Tuesday, January 5, 2021

“We must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderers.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Circumstances for the Canadian government and its criminal gangs of savages to engage in child trafficking 

1.- Children of persecuted social activists
2.- Handicapped or chronically ill children who die from the negligence of the keepers of hell.
3.- Racism towards immigrant families living in residential buildings
4.- Parents who complain about poor education in public schools
5.- False and vindictive complaints between families
6.- Children who are accustomed in their countries of origin to play, sing, dance, jump, shout, in housing buildings and do so in the winter in Canada
7.-From parents with more than two children
8.- The percentage of abuse and neglect that children suffer in Canada is very low

Note: These bloodthirsty, for-profit businesses are destroying the lives of children and parents for life?

I deplore the horrible crime of child-murder ... We want prevention, not merely punishment. We must reach the root of the evil, and destroy it. - Susan B. Anthony

                                                                         Canada--the supposed utopia--has NEVER publicly acknowledged the Canadian governments culpability or even awareness of the Duplessis horror...
 Our boys and girls in the labyrinth of class struggle x
 Revolutionary Mind: Between 1997 and 2004, researcher Michael Meaney from McGill University (Canada) carried out some experiments in which he studied newborn rats and their mothers. He found that the amount of licking and nurturing a mother dedicates to her young during the first twelve hours of life permanently influences the brain chemistry that responds to stress and changes the configuration of more than 1,000 genes. Rat pups that are heavily licked by their mother are more creative, braver, and produce lower levels of stress hormones under stressful situations than those whose mothers are less attentive. They also recover more quickly, an equanimity that lasts a lifetime. They develop thicker connections in the hippocampus, a key center for learning and memory, and they do better in an important ability in rodents: finding their way out through mazes. 
Murdering Natives (Kevin Unrepentant - Annett) A heart wrenching look into the lives of Native Americans puts to death as children in Canadian "Residential Schools" all the way up until the early 70's. Mass graves are still being discovered in and...
 And what about humans? Today there are progressive currents in the world of psychology that point out that abuse in children has lasting negative effects on brain development. Our first experiences sculpt our brain. Abuse is a chisel that shapes the brain to deal with conflict, but at the cost of deep and lasting wounds. However, these theses are rejected by the mainstream psychological currents, linked to multinational pharmaceutical companies, which dismiss all this as "clinical intuitions" and there is "no evidence" despite the fact that hundreds of investigations have been published in which they have participated. thousands of people and who corroborate it. The objective of rejecting these studies is not to contextualize child abuse and maltreatment. On the one hand, because abandonment, sexual abuse and beatings have a better breeding ground in environments of poverty and precariousness, but not only. Although to a lesser extent it also occurs in other social strata. However, the pharmaceutical multinationals do not want to solve the root of the conflicts, if this were possible then the role of drugs would lose prominence and the business would be in danger. Better to just go to the symptoms, to what is seen, to the surface. If a person is unwell, a drug is prescribed to calm him down. 
The working-class neighborhoods are not only suffering the economic consequences of the brutal crisis that our society is currently experiencing, but also the emotional consequences. The class struggle is a very difficult labyrinth to overcome, it takes our most ingenious creativity and our best psychological resources to be constructive in contexts of pressure and stress, that is why it is so important that our boys and girls come into the world in contexts of affection and grow up healthy and cared for. 
 Special for La Haine

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