Tuesday, December 28, 2010




The Police are not only oppressors of daily brutality in the poor neighborhoods; they are also masters of sadistic atrocities, traumatizing children and parents. When this brute force detained people in the streets, regulary beat the detainees unmercifully and frequently shot and kill them at random, Showing scenes of horror, that can shock savages? and. "Creating terror in the minority's people" The well documented files from social activists, shows the harrasament, intimidation, brutal assaults, persecution, torture, intent to assessinate human rights defenders (Files at tha Attorney General Office, Provincial Courts, Superior Court, Appeal Court of Ontario.

I WOUL LIKE TO BRING SOME CASES OF EXCESSIVE VICIOUSNESS AND CARNAGE. ROBERT DZIEKANKI a Polish immigrant was tasered to death at the Vancuver airport, on october 14, 2007; the video posted in "You Tube" shocked the people of the world. Jean Pierre lizotte, Otto Vass, Charles Mc Gillivary; brutaly beaten to death by the police. Lester Donalson, Dudley George, Faraz Sulema, Edmond Yu, Jeffrey Reodica, Luis Antonio "Tony" Vega, Tony Romagnuolo, shot to death by the Police. Sophya Cook shot but still alive, however partially paralyzed. These actions of Police violence, display the government licence to kill and the fate of people in this country. POLICE INVESTIGATING POLICE THIS IS AN ONGOING FARCE?

The Canadian Government and the Justice System, until now failed to respond effectively, the overwhelming public demand to end the inpunity, and stop the Police Brutality in Canada. Although some police officers were charged and prosecuted, however were exonerated by the Judges from any wrongdoing. Regardless the well documented evidence from witness, court files, inquires.....

The Media in countries around the world, play an important role denouncing human rights abuses. But the same cannot say concerning "The Canadian Media in Canada" until the present time are guilty to cover-up the brutal human rights violations in this country. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are reporting these crimes? We ask the International Community to help us, to denounce the mass human rights abuses, committed every day in Canada, for the Police and Children's Aids Societies. Preventing these catastrophes to happen again especially against the vulnerable children, women, seniors, and mankind.

I would like to share the dreams and hopes to get Justice. Go to a Legal Clinic from your Community, speak with your MPP, write a letter to the Ombudsman, get a Lawyer of your chice, file a Police Complain-go to the Hell. Fellows if you are living with the faith that; our legal cases can be resolved in the International Criminal Court? This is no more, than a day by day dream.



Every day, dayy I keep dancing and dancingg arounddd??

Inside, insidee; the same circus, same circuss, and circleee

File, filee a police complain, complainnn con todas las de leyyyy

Police investigating Police? Police Brutality? Go. Go, to the hellll

I live and live, day by day, with dreams and hopes, hopessss?

Write a letter, a polite letter to Mr. Ombudsmen, Ombudsmenn

He is sitting in Queen's Park Queen'ss Parkk to firmness injusticess

Ombudsman working for the Provincial Government, Governmentt

Imagination, imagination, up to the Federal Housee of Commonsss

Wriiite a letter or speak with your MPpp of your neighborhoood?

He is addressing speeches and speechees, Canada a Democratic countryy

where every citizeen is protected by the rule of law, by the rulee of lawww?

This is a mockery, cruel mockeryy; that never work, not one soul, with no onee

Reaching and reaching the zenithhh. The Internationall Criminal Courttt?

Lordss, Godss, Honourss, I give to you, the years of my broken heart, and bussiness files

Ja, ja, jajaja. Cold room, cold room, years, years and years of hope and bad dreamsss



YES, one application for freedom of information

For my frosted files of panic, agony and terror

Freedom, the looting and embezzling freedom

Freedom imaginary, inconsistent and fictional

I do not what to do with all this freedom, freedom.

Freedom of Information for the people of this nation Freedom of Information, freedom of the Justice System

This freedom is killing the Canadian autocracy

With the honor’s judges from the provincial courts

The nobles honor’s from the Superior courts

And the three aristocrats from the Court of Appeal

Where our appeal’s ends, covering up the countless offenses

High Court Judge’s accomplices of delinquencies and crimes

Brothers, Immigrants you are coming from the different nations of this land?

