Thursday, June 28, 2012

Now we feel that our cries are raised bold
To complain and point out the tyrants
Who trample the ephemeral laws?
Calling his crimes virtues

Who can with so much horror, to defend their rights?
Who can give the question, their self-defense?
Heard echoing in the halls of the court, cries of death?
You tell me who? Think Ural, Valerie, and Nathaly, that they are no more than butcher judges…                                                                                                                              SLAUGTHERS COURTROOMS
Let us reveal about the rule of law in the Canadian Judicial System or International Court Of Justice?
This article is about our experiences inside the slaughter’s courtrooms, the denials of our rights, torture, by the lower court judges, and about how we tried to confront with facts, witness, the persecution, brutality, crimes committed against our family and others. The accumulated evidence like documents, pictures, audio tapes, videotapes, photographs, will show to the world the best-known, important evidence for the court of the public opinion. The nightmare which we faced our living pain, sacrifice, and courage, gave someone, someday  the impetus for an investigation or enquire, helping us to reveal all the facts for a full public understanding of how this Canadian Judicial System works, destroying innocent lives.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


La Caravana de la Esperanza es un proyecto de ayuda social y beneficio para miles niños y familias pobres en varios países Latino-Americanos. Todo esto ha sido posible gracias al aporte económico, sacrificio, y la generosidad de una comunidad que siempre esta demostrando su solidaridad para sus hermanos olvidados por los respectivos gobiernos. “Adelante noble comunidad”


Pero desafortunadamente las caravanas de ambulancias compradas o donadas por la City Of Toronto, las mismas han sido empleadas para cometer brutales castigos físicos en detenidos, o para transportar los cuerpos inertes de nuestros hermanos fulminados por las balas asesinas de la Policía Metropolitana de Toronto. También es inaceptable que estos convoyes de ambulancias sean escoltadas parte del trayecto por los asesinos de nuestros hermanos. Pueblo Latino- Canadiense condenemos al padrecito y al miembro de la policía metropolitana de Toronto, por llevar estas ambulancias impregnadas con sangre de nuestros mártires.
Distintas comunidades esperamos que eleven gritos de protesta, sus voces hagan eco, condenando los injustificados homicidios cometidos por la policía metropolitana de Toronto. Mientras en países del tercer mundo se  trae a la justicia policías que han cometido crímenes, los mismos son procesados en cortes de justicia y reciben su respectivo castigo, en este país la policía esta protegida por el sistema judicial y otras autoridades, por lo tanto la brutalidad de sus crímenes sigue adelante.
A esta brutalidad y muerte de ciudadanos pobres se suma los insultos, la forma racista del Mayor Ford, DelGrande, Mammoletii, en describir a sus constituyentes….
Denunciamos los horrores que se comete a diario en este país en contra de  la población inmigrante, esperamos que nuestros respectivos gobiernos eleven su repudio por las violaciones a los derechos humanos, los pueblos en general tomen notas de los maltratos que sufrimos, y nuestra comunidad latino-Americana proteste enérgicamente ante los atropellos por parte de las distintas autoridades.
Actualmente el gobierno Canadiense, policía y otras autoridades están usando un pequeño grupo de hermanas (os) infiltrados en nuestra comunidad para engañar, manipular la verdad, convencer a hermanos recién llegados. Mi deber como activista social es poner en conocimiento de Uds. La infiltración de una docena de delatores policiacos, en mi bloque publicare sus nombres.
Next: Migrant workers their lives on video


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Of course these Canadian gulags or prisons are similar than the ones which were created by the Stalinism regime in the Soviet Union, in order to cause great suffering and hardship. The mentioning Canadian forced concentration camps for black fellows, social activists and others are places where the living conditions are as bad or worse. Public housing residents from different communities feel helplessness, despair and disenchantment because the actual social accommodation, this is an outrage for the poor. The most disturbing fact against the wounded dwellers is the government dogma to destroy the underclass, adherent the vicious torture for part of the housing staff and the inhuman practices of police brutality against scared children, mothers and seniors.
We are living in one of the richest country in the world, where our government have the duty to protect and respect every citizen regardless of their starting point, race or economic circumstances, but the same cannot be said or happen in Canada. The responsibility, priority of the federal and provincial governments is to provide with affordable housing for the general public and suitable social housing, dismantling the “Canadian gulags desegregation of the poor and homeless.” 

Monday, June 18, 2012

         “Corrupt Canadian Judicial System”
Scourge for the poor and terrified immigrants
blooming business for the destruction of disadvantaged people
Butcher judges with their bloody stained hammers
Never rest not the gnashing of our bleeding teeth
\\democracy , Justice! Are nothing more than sweet names
Between the terrified screams of our children someday may fail?


I would like to devote this denunciation to all the victims of human rights abuses in this country, and reveal with honestly, red and white evidence, our pain, torture, sacrifice, how we confront with courage the carnage from the slaughter's Provincials, Superiors, and Appeals Courts Judges in the Canadian secret courtrooms. Experiences which seemed unavoidable because we are poor, immigrants targeted by the Canadian Justice System, Police, Minister of the Attorney General, Children’s Aids Societies, and others institutions. Denouncing the crimes committed every single day in this country by the corrupt and feared Canadian Justice System, it’s time to think, to protect, especially the slaughter of children, mothers, seniors, in the courtrooms. We have all the confidence that the International community condemns the crimes being committed in Canadian soul, also the people of this nation to raise our voices in protest that these massacres in the family and criminal courts would not be allowed to continue.The next articles on my blogs will bring to the public stories fulfilled of horrors, rooms filled of $$$$ courts transcripts the agony of Ural Direk and his family, Valery Gullemie, my unforgettable friend Nataly (40 or 50 court hearings by year), liu a fragile mother tortured by Legal System and her son abducted by the CAS, Abelardo and his family brutalized by the CAS and the butchers judges, Brigtte, Nina, Tsujiistan, frank, Jrosscan, and thousands of cases with 100% of evidence.