The right of the right to re-exist
By Juan Montaño Escobar: The right wing invents presidents and countries, invents conflicts where there are none and in centuries that did not exist, it invents implausible ideologies and History is its comic strip.
“One of the great points that Marx suggests is that free time is one of the most emancipatory things we can have. His is this beautiful phrase: the kingdom of freedom begins when the kingdom of necessity is left behind. Imagine a world where needs could be met. " -David Harvey1
ONE: the subtraction of the month of April
The "God pay him" of the man who required me a coin to complete a meager breakfast, brought me back to that song by Joaquín Sabina, it is a linear and excessive blues. Occurring and nostalgic, because the losses do not have compensatory equivalences in that very long daily life that are the weeks and then the months. The longings are reactionary sentiments, they demobilize and cause confusion between bad designs and the political caradurismo of the Ecuadorian Palaeolithic right. No, he was not the man in the gray suit, from Joaquín Sabina's song. Who has stolen the month of April from me, that's the title. But it could be. He did not have a gray suit but a clean white shirt, all buttoned up and without the sleeves rolled up, the dignity of the needy and he seeks discretion due to the little street habit of asking for help. He walked away swallowing thick and dry.
Another man without a gray suit, but in a clean, fully buttoned shirt. The juggling of decorum pushes complaints and rages to the inside, only when it is no longer possible is it argued that this misfortune began in the month of April. The conversation in the bar was not around there, it did not even have similarities, so the member and this jazzman are silent so that the abrupt confidence does not spoil the flow. It is part of Esmeralda's social legacy to speak directly and unceremoniously with friends, to inform them that the streets are hard. When he speaks of despair with sour humor, it is preferable to shut up and listen. And he tells us about the one with the buttoned shirt that was already "ruined" and after April he got screwed up more ... etc. "This did not start in April (of this 2021, worth the precision)", I should have replied, but the man, a small businessman to be exact, is not in ‘analysis’ mode but in ‘annoyance’ mode. So in the absence of the wailing wall, these two Samaritans are worth well for grief. Another real character from the Sabinian blues: "Who stole the month of April from me / How could it happen to me"
April was lost long before, it happened in the disastrous presidency of Boltaire and this Government of Guillermo Alberto Santiago (GAS) is the continuation. Or is the corrected and most screwed version of him. Or the reconstituted right that will not only be stolen in April. How could it happen to us! The political mess was a jeme2 from our noses. There close. We all saw it, but most did not believe what they saw. So what did he see? The man in the gray suit with the dirty calendar prophesy the incredible waste of Ecuadorian social and political time. Amen.
TWO: not exactly Kafkaesque metamorphosis
Now it is everywhere. The political right. She is no longer the positional opposite of the old Jacobins, not at all, they pretend to play two bands and that makes her more of a bandit. Dangerously bandit, but they like deceptive delicacies and perhaps that's why they get good electoral results. This neo-right has consumed neurons by the ton, to leave the jurassic park rejuvenated. And they are successful, win elections or show a softer face, tiktoke, dance on skateboards and put the proletarian red on their feet (in little red shoes). She sells herself rejuvenated and successfully hides her sclerosis from her. Or she was cured and we didn't know it. This right has with what, for example, tons of money in tax dens to screw education and health of urban and rural communities; to the impudence he criticizes, you know who? (Difficult to believe, although not to convince) the oligarchies; and she pretends to be long-lived in frivolous and sneaky pods. The right looks in the mirror on the left to imitate their sayings and nurture their critters, that makes it more sinister, but not more left-handed. Never, even if she dresses in overalls, she does not change the role.
Believe It or Not! Robert L. Ripley would have material for a while with this metamorphosis, in the Kafkaesque sense, of the international right. Regarding this, Francisco (in German Franz) broke it with that of "Don Quixote's misfortune was not his fantasy, but Sancho Panza." In other words, the economic fatality of the squire. The right no longer shuns disgusting themes created, perfected, and perpetuated by it. No longer. The racism? Of course it is not right, because there is an abstract equality, spiritual, romantic, fickle and politically correct (very correct!) - He preaches. "Up to there and no more, please", he perfectly draws the social and political red lines. The uninformed naivety tells this jazzman with a ring of reproach, for my jam sessions. "The right is changing, notice that it criticizes racism, before when?" Robert L. Ripley wake up, please! Yes, that he wakes up, because he surprises this semiotic of the right and with good reason, because although his hooves are seen he announces that they are delicate little feet.
