Wednesday, April 30, 2014

“Canadian Media Accomplices of Crimes against Humanity”

TREACHEROUS MEDIA ARE BRINGING THE TRUTH OF THE HUMAN CARNAGE IN THE COURTHOUSES?                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                                     “COURTS OF JUSTICE OR

SLAUGTHERESS COURTROOMS”                    

Currently in the Old City Hall Court, it is conducting the trial of police officer James Forcillo, accused of the extrajudicial execution of the young Syrian -Canadian, Sammy Yatim. The videotape that exposed to the public, explains the murder of this young boy at the hands of the police, this crime was completely unnecessary,  because the officer Forcillo or the police force, at no time they were in a dangerous situation, or with a dangerous individual. The use of the firearms by the police on the humanity of Sammy Yatim, "the use of a taser with high voltages of electricity in the lifeless body of Sammy Yatim, is a crime against humanity" These crimes of lesa humanity have to be brought to an International Tribunal of Justice.  As usual the mass media in this country, they depart from its duty of bring to the readers and listeners, the development of the trial hearings performed in one of the most putrid courts of this country, The Old City Hall Courtrooms. The lack of coverage by the mass media in this criminal process, demonstrates again, that the media in this country are accomplices of crimes against humanity, and are part of the impunity for state crimes.
 Evidence... aqui viene.
The mass media are manipulating every day the readers? The judiciary, court guards, and the police from the Brampton Court, are hiding the real motives for the bloodshed?  "Only the Video Recordings from the Surveillance Cameras, Recorded Audio Tapes, and Transcripts of the Hearings of the Brampton Courtrooms, may Reveal the Truthful Facts of the Brampton police Carnage"

Friday, April 25, 2014

Inside the dark legacy of the Canadian Police Force; Unnecessary Beatings on Detainees and public Executions!

The Gestapo: A History of Horror?

 Toronto Police! A History of Horrors!!!
The public execution of Sammy Yatim by the officer James Forcillo, make us to understand the nature of the atrocious crimes committed by the police. What evils can do, on their own fellow citizens, without receiving punishment for their crimes?  The Toronto police force throughout the years, they were practicing police brutality, and were showing to be part of a vile collection of criminals, thugs, misfits, sadists, and kidnapers, bound together by their racist philosophy, of beating the detainees, and to commit massacres in vulnerable people. Their love to the practice of hate makes them: the stronger their stranglehold on power; the more monstrous are their crimes. Impunity of the crimes committed by the police, on civilians in this country remains a source of major concern. Some members of the police force were charged and prosecuted for their delinquencies by the judges, from the lower courts, but never convicted for their crimes. The police; perpetrators of great abuses, unjustifiable crimes, continue evading to be convicted, and jailed, for their atrocious crimes.