x Wim Dierckxsens and Walter Formento
In the era of globalization is moving towards a new form of accumulation, which they call "Artificial Intelligence Capitalism" or Data Capitalism
In the era of globalization, we are moving towards a new form of accumulation, which some call "Artificial Intelligence Capitalism" and others such as Data Capitalism. The 5G network and its 'big data', is the new nuclear bomb that will change the way of seeing the world and will revolutionize capitalism with what is already called "artificial intelligence", which entails the development of new "markets or micro- markets. " This is the bomb that has already been developed by the Chinese Government in Beijing and shows how the United States may be being overtaken.
We can ask ourselves where this new technology is developed: whether it will strengthen the capitalism of Artificial Intelligence or stimulate the transition towards new relationships of social production, with highly developed technologies but increasingly oriented towards the development of a new social formation that has the potential to turn to the service of real social and community-collective needs. It is basically a struggle between the large transnational corporations with their global networks, on the one hand, and the projects linked to the emergence of a new emerging multi-polar social formation that is gestating around that idea-force that they call the New Silk Road -NRS -
Capitalism of Artificial Intelligence vs New Post-Capitalist Social Formation
Wim Dierckxsens and Walter Formento
Commercial War or 'Big Data' War
In the era of globalization, we are moving towards a new form of accumulation, which some call "Artificial Intelligence Capitalism" and others such as Data Capitalism. Its origin and development must be analyzed historically from the American anchoring in the industrial and military complex since the postwar period. Data collection and surveillance capitalism first developed within the framework of the Cold War since 1950 and has its relationship with the North American military / industrial complex. The "psychological war" based on data here has an unusual centrality.
Currently the struggle for leadership in the 5G is a struggle for data, these are the real reasons that underlie the trade war that Washington has with Beijing, given that the Chinese company Huawei has taken the lead in the development of the ' big data'. The United States is suspicious of the Chinese brand, which it accuses of possible espionage that would no longer be an American monopoly. The origin and development of the Huawei company also carries an indisputable military root. Its founder, Zhengfei was a member of the People's Liberation Army for decades. In 1982 he settled in Shenzhen province near the largest financial center in Asia, Hong Kong. Five years later he would make his dream come true and today he threatens to surpass both Washington and London.
Trump and his government propose for the Americans themselves, and in pre-election times without further development or foundation, the idea of the supposed "China threat" to their national security. But in Osaka-Japan, during the G20 Summit, Trump had no problem in asserting that there is no such threat. In addition, the US could continue to sell Huawei products that the company uses in its value chain in many products but will not be in all, said Trump. It is not difficult to imagine which products the president was referring to.
The agency in charge of cybernetics (CISA) in the Department of Homeland Security said the United States should be careful about drones manufactured by China. Because they could contain components that can compromise your information and share it with servers outside your company. Steve Banon, (former) strategist of Trump, has argued that attacking Huawei is the most important thing to achieve the'Make America Great Again' project. Trump said Huawei will continue on the blacklist (Entity List). The real objective is to prevent China, or delay, all its growth and projection capabilities through the New Silk Road in the broad sense of the word.
This is what really matters in this fight beyond the increases in customs tariffs, which by the way are large. Trump had no qualms about not imposing additional tariffs on Chinese products. Making it clear that the Commercial War is not the real reason for the conflict between the two countries but a kind of digital cold war. The US shows particular resistance to the Chinese advances, and Huawei in the first place in the development of the 5G service, installed in the West. Putin said at the St. Petersburg economic forum that attempts to exclude Huawei from international markets can be described as the first technological war.
This is what really matters in this fight beyond the increases in customs tariffs, which by the way are large. Trump had no qualms about not imposing additional tariffs on Chinese products. Making it clear that the Commercial War is not the real reason for the conflict between the two countries but a kind of digital cold war. The US shows particular resistance to the Chinese advances, and Huawei in the first place in the development of the 5G service, installed in the West. Putin said at the St. Petersburg economic forum that the attempts to exclude Huawei from international markets can be described as the first technological war of the digital era.
The Bloomberg agency, speaking of "digital cold war" and "digital iron curtain", said that China as a response would accelerate its own IT technology industry to decrease, in the value chains, its dependence on imported inputs. In this context it transpired that in June he already had an active Android replacement on his phones. In other words, the Chinese advance and the new emerging social formation under construction will not stop, but tend to become more and more independent from the Anglo-Saxon West.
Capitalism of Big Data or new social forms of production
The 5G network and its 'big data', is the new nuclear bomb that will change the way of seeing the world and will revolutionize capitalism with what is already called "artificial intelligence", which entails the development of new "markets or micro- markets. " This is the bomb that has already been developed by the Chinese Government in Beijing and shows how the United States may be being overtaken. That's what the Trump government knows. In fact, the Chinese government is completely clear that the 5G network is one of the main weapons it has to win the current trade war.
In the end, the problem is not just that Huawei phones spy on other governments and people. It also has to do with power disputes nowadays, since who controls the 5G network controls the process of social, economic and political production. The question is that this new platform will take the Internet to a new dimension, "directing" with it the future of humanity, a situation that could also lead to the new emerging social formation, which under the initiative of Beijing, could promote and sustain a multipolar transition towards post-capitalism.