The right metamorphosed with the materials it stole from the left, from radical social movements and truly cultural organizations. For the right they are signs of other times, for survival without renouncing its dogmas. A Kafkaesque right. (Excuse me, Franz). Very committed to the character, with Gregorio Samsa. One of those days, which looks like the route to Damascus by some cheap Saul, on the right it was revealed to him that the humanity of Latin America, with its cultural diversity, had discovered him, despite the lack of bandages. , the mummy that was and there was no suspicion of a prompt resurrection, because the trumpets announced something called progressivism from Argentina to Honduras. The right became right, because its fate was not the happiest.
Instead of becoming the obscene with which no one would want to mimic themselves, they appropriated the Jacobin vocabulary; at least part of the word, not to be what. In this decade Heraclitus, lantern in hand, did not find a single rightist. Even the garroteras or murderous gangs called themselves libertarians. ‘Freedom’, a favorite word on the right. (Tell me what you brag about and I will list your shortcomings). Freedom for the divine money. While leftism cried out for revenge, rightism searched for terrors of meaning. Before it was the iron curtain, now the mutant is Castro-Chavismo. Ha! The fact is that the right wing, without renouncing its blood aristocracies and (or) family anthroponymy, disguises itself as a proletarian. Don't laugh, this jazzman is not in 'joke mode'. Is there a proletarianized caste? The world turned upside down, would say the teacher Eduardo Galeano. Or paraphrasing the other teacher, Gabucho García Márquez, "live to tell the story." Or of our harvest, to suffer it in the popular and pissed-off neighborhood.
THREE: the good (none), the bad (all without exception) and the ugly (idem)
And Donald J. Trump arrived and ordered to change the opposite of what the legendary Caribbean Bearded Man did. Regional, national and local rights met with the triumphant bluff of Trump, please. The crystal ball guarantees me that Trump, in English, means: ‘shuffle’, in the sense of shuffling towards something better (with conquered ideology, included); also go through the lining of the rights, without skipping a single one, of the humanities, especially if they are Black or indigenous. And that's it. Before and now what comes from there, from some Washington office, for the American right is a sacred word. And it happened. They lined up to become notorious, the rightists of similar tints and fur, thus, Messias Bolsonaro, the magician Macri, President Boltaire and also his partner, the Pandoris; by gender I must name Mrs. Añez (she heroically named herself president of Bolivia, when the crowd of males was scared with the feat of overthrowing Evo); And there are those oddities of dirty realism, Trump raised a president from nowhere named Guaidó, the state rights, in a mojiganga gang, concluded that Guaidolandia was located in a corner of nowhere, that is, over there. Where? There, there the uncontrolled compass works.
If you don't believe, the right wing invents presidents and countries, invents conflicts where there are none and in centuries that did not exist, it invents implausible ideologies and History is its comic strip. And if all else fails, no problem, the right wing invents its religion with a Cristo de la macana3 (Argentine people give me precision). And if it still fails, then they have some pods that some wisdom condemns as means of mass disinformation. It is the right of the 21st century disguised as a good democratic thing. Academic parishes reflect, seek it out in very deep analyzes and then write extremely thoughtful papers that become heavy literature that a minority reads (we read). For pleasure. The right of the country that is, with the aftertaste that it carries, with the methodology of fucking that it carries is defined, the theory of relativity in between, with a single word: hooliganism.
FOUR: yes, four fingers of fright
To the left (I don't know which one, there are them for all likes and dislikes) the same thing happened to the timeless character of the master Augusto Monterroso. You know: "when the dinosaur woke up, he was still there, smoking a cigar, not to imitate Fidel (God forbid!) And yes, even a New York mobster." This right of the 21st century fights its battles with innocuous imitations, but of its essential components it privileges the worst, made up with the fears of ghosts of occasion. These phantasmagorias are his tales of massive and destructive credulity. You make up your fears and believe them. Tasty and toxic literature. They are her most beautiful narratives, because after repeating them so much, she is already convinced. All right believing its gloomy crafts, the dinosaur of this brief jam-session yearns to perpetuate itself in its decrepitude. The memory of their scares is worth the help: communism, blackness, Jews, slum theologians, ordinary poets, essayists who showed open veins, Lumumbistas who only wanted an anti-colonial respite, bearded men and people in berets, feminists, women with the truths in mind. the tip of the tongue (and of the pen), urban youth stone throwers, in short, there were also (there are still) cursed countries. Lately Castro-Chavismo is the nodal point of the vacillating rightist. And they screw with that phantasmagoria and there are those who believe it. Really.
