and now, an infinity of situations, and to suggest or decide relevant solutions in the best possible way. ”
Following the pandemic, a capitalism better equipped for digital domination will emerge. Differentiating between China and the West, under the binomial totalitarianism versus individual liberties, is not very serious. Every political regime is an order of domination. Should we remember it? We will live a period of social mourning that will unite three generations: millennial, postmillennial and those over 65 years of age. They will share an unimaginable experience due to its global dimension in social, economic, political and cultural terms. Survivors will look askance at the rest of the humans, they will isolate themselves and verbal communication will lose strength.
In quarantine, we feel solidarity. We are prey to the myth of the eternal return. Every December 31 we swear to be a better person, and within a few days we have already abandoned the objectives set. Now we get drunk on good intentions. Improve health, decrease inequality, deprivatize essential services, greater social investment. But without political will, nothing will be. The guidelines go in that direction.
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