We can ask ourselves where this new technology is developed: whether it will strengthen the capitalism of Artificial Intelligence or stimulate the transition towards new relationships of social production, with highly developed technologies but increasingly oriented towards the development of a new social formation that has the potential to turn to the service of real social and community-collective needs. It is basically a struggle between the large transnational corporations with their global networks, on the one hand, and the projects linked to the emergence of a new emerging multi-polar social formation that is gestating around that idea-force that they call the New Silk Road -NRS -
The great problem of Trump's "commercial" war with a protectionist approach, especially against Huawei for the mastery of new technologies, is the interdependence of value chains between the two largest economies in the world, the US and China. Where the damages provoked to the other will always imply damages also likewise, to the own supplying companies of the USA. Under the protectionist pressure of Trump, different countries have prohibited the Huawei company from supplying components for the development of 5G networks. Among the countries that approved this decision is Australia, Japan and New Zealand. The United States has been preventing Huawei from selling equipment in its market. Meanwhile Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union are analyzing without any protagonism the actions that will take place. The dilemma is that the European Union Politics is encorsetada by the West, although the Businessmen of the Economic EU wanted, after the dialogues with Xi Jimping, to advance in entering new and better bows with the East, Asia-pacifico.
Trump was clear that it could not affect US companies themselves in the value chains with Huawei. That is why he raised the impediments in Osaka to sell inputs to the purely civil products. It is striking in this context the vision of Xi Jinping towards the new social formation in construction (around the initiative of the New Silk Road -NRS-), when he declared at the St. Petersburg economic forum, in the presence of Vladimir Putin, that China is willing to share 5G technology with all its partners despite the distrust generated by its telecommunications giant Huawei, accused of espionage by Washington.
The Data Capitalism a globalist project in danger
5G technology is vitally important in the 'Data Capitalism' of corporations such as Google, Facebook, WhatsApps, Isntagram and other global companies. The G5 provides the technical conditions to continue advancing in the Data Capitalism that has its digital spearhead in electronic money (crypto-currencies) and in robotics. Huawei is a leader in this technology and one of the firms that has contributed the most technical contributions so that it can be a concrete reality. Huawei has developed for the new emerging social formation alternatives to the dominant platforms of the West, with its own networks, in some cases superior in quality.
5G technology came to transform the value chains of many businesses. The first superpower that comes to control it, like China, will guarantee the dominance of the world economy, at least for the next 30 years. The development of knowledge will have other dimensions, in which the superpower that accesses and controls this technology will be the vanguard.
The 5G at the 2018 fair was only a project and in 2019 it is a reality. The capacity of the 5G is at least 10 times faster than the current 4G, materializing even more what we know as the internet of things. The automation of housework, such as cooking or the autonomous handling of cars, to name just a couple of examples, can be done from a cell phone. The Chinese company One Plus has presented its first mobile phone with 5G with greater speed and that is a revolution. But this is not all. Now also from a Smartphone we can mine the Ethereum cryptocurrency, the second most important cryptocurrency in the world. The idea has been launched by the Wings Mobile company through its Wings X terminal.
Many telecommunications companies outside of China count on their strategic plans with the support of Huawei, a fact often vetoed by the Trump government. After years of development, conceptualization and standardization, 5G networks are being deployed. It is a technology designed to improve internet connection speeds, reduce latency to a minimum - network response time - and, in turn, generate endless opportunities in all sectors.
No one doubts the efficiency of Huawei smartphones and the fascination they cause. Its technology and its cameras are unique. In fact, the Chinese company has registered up to 2,570 patents related to the 5G, but is that, in addition, has come to sign agreements with 40 operators globally. Huawei has supplied 70,000 base stations according to estimates. The Chinese firm, to date, has 35% of the market share in Europe, being one of the three main suppliers of this technology in the region.
China is the undisputed leader in 5G worldwide as can be seen in the graph above. Huawei is in first place and another Chinese company (Hisilicom) is in third place. European invoice, Ericsson and Nokia are reasonably close to the contributions made by Huawei in the field of 5G, occupying the second and fourth place. The US Qualcomm company appears only in fifth place. That is, the transnationals of the Anglo-Saxon West have been left behind. This is a big blow to the globalist project, a bigger impact even than for Trump's protectionist project.
'Big Data' and the battle for the new (crypto) global currency
Digital money today is increasingly a phenomenon that is generalized. Today the banking entities already have an application to carry out the transactions. Physical money instead loses more and more ground in its use and there are already threats to make it disappear altogether. The crypto-currency will make its generalized disembarkation in the not too distant future with what the banks could also be history. The above implies and supposes a great geopolitical battle for crypto-currency.
In this context we have to understand how the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, launched on June 18, 2019 his own cryptocurrency: Libra. It is a cryptocurrency backed by a series of assets and operates without reference to sovereignty any more than the global conglomerate of transnational corporations that it set up to launch it, because it is not related to any State or central bank, but constitutes a clear step in the globalist construction of a State beyond the nations and will use it on a global scale without "limits" or commitment to any central bank. Although it could be referenced in the BIS, the central bank of the central banks, under the control of global financial capital.
What could have been the reason to launch precisely in June 2019 this crypto-currency Libra, based on Facebook. Let's look at the geopolitical context. On March 20, 2019, the US Federal Reserve decