Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The collective gag

The stratagems of fascist power circles pass over civil rights, crush constitutional texts, break the delicate fabric of human values ​​and end up transforming societies into huge masses of beings fearful of abuse and violence institutionalized In the end, faced with this atmosphere of uncertainty, societies end up accepting a new state of affairs where their voice does not affect. The dictators of today have an overwhelming psychological effect, but above all a lethal effect on the trust with respect to democratic systems.The collective gag

At what time and how has the voice of the people weakened? How has such a level of intimidation been allowed against societies whose objectives seem to be focused on civil liberties? In this struggle for human rights it is easy to observe how certain defections begin to occur; for example, politicians whose discourse is gradually transformed into an ode to hate through which they modify the citizen's perception of possible solutions to their survival problems. Then, this misinformed and skillfully manipulated citizenship is described as "poor facho" without digging into the deep causes that have led it to yield to such a bundle of lies.

In this route, one after the other, proposals of a social nature fall, under the same label used profusely during the Cold War. That is, public policies aimed at greater inclusion of the majority in State decisions, better budgets for the essential items such as health, housing, education, food and culture, greater participation of communities in decisions about projects of exploitation of resources and , above all, a more active presence of women in institutional and political life, are seen as setbacks by the most powerful sectors.

The fascism crude and without dissimulation entrenched in more and more countries should call to reflect on the reasons for such a fall of citizens' rights. It is imperative to ask why societies are falling into the search for repressive and openly discriminatory systems, because perhaps there is the answer to identify the breaking point that has led societies to pursue a path of violence and hatred, enrichment for some and misery for all others.

In this insane route the first victims are the rule of law and justice. From that point, when these regimes are consolidated thanks to their repressive methods, they turn their gaze to the weakest sectors in terms of rights and annul them. This is how the role of women in political and intellectual circles begins to narrow until it almost disappears, thus consolidating the old patriarchal pattern, for whose survival it is essential to impose a system of domination and submission on the majority of the population. In the same sense, childhood and youth are considered nurseries from which it is easy to reproduce an ideology related to the pretensions of imposing and perpetuating the dominant system.

Image result for Cartoons mediacontrolInformation and, therefore, education and culture are the worst enemies of fascism. Control of the media, censorship of books and any means of disseminating ideas becomes a priority for these deadly enemies of intelligence and free societies. Our countries have already lived through those hells and are horrified to see how those old ghosts are returning today.

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