The wound of Chile
The right-wing and neoliberal governments of the Latin American continent (LATAM) always relied on the strength of their regimes, on the effectiveness and durability of the economic model and, of course, on the patience of millions of poor, workers, indigenous people, students , of peasants, of Afros, those who really suffer the devastating effects of an economic policy that only benefits billionaires, corrupt and criminal rulers and large multinational companies.
The drop that overflowed the cup and the decline of neoliberalism in LATAM
But the party is over, goodbye general, goodbye Sebastian, millions of Chileans sing in the squares and streets. The drop that exceeded the glass fell, patience ended and millions of citizens threw themselves into the streets enraged and outraged by deception, broken promises of a better life, corruption and the misery in which they live.
A new ghost travels the continent: rebellious peoples sweeping away what is left of neoliberal governments.
The wave of protests and accumulated fury is unleashed in Latin America, and popular and antisystemic unrest progresses like a giant stomping.
Mexico: Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the presidency in July 2018 and received a broad mandate to reduce the misery in which the majority of the population lives, contain narco-paramilitary violence, end the cancer of corruption that depletes public resources and dismantle the neoliberal model that oligarchic governments have maintained for their own benefit and that of big businessmen and millionaires, obediently applying IMF recommendations to impose social cuts on the middle class and the poor.
Puerto Rico in flames: Atilio Borón called the process and possible consequences of the popular outbreak on the island, as a result of the galloping corruption, whose misogynist and conservative governor had to renounce the massive protests of citizenship.
Haiti: its current neoliberal, corrupt and authoritarian ruler Jovenel Moïse, faces a wave of mass protests since September, as a result of the long malaise accumulated by the extreme poverty of 70% of its population, protests that have claimed the lives of 77 Haitians. The popular movement is on the streets daily demanding their resignation from the presidency, to produce a regime change that guarantees Haitians better living conditions.
Honduras: In this Central American country, protesters demand the resignation of President Juan Orlando Hernández for corruption and for his links with drug traffickers and criminals, protests that have gained greater strength and legitimacy, since the conviction of a US Federal court was known .UU. to his brother Tony for drug trafficking.
Peru: its government is part of the Lima Group, the Peruvian oligarchy lent itself to lead the attacks and aggressions against progressive and Bolivarian governments that do not follow the recommendations of the IMF or submit to the US; still does not recover from the cancer of corruption and faces a deep crisis of governance and legitimacy. Several presidents have had to leave office in the face of pressure from citizen movements and the decisions of their courts of justice.
Argentina: Macri is defeated in the presidential elections, a fervent neo-liberal, defender of the military dictatorship that violently seized power in the 70s, a president who changed the course of the country's economic policy by applying the threshing neoliberalism and its well-known privatizations , advised by the IMF and world banks to ensure the payment of their lion loans. But the Argentines understood the deception, their false promises were the masquerade to cover up their alliance with the multinationals and the great capitalists, ruin the economy and widen the gap between rich and poor as it had not been seen before; They believed that voting for him would improve their living conditions and end corruption, but neither one nor the other, only repression, privatization, increased cost of living and growth of poverty.
Quito becomes the battle stage...
Brazil: after the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff by an institutional coup and the arrest after a judicial assembly against Lula, with the aim of declaring them political death and removing them from power, the elected Jair Bolsonaro, a former far-right military, xenophobic, racist, Echocidal, he has already had to face large popular mobilizations that have rejected and confronted his neoliberal government program, apparently he already saw what could happen to his mandate to implement the reform and privatization plan he announced after being elected. Bolsonaro undoubtedly represents very well the interests and values of the Latin American extreme right and the beneficiaries of the neoliberal model and as such he is seen to act from the presidency, but he is aware that he is increasingly alone.
Ecuador: He experienced the fury and malaise of broad social sectors that took to the streets after the “pack” of neoliberal reforms decreed by Lenin Moreno, the president who betrayed the mandate given by the majority who elected him by popular vote to the presidency of the Citizen Revolution Movement, to replace former president Rafael Correa. The situation there is not yet resolved, however Moreno had to withdraw his antipopular package as a result of the mobilization and pressure of Ecuadorians in the streets. The movement maintains the initiative.
Chile: for now the last in the list of countries that have suffered popular outbursts, which began as a day of student protest against the increase of the Santiago metro ticket decreed by Sebastián Piñera, a faithful representative of the Pinochet dictatorship. Outbreak that spread like a flame of fire to broad sectors of workers, unemployed, retired, chauffeurs, housewives, middle class and citizens in general, who took to the streets and squares to massively express their deep discontent with a government that represents like none to the class, the regime and economic model that oppresses and impoverishes them since the coup d'etat of September 11, 1973 against Salvador Allende, the president with whom they had dreamed of a real change.
50 years ago that the Chilean people know only one economic model, neoliberalism, since it was in Chile that such disastrous model began to be implemented in the world, by the economists of the Chicago school. Hence, Chile as the example of a “successful” neoliberal model to follow is no more, because in reality it is a long agony for the people and its twilight has come, they are burying it in the streets with the joy and songs of Víctor Jara and other singer-songwriters.
What are the causes of the massive anti-systemic protests?
The so-called “packets” implemented by neoliberal governments, which mean cuts in food subsidies, privatization of health, education, increased fuel prices, increased public transport and therefore the cost of living of their populations, While wages and pensions lose purchasing value with respect to the cost of living.
On the other hand, the explosive combination of neoliberalism with corruption, despotic governments, and contained popular anger. There is no doubt that without distribution of wealth, without respect for the planet and its natural resources, without a change from the production / consumption model based on fossil energies to another non-fossil; Without respect and inclusion of the new alterities / subjectivities, talking about democracy would be mere sophistry.
The "surprised" by this tsunami of popular revolts in LATAM, the extreme right and their governments with the long bureaucratic queue of all kinds of paid servants and journalists, for convenience, interests or unable to see beyond their noses, have responded sometimes challenging, contradictory and demagoguery at other times, but above all with anger, hatred and aggressiveness from the institutions and institutional apparatus they control (OAS, Ministries of Defense, radio stations, TV and official media).
"The current currents of destabilization of the political systems of the continent have their origin in the strategy of the Bolivarian and Cuban dictatorships ...", said the OAS Conspirator General, Luis Almagro, about the right-wing governments that did not hesitate to show their nature of civil dictatorships, who did not hesitate to take their armies to the streets against the citizens who protested, both in Haiti, Ecuador and now in Chile, when Sebastián Piñera declared at a press conference, after the popular outbreak, “we are in war against a powerful, implacable enemy… ”justifying the State of Exception, the use of the Armed Forces and police, to repress the Chileans as if they were a foreign army, as if it were a war with another State.
Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who ordered in 1988 the arrest in London of the dictator Augusto Pinochet, recently stated in a letter addressed to Sebastian Piñeras: “... it will be convenient for me that, under the purported economic miracle that many attribute to Pinochet, a development model maintained by the Chilean transition and subsequent democracy, hides the sad record of being one of the ten most unequal countries in the world, at the same level of Rwanda, according to the Gini index applied by the World Bank. ”
And it reminds him as a warning that: “... the human rights violations that are being committed and the crimes committed against the civilian population, this time they will not remain in impunity because, in addition to the Office of the Prosecutor of Chile and of the National Institute of Human Rights, there is Universal Jurisdiction, there is the International Criminal Court, the Inter-American System of Human Rights and an attentive and vigilant international community, which will not allow the horrors of the past to be repeated again in Chile. ”
The Spanish jurist is very clear about what is happening on the continent, when he confesses in the letter to Piñera that he does not believe the story and the excuses of the OAS Secretary General, Almagro, of blaming everything that is happening in LATAM, to Cuba, Venezuela, Rafael Correa, Lula da Silva, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner or Alberto Fernández and those who disagree with the neo-liberal wave that again with the sponsorship of the north, as happened in the 70s, ravages the continent.
The Latin American right is cornered by the rebellious peoples, who have regained their articulated capacity for struggle and resistance against the model that has kept them in misery and oppression. Try to recompose yourself to the devastating blows you are receiving in each nation.
The struggle and popular mobilization in the streets for a dignified life, against the economic model that generates misery and against oppressive and corrupt regimes, is today the logic followed by the class struggle and the battle of ideas that are fought globally.
In Colombia, citizens begin to get rid of the ties of right-wing, neo-liberal, corrupt, mafia and paramilitary governments that have held power through prolonging the internal war, that remains their political north, and belittle any serious attempt to make a definitive and lasting peace agreement.
The past local elections have shown a change of attitude in the population, especially in the current generation that wants a change of model and political direction, which breaks with the continuity and historical dominance of the decadent, corrupt and criminal Colombian oligarchy.
Many peoples of the continent expect a popular outbreak in Colombia, the ghost that travels through other nations has not had an answer here for now, but you never know, history, that imperceptible otter, always digs into the deepest of peoples' conscience by making your shoe job. Let's not be surprised, then.
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