The false consciousness of an inverted world | Editorial May
By: ABP | Editorial May
Today humanity, in this stage of capitalism as the highest stage of imperialism, is experiencing a new period of obscurantism as was the Middle Ages. The economic elites, made up and represented by some 600 multinationals at the most, have imposed an all-encompassing globalization, enveloping our societies with their thought and worldview.
Technology in the hands and at the service of these gentlemen has been part of the vehicles used to achieve these objectives: Win over the human mind. Alienation, the creation of a virtual world and a new ideological superstructure, dialectically divorced from the economic model that exists today, have accelerated this process.
Knowledge through science and technology in the last 200 years has advanced exponentially in all fields, creating and discovering new areas unknown until today.
It is paradoxical that, faced with this reality, the majority of the world's population lacks education, where knowledge remains esoteric. Science in its process of knowledge is simplifying under the methodology of verification and rejection and thus incorporating the new.
But contradictorily, this simplification is taken and incorporated by meeting the needs of the capitalist market and being applied to the world of merchandise in its degradation, both materially and spiritually, based on what the market considers effectiveness and efficiency. And it is that we are facing a contradiction in this phase that generates capital concentrated in an ultra minority, becoming the owners of science, technology, wage earners, and ideas, placing them in that market to obtain more Profits.
The exacerbation of individualism as an attribute of "freedom" and Christian free will has become the norm in the behavior of a large part of our societies, manifesting itself as obstacles to true human needs, which can only be overcome when production serves to humanity and capital stops creating and exploiting false human needs.
Putting the subject to participate in this encompassing globalization creates a situation of unique participation in that world, in which social classes apparently do not exist and therefore neither does class struggle.
He is the guy who, being a worker on a plantation, has a plastic card to access the bank even though he only has pennies. He is the same guy who has a Huawei even though he doesn't have minutes to communicate. Or have access to a television news program or a sport that a worker in Paris and a Yankee peasant watches at the same time.
Being able to have access to these technologies "equalizes" you and makes you "free" as part of that globalized world.
To that extent, capital has been concentrating more, the middle layers have been disappearing in economic terms, becoming poorer, and resorting to "multi-employment" to survive, in some cases proletarianizing themselves, but maintaining their petty-bourgeois habits.
It is a layer that has never been a middle class because it has never existed as a class and is incorporated into the world of globalization waiting to climb. We find ourselves in a type of ideological blackout where we travel, a dark age with a certain involution, where capital has not only had an impact by pretending today to jump its own barriers that at the moment are blocked by its contradictory nature.
Historically this situation is not new for humanity; That is why, keeping our distance, we mention the Middle Ages as one of the darkest periods to which humanity was subjected and from which experience should be drawn.
Imperialism in its superior phase tried to give a cut and settle accounts not only in the military but also in the ideological field against Marxism, which it has never been able to discard.
Creating academic and research centers, promoting philosophical and sociological currents, falsifying history, creating large publishers, large communication centers, all as part of the ideological war spread throughout the planet.
For these purposes, investments in this field exceed billions of dollars. It is in this period that progress is made in the creation of a new ideological superstructure. We must put Marx and Lenin on their feet since they turned them upside down; continue studying with its methodology, not to the copy or its mechanical application but to the dialectical and scientific logic, not only to understand reality but to transform it.
For the current capitalist, history has come to an end and the classes and their struggles have disappeared and supposedly human beings have reached the maximum freedom in this model and therefore nothing needs to be transformed and the revolutions have already expired.
The Question is: How Do We Humans Connect in the Virtual World?
We must not deny the objective existence of individuality that is a human need and that at the same time manifests itself as a need in a social being. Only if we transform false consciousness into true consciousness will we be able to have and become aware of our real and true human needs and not of a false consciousness distorted from reality through the virtual world imposed on us by permanent power.
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