Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Canada is a country of heinous crimes of grief and mourning, a land of human misery without any hope. An ocean of human tragedy, that their fierce waves drag millions of shattered lives. Nadir Siguencia

    We send our fraternal and revolutionary greetings to ours friends, colleagues, comrades, Social Organizations, political parties, Governments and Institutions which are connected through the network of Facebook. Also our thanks for the moral support in our daily struggle for denouncing the horrifying human rights violations, committed in Canada in children and immigrant families. For years unsuccessfully the repressive forces of this country, have tried to silence us, in ours denunciations by means of mental and physical torture. But ready again to continue exposing to the world the truth of the abuses that the Canadian government and Its Institutions are committing every day in poor families and immigrants from around the world. This time the immortal "Bob Marley," Brings a beautiful song called Buffalo Soldier, His Lyrics Reflect the tyranny of enslavement of Their African countrymen, and how They Were Treated and abused in the new lands usurped by force by the European settlers.  
Public Library of Duffering/St Clair Please...                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Treacherous CANADIAN MASS MEDIA: “WORKERS FROM THE CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETIES, POLICE, AND THE JUDGES FROM THE PUTRID CANADIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM, THEY ARE BREAKING DOWN OUR FAMILIES MERCILESSLY”

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