A new era, a new way of living
By Federico Mayor Zaragoza: "Another world is possible"
It was already very clear, before the coronavirus pandemic, that radical changes in world governance were necessary to avoid global and irreversible threats to the very habitability of the Earth, providing all its inhabitants and not just a few, the conditions for a dignified life.
Now, after having lived a totally unexpected confinement on a planetary scale three months ago, it is imperative to reflect and make decisions on a collective but, above all personal, scale, so that this serious situation can be redirected before it is too late.
In February 2012, he published in “Reacciona”, a book by various authors coordinated by Rosa María Artal, the following: “It is time for action… It is not a matter of facing an economic crisis but a systemic one. Not of a time of change but of a change of time. In the last death throes of neoliberalism, the most recalcitrant representatives of the “great domain” try to convince us that they will again achieve the 'welfare state': consumption, employment, social horizons ... All this, well understood, applicable only to the 20 % of humanity, since the rest would continue as before, mired in a gradient of progressive precariousness ”…
It is unnecessary, therefore, to insist that now, now yes, the citizens of the world are no longer going to consent to the repetition of the historical grievance that represents for future generations irresponsibly allowing points of no return to be reached.
Here are, summarized as far as possible, the phases that can lead to a new era in which the current horizons have been clarified:
From the global nature of the threats:
Extreme poberty.
Global responses:
They can only be given, as the United Nations Charter begins so lucidly and prematurely, by "the peoples", all human beings turned into actors of change and never more impassive spectators of what is happening.
For the first time in history, everyone is equal in dignity, without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, ideology, beliefs ...; and able to express themselves freely.
Finally, "the peoples" have a voice and, united, they can take the reins of common destiny in their hands. After the resounding failure of the plutocratic groups (G6, G7, G8, G20) it is clear that only a democratic multilateralism can channel the popular will worldwide.
Pressing changes:
Transition from a culture of imposition, domination, violence and war to a culture of encounter, dialogue, mediation, conciliation, alliance and peace. From strength to speech. (Declaration and Plan of Action on a Culture of Peace, General Assembly of the United Nations, September 1999).
Transition from an economy based on speculation, productive relocation and war - thousands of people die every day from hunger, most of them girls and boys from one to five years of age, while more than 4 billion are invested in weapons and military spending dollars - in an economy based on knowledge, cooperation and not exploitation, for the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals, Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly of November 2015 " to transform the world ”) and the Paris Agreements on Climate Change.
For this, it is urgent to reduce defense expenses and apply the necessary means for the diligent application throughout the planet of a new security concept with the six priorities established by the United Nations:
-drinking water
-quality health services
-environmental care
-education throughout life
All this implies another way of living. A lifestyle that allows the general foundation of all human rights to be carried out: equal dignity. The current social gap and the permanent oblivion of those living in conditions of extreme poverty must be overcome, always keeping an eye on humanity as a whole. Right now, when knowing the data of the effects of covid-19, we must think of those who suffer every day the consequences of pathologies considered by the satiated society as "irremediable" -severe malnutrition, lack of hygienic services, chronic diseases such as malaria , Ebola, Dengue ... but, above all, from wars (in the war in Syria there are more than 380,000 dead, and in the invasion of Iraq, based on simulation and lies, with thousands of victims or those of the terrible "operation Condor" deployed by the United States in Latin America in the 70s)
.The solution, democratic multilateralism endowed with the necessary personal, financial, technical and defense resources. A United Nations updated with a General Assembly in which 50% of the members represented States and another 50% represented civil society, in which there would have been a weighted vote but not a veto, and in which a Security Council was added. Socioeconomic Council and another Environmental or Ecological Council, would allow, finally, to put an end to the hegemonies that have allowed until now the application of the perverse proverb of "if you want peace, prepare for war" and resolve conflicts, which will always exist, through of diplomacy and mediation.
The intervention of efficient multilateralism would allow not only "to avoid the horror of war for future generations", but to prevent the extraordinary influence of large international consortia, the exploitation of resource-rich countries such as lithium, coltan, copper, extensions for the cultivation of soybeans, fuels ... and, likewise, it would put an end to drug trafficking that today continues to spread its power indiscriminately.
The new era would be characterized by democratic functioning at all levels - it is incomprehensible that the European Union should in fact grant the veto to all its members, since the agreements must be adopted unanimously! - and would allow the elimination of corruption and tax havens, attending to the advice of the educating, scientific, and artistic communities ... that have so far been ignored, which has resulted in the most serious present situation. Indeed, only in terms of ecology, UNESCO already warned in the 70s of the need to limit greenhouse gas emissions ... and the Club of Rome did it in 1972 with its Report "The limits of growth" ... and the United States Academy of Sciences ... without ever getting the right answer.
Just three years ago, when the 2030 Agenda and the regulation of global warming had been achieved, thanks in large measure to President Barack Obama - even Pope Francis issued an Ecological Encyclical! - President Trump not only required and obtained ! more defense funding but warned that it would not implement the SDGs. Faced with this intolerable attitude, there was no reaction. Is more evidence needed for the world's citizens, at once, to take charge of the common destiny?
In the article I quoted at the beginning it ended like this. “The time has come to rethink the system, not to accept it or adapt it. This is how the "Earth Charter" begins. We are at a critical moment in history, a moment in which society must choose its future ... We must unite to create a sustainable global society based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and peace culture"…
In the new era, it will be multilateralism, it will be the democracy lived by each citizen, it will be the collective responsibility, which will allow future generations not to repeat the terrible phrase of Albert Camus, which I frequently quote: “I despise you because you can do so much they dared so little ”.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza was between 1987 and 1999 director general of Unesco and is currently president of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace.
Source: http://www.ipsnoticias.net/2020/05/una-nueva-una-nueva-forma-vivir/
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