We bring in our heart and soul, diversity religions, belong to our faith…

Law of God: Law of Justice, to respect and follow by the people of this planet

Law of our Land a tyrannical law that never works, because is dictated by the man

Macabre Legislation in the Courtrooms of this country

Bloody business in the hands, hammers of the judges in the courtrooms

Act which destroys our lives, pain that we feel in our heart and soul

Bureaucrats’ freedom! For how long when we have to endure this slavery.

Freedom of information can I make a Question please now

When are going to proceed with disclosure of my complete file of documents Appealing at the highest court of this country. The Supreme Court of Canada

I would like to let you know. The Appeal Court is how far we can go. Dreamer!

So I got from Marlene Guillis, the Deputy Coordinator of freedom of Information the page 16 from the Minister of Correctional Services files. This is inconceivable?

From the thousands of Correctional documents at the different Institutions or

Jails around the province, “Canadian Caravans of Horror and Torture”

Mr. Siguencia in possession of the Minister of Corrections

Only two hundred and fifty documents, two hundred fifty…?

What a tomorrow is another day and ready

Co-worker shut the lights and sealed the office doors now

Thank you, Thank you, and thank you very and very much.

And admiration, my veneration and respect for yours devotion

To the Freedom, Freedom, and Freedom of this province

Privacy Commissioner: of this wonderfully Jurisdiction?

Nadir Siguencia

Listen to what they did.

listen to what’s to come.

listen to the blood.

Listen to the drum.

- James Fenton

Friday, July 2, 2010

To Be or Not to Be


I’m revealing to the people of the world, the crimes committed by the CAS workers, inhuman delinquencies against the Canadian civilian population. We never imagined that such cruelty, bestiality and savagery could exist in these immoral employees. How some architects with criminal minds obeyed the orders from the Metro Toronto “Gestapo” Police without recourse than their own conscience to persecute, intimidate, torture and destroy our families. In the Canadian ground lay more than fifty thousand native children who were killed in the cruellest form. And tens of thousands of immigrant children and families which every year are destroyed by the Children’s Aids Societies, Police and the corrupted Criminal and Family Courts.

The Children’s Aids Societies Agencies are no more than criminal organizations, who had been engaged to commit countless atrocities against social activists and the lives of poor families.

After twelve years of anguish finally I expose the names of the C.A.S. workers, individuals who are the living symbols of terrorism, sadism, racial hatred and destruction of the family.

FRANZ NORITZ - REAL NAME - FRANCISCO NARIS - Inca blood from a small town of 500 people, province, Azuay, Ecuador, person who Ger-man-ized his name from Francisco Naris to Franz Noritz, because of his criminal desires in Canada. This Social Worker is one of the “cruellest beasts and terrorists from the CAS” always determined to realize “his ambitions” exhausting brutal methods of coercion, alienated my children from the parents, mental and physical torture inflexed to our family. His unsuccessful threats to send my son Enver to a group home is the living proof of his cowardice. This social worker cooperated with the Metro Toronto “Gestapo” Police to be part of the vicious torture of my son Enver at the sergeant Michel house. For the crimes committed against our complete family he was promoted in his job. (Police, C.A.S., Criminal, Family Court files, photos, letters and witness are proving the vile collection of this thug).

ROB MCMULLEN - This brute collaborate with sadism with the Metro Toronto “Gestapo” Police in the kidnapping and agony of my two children. Later he showed his hate, brutality torturing my children Edward 4 years old, Paul 11 months old. He forced me to see how my children were destroyed psychologically and physically by him and his Agency C. A. S. During a home visitation Rob McMullen told me the sarcastic remarks, referring to Edward “ha, ha, ha, your son is a genius”. (Audio tape, photographs, video tape, wittiness, files from C.A.S., Criminal and Family Courts.)

DANIELLA WARNING - A monstrous person, architect figure for the kidnapping of my two children. Very cold women ready to cooperate with the police, direct accomplice of the torture and destruction of my children. Her sadism and duty was to play the good and the ugly, exhausting the mental anguish against my wife with cruelty. Photos taken by this C.A.S. worker show the psychological condition of my wife, the same are in her files and is a proof of her bestiality against our family.

KAREN CLARK - Typical Gestapo worker prone of perversity full of arrogance and cruelty, ready to intimidate the bravest. Her training in the School of the Americas or Canadian Schools at that time never worked with me, because I am educated every single day in the Canadian schools of social injustice. At this time she felt powerless to cooperate with the Regal Road Public School Principal, Vice - Principal and Metro Toronto “Gestapo” Police who were torturing my son Edward.

PATSY HAMILTON DIABO - Social worker from the C.A.S. who was trying to buy a statement from my family by inviting them to the McDonald’s for French fries, hamburgers and ice cream. (Trial transcripts Old City Hall)

JEAN PEASAH – I’m going to investigate more about her role in the torture of my son Enver. (Dr. Daniel Fitzgerald medical report)

DR. DANIEL FITZGERALD, Ph.D., C. Psych – A Doctor Who work with tortures in violation of their Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm” is the vilest moral monster who has committed my son Enver to severe mental torture, given false diagnosis. This ruthless torturer has a warped sense of righteousness – the idea that social activists are dangerous to bring the true of “Human Rights Violations” in this country. In our case he assisted the Children’s Aids Society and Metro Toronto “GESTAPO” Police; “We must be broken and defeated in service of the state”.

Over the years I listened the words allegations, I don’t recall inside the courtrooms, which I am well aware. The accusations made by myself against these tormentors I will prove with facts and part of this evidence are in the hands of the Judges of the North York 47 Sheppard, Toronto 311 Jarvis, Old City Hall 60 Queen Street West, Downsview 1000 Finch West, 361 Superior Courts and Attorney General Office.

The named C.A.S worker’s are no more than a bunch of sadists whom should be held accountable for their fierce tactics, vicious crimes and tried in a court of law. Until now they could be committing more abhorrent crimes causing real harm to other families? I can’t forgive this criminal gang who brutalized my children and my wife. Personally I don’t feel anymore fear, silence of a torture survivor. Us a human rights activist I would denounce to the people of the world “Breaking the frosted wall of silence”.

Our complete story will be very soon aired, and finally our nightmares are going to be publicized with facts and ten of thousands of documents.

The Canadian Media is guilty to cover-up all the despicable crimes committed by the Children’s Aids Societies, Metro Toronto “Gestapo” Police, Family and Criminal Courts.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Courts of Justice or Slaughter Houses
To the children, men and women of this country, who suffer, powerlessly and desperately, lost somewhere in the Canadian Justice System. We would like to bring to your attention the decades of atrocious persecution, corruption and crimes committed against us by the Criminal, Family Court Judges and Prosecutors. The struggle for justice makes us to denounce, the brutal years of oppression at their hands. Our story is freeing all our family from the savagery of injustices, which my children my wife and me, went trough in the Canadian Courtrooms. Where our corrupted tortures tried in different occasions to destroy the complete family. It's time to describe and denounce how the Canadian Legal System heavily favors, The Children's Aids Societies, Police, Prosecutors and Probation Officers, given them Immunity and Protecting them from Accountability, even when their crimes are well documented by the Judges from the Provincial and Superior Courts. You will see with facts how the Legal System creates opportunities for innocent people to be convicted of false crimes, sent to jail to be brutally tortured and to get criminal record. For many years we are sharing personal stories of oppression, these changes help us to promote the consciousness necessary for activism to happen. What we have learned over the years denouncing the Justice System in the streets of Toronto, the brutality against the poor is color green - money. This is cold, hard reality that frequently determines specially the lives of our children. All the victims of oppressive experiences condemn the racist and fascist trauma. When we are focusing the courts unfairness, without fear and our vigor. Citizens of the world you can judge and see the real face of this Corrupted Canadian Justice System.
Family Court at 47 Sheppard Ave. E. (with facts)
Our Children - Our Families - Our Brothers - Our Blood