The right learned from the left and very well, only everything backwards. Undoubtedly, it is here to give you lessons such as "learn to screw a country in five minutes", for example, Ecuador. That is if the Ecuadorian left does not leave the labyrinth of its existential anguish and spends zuela in the neighborhood streets, not only to win elections but also to leave the right as a relic. From museums, if you want to. The think-thank, that is, the brainy, hairy and rude community on the right learns from their nightmares and from the names they foresaw and neglected: Chávez, Lula, Morales, Correa, even the Kirchners (Néstor and Cristina) and there are the personalities with less fame. To them, meanwhile, the other continental left reheats neurotransmitters by evaluating them with its left-hand measurement. A century and three-quarters later, the agglomerate on the left busts hourglasses, consumes tons of paper and reloads digital technology algorithms arguing the length and width of its left. (Heh, heh, heh, heh, it can be heard in the rooms on the right). The right never made that mistake of measuring its imposture, its concern is to accumulate wealth however and wherever it may be, because money never sleeps. The beat of drums.
FIVE: the right, the absolute owner of all rights
There are merits in this long march of the right, with its bitter imitation of the Yenan Forum, comrades. That time, May 2, 1942, Mao Zedong said it in other circumstances and with other objectives, for "the liberation of the Chinese people two fronts were needed, that of the pen and the rifle." Exactly, the right wing spends time reading history and copying it, if only to invent mojigangas with the appearance of epistemological seriousness. Again: Bolsonaro (Brazil), Trump (USA), Kast (candidate for the presidency of Chile), President Boltaire (his successor gives chills), Milei (Argentina) with those from here is enough not to jump the pond. The pen and the rifle in algorithms, in the street, on the media and digital platforms. The pen ends in a point like the bayonet of a rifle, let no one forget it. The right stopped denying her soul and stopped denying herself, the rooster can already crow thousands of times and accumulate early mornings because it is determined to be what it always was: the right, the absolute owner of all rights. The times have passed to see the undeniable ugliness of the right, but with an unusual difference: it is no longer denied.
The right is enjoying its anachronistic fullness, in this 21st century, characterized, with a borrowed portrait, by its own unbearable lightness of wanting to be in this world that seeks, albeit gropingly, another destination other than money as an absolute fetish. Now with its lairs of worship and sacred pilgrimages. Celestial or green basilicas or whatever color money is. (And that the Leviathan does not dare to collect a copper tax from him, he will be cursed forever! In his newspapers, radio stations, television stations). In a desired, longed for, disputed and idealized scenario, the right would like future elections to be between a right (+) and another right (++). An electoral soliloquy. Or a stellar off shore between that carnivorous right (with velociraptor instinct) and that other carnivorous right (with tyrannosaurus bad milk). For those who were late, the difference between them is in their meanings and signifiers. The naple, they say in the neighborhood. The first is that: muff-speed. Well, mangui comes from mangar, it is an Argentinianism that explains very well the privatizations in Latin America, of course, in Ecuador (Banco del Pacífico, CNT, Refineries, etc.). The second is lizard-tyrant. And backwards. Remember the military autocracies.
FIVE and 1/2
The right has the mathematically precise diagnosis, although it orbits in sociology and political knowledge. And he is very clear, very clear, the algebraic theorem of an unlikely misfortune: when those below are angry with those above and those above do not decipher the anger, it happens that red October, bearded January, joules of youngsters are returned. Tic-tac-tic-tac, “each previous step leaves a mark” 4. That is called insurgent maroonism in the Palenker republics, Bob Marley wasted no time or words, he simply said: uprising5 or the Marxist left talks about some sensible “objective conditions” for a revolutionary avalanche. Whatever it is, the tarot readings do not hide that this civilizing process is already useless. The brainy and daring right wing knows that it is so. That is why it mimics, is a transformer, reinvents itself and even makes a genetic copy of the left. Although it will never lose its authentic substance started half a millennium ago. Jorge Majfud puts it in didactic mode: “What social and ideological package are we talking about? The reactionaries are experts in putting together political combos, where they put God and the Free Market in the same menu, like McDonald’s puts hamburgers, French fries and Coca Cola, with ten pseudo toxic variants. You want to eat one hamburger and you end up addicted to the other two. That is, you believe in God and you end up defending the Merchants that Jesus himself expelled from the temple ”6. Amen.
1 Daniel Denvir interview with David Harvey, published in CTXT. The quote was taken from:
2 Body measurement. It is the distance from the index finger to the thumb, both open in compass
3 Nonsense.
4 Each previous step leaves a mark / That far from being erased is incorporated / In your bag so full of memories / That when least imagined they emerge. The implacable time, the one that passed, by Pablo Milanés.
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