Thursday, January 15, 2015

Toronto Sunnybrook and St Joseph Hospitals "expressways of martyrs”

Visitor: Pardon for Whom! Or Pardon for the state genocides?


                                                                         Canadian Al Qaeda’s: Network of Terror?
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"Sunnybrook and St. Joseph hospitals" are the same hells of Abu-Ghraib and Guantanamo!                                                                                                              Crimes are being perpetrated in the Sunnybrook and St. Joseph hospitals by doctors and the health care workers, these actions of horrors has created a debacle in regard to human rights violations. The metro Toronto police with the help of physicians and others health hospital workers have been using these infernos of abuse and torture to subject to the patients and social activists to the unimaginable and indescribable acts of brutality and torture committed in this nation. Overwhelming evidence confirm that the lives of the patients in the Sunnybrook and St Joseph hospitals are in constant risk, because the doctors are not following their Hippocratic Oath swear to uphold the specific ethical standards. These illegal methods of torture which are inflicted intentionally in patients to cause severe physical pain and mental suffering can be compared with the horrifying tortures carry out at the infamous prisons of Abu-Ghraib and Guantanamo. If you do not give credit on the abuse, torture, and the intention of murdering a patient/s in the Sunnybrook or St Joseph hospitals! Please feel free to contact the archives department of the mentioned hospitals, or Dr. Hans Kreder can provide with truthful information.                                                                                                                                       Next: "Testimony and the names of the police, doctors, and other health workers"
Canadian Al Qaeda’s: Network of Terror?Attempting with the health of my son!                                                                        I love with my life my children...                     

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