Sunday, October 4, 2015


There are nations, where people live in captivity, fear and silence. I believe, one day from prison camps and torture cells and from exile the leaders of freedom will emerge. The world should stand with those oppressed people until the day of their freedom finally arrives.  
 .- Tsakhiagiin Elbegdory

AN INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY: Where civilians may resort when no one can provide the elementary protection of their constitutional rights? How can the public enforce their own policy on those who put themselves above the law! Asking these questions is fundamental to begin a discussion on the subject of "National Human Rights." The grim problems that people face about Police Violence, or those who are victims of the criminal policies of the Children`s Aids Societies. Like mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina under the brutal military junta are the result of the uses and misuses of force and violence by those who control the government apparatus,  state and private agencies at any given time. This is something to keep in mind when we consider human rights and the endless struggle to preserve them. Isn`t the right time to discuss the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Children’s Aid Societies on national level!
The course of actions chosen by the Toronto and the Catholic Children`s Aids Societies for revising the Public policy spelled out of statute is a clear treat to democracy and human rights. Parents are prejudiced and put in the position of being second-class citizens, deprived of choices and options available to the majority of the population. Children`s Aid Societies are free from responsibility or obligations imposed on them by the statutes. Courts do not follow the rules and procedures proscribed by the family and criminal process. False and fabricated allegations are admitted as fact without supporting evidence, contrary to the evidence act. The heavy weight of responsibility for the Societies actions, are carried by the parents who are ordinary people trapped in tragic situations.
Unfortunate victims of these atrocities are facing the severity of the emotional trauma connected to the loss of loved ones, especially the loss of children. At the same time the parents are forced into struggle with the state. These processes are beyond the merits of "CIVIL ACTIONS" but rather comparable to the kind of "prosecutions" performed by the Spanish Inquisitions or German Nazism. It is financially and psychological exhausting to the parents and their families. “The state is at war with especially with defenseless families.”  Are children given a chance to survive the torture and trauma which they experience for live at the hands of the GESTAPO social workers" Caregivers of hell! Is to be up to the "scientists" to determine? Chances are about equal to surviving “THE NAZISM CONCENTRATION CAMPS" Only the lucky ones got away. The government leaders and agencies who approve torture and the tortures themselves are human`s beings too. They too love their families. They don`t see themselves are villains but as patriots. They think torture they inflict in service of Child Trafficking can break the spirit of children and parents. They refuse to recognize that their victims are humans too.
Who provide the "Children Aids Societies" the right to revise the public policy and torture Children and parents? Certainly or hopefully not the Public!

MRS. Minister Tracy MacCharles: The Nazis in the concentration camps showed more humanity with the children because by sending the victims to the gas chambers were putting an end its suffering?


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