By: Elsa Claro: NASA scientists venture the near occurrence of a terrible event, known as Dalton's Minimum. That is, a drop in temperatures on the planet due to an irregularity in the functions of the sun. In this sense, it is recalled what happened during several decades after 1790, when there were triggered climatic anomalies or associated with important telluric phenomena that, as a whole, affected agricultural production in the world and, therefore, a period of hardship ensued and, in some regions, with widespread famine.
Little connoisseurs of sets like the one that threatens us, imagine that if the Earth is overheated by something like 2 degrees Celsius, this would compensate for the dreaded and now theoretical decline in the predicted solar function and, therefore, assume that nothing happens. inconvenient.
When a second wave of SarCov2 remains probable, the prognosis is fearsome, given that the current situation is facing an economic debacle driven by the semi-paralysis caused by the pandemic. Perhaps if there were a healthy concertation between nations to combat evil or its derivations, the future would not have such a bad face and would prepare for the confrontation of that other contingency if it comes.
The reverse is done, promoting fictional rivalries. One, among the most dangerous is that conceived by the United States with respect to China, without excluding everything that is capable of also provoking a confrontation with Russia or Iran.
If the planetary climate is on the verge of breaking down when the ecosystem is so badly damaged, the political climate is in trouble and in a phase no less delicate. The Trump administration acts with impiety against "enemies" large and small, but it also spares no aggression internally. It unleashes hatred, differences, impunity and abuse between and among Americans towards various peoples. His bad government baffles, but he is not without sacristans assisting him in the masses of disaster in which he insists.
The presidential upheaval and its frivolity in constantly referring to the “Chinese virus” are well known, showing its inopia, a characteristic that navigates along with the great malevolence of its sayings and acts. However, the evil that plagues humanity today is often compared to the one that occurred a century ago with the "Spanish flu."
That other epidemic originated in very North American Kansas, and like COVID-19, it was transmitted from animals to humans. As it was a British correspondent from Madrid who first reported on the pandemic, he was given the arbitrary last name by which it is known.
World War I helped create the influenza pandemic of 1918
World War I was passing and the leaders of the time decided to hide the great danger of the disease for fear of unleashing negative reactions from their troops who were carrying out in World War I. The decision was selfish and not taking appropriate measures, it has no other qualification than that of criminal, you bid, which is not Iberian itself, brought with it the death of at least 30 million people, a figure similar to the number of casualties in the camps. battle.
At this time, the wealthy New Yorker at the head of the United States is about to continue causing injury to the American population by not listening to scientists and opposing a plan of the lower house of Congress, aimed at reducing material damage to the society.
Several legislators have been presenting formulas to deliver compensatory aid to those who receive less income. One of those proposals is from Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, accompanied by other colleagues, including Bernie Sanders, and plans to keep the salary for a quarter to prolong confinement.
They would be needed at the rate of $ 1 million per month. That would be one of the reasons for the Republicans to reject it, even though up to doubling the time of that rational payment, the amount perceived as a benefit by the big businessmen would not be exceeded thanks to the tax cuts of the Trump era. The plan, which sought a careful resumption of the economy, is dying as soon as it is born.
It could be the same as the offer made by the Lower House, conceived as a relief package aimed at Americans, considering among them native tribes and emigrants who pay taxes. It also foresees giving allocations to the states and maintaining, perhaps increasing, the amount allocated to the unemployed, since in recent months, over 36 million citizens were unemployed.
With little chance of progress, the purpose has from the beginning the complete rejection of Donald Trump and the Republican leaders with a majority in the Senate, where they will presumably disapprove. And in the hypothetical case of succeeding within that legislative body, the president threatens to veto it.
Of the $ 3 trillion proposed by Democrats and some Republicans in the referral program, one would go to states and local governments. Detractors argue that financial problems at those sites arose before the Covid-19 expansion. Assuming that this was the case, the difficulties increased and those who start or end up being harmed are ordinary citizens, not those who direct them.
The president and his followers prepare another project but eliminating human distancing measures and other precautions, ignoring what is recommended by experts. Apart from the distortions when facing evil, there are, on the other hand, circumstances to influence the economic reopening. One should be faced by fluctuations in the prices of oil and other raw materials, since they have depreciated, according to UNCTAD, until they constituted the largest decline recorded in that index, so that it exceeds that of the 2008 crisis.
To cite would also be the notable drop in consumption and the forecast for contraction, by 32%, in advanced economies. In evaluations of this range, both European institutions and the main US financial managers coincide.
The President of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Jerome Powell, does not agree with several ideas of Trump for this stage and has referred to the current and future injuries in the productive capacity of the country, capable of increasing if the crisis expands. The executive is in favor of the stimuli promoted by the Democratic congressmen, because although high, they would alleviate the damages suffered in the economy.
That there are solutions for a large country with multiple accumulated advantages, there is no doubt, and it is proven in extraordinary situations, such as the accumulation of enormous profits made by American billionaires during such a critical period. The US Institute for Policy Studies ensures that these fortunes grew by an amount of $ 282 billion.
Other academic sources specify: since Trump came to power, the wealth of billionaires has grown by 10.6%. The increase in flows in just weeks of social tragedy, is unseemly, especially when more bankruptcies of small and medium businesses are announced that "will be snatched by the big banks and corporations, as well as the houses of the families of the working and middle classes they cannot pay their mortgages. There is going to be a much greater concentration of wealth and capital at the top of the social pyramid. ” This is the opinion of William I. Robinson, professor of Sociology at the University of California, and he is not the only analyst to notice it.
It means that the financial tensions, the insolvencies of the middle sectors, unemployment, the forced investment in the insufficient health sector, the extended uncertainty, could be lessened with fiscal measures or other official resources to really moderate at least the course of national events.
Trump and his entourage seem unwilling to enforce them. They choose to blame other countries or put obstacles in the way of health institutions that, like the network of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are being criticized by the administration despite the little support received.
At that time until the elections in November are in doubt. Some trumpiana maneuver would not be rare if the president sees his power threatened. But that, of course, is another story, not without falsehoods, irresponsibility and naked lies.
See also:
COVID-19 in the world: Crisis due to new coronavirus will be deeper than the Great Recession, warns the World Bank
The coronavirus pandemic will cause "a much deeper global recession" than the 2008 financial crisis, World Bank President David Malpass warned on Friday. According to Malpass, the planet is facing "an unprecedented crisis, with devastating health, economic and social effects worldwide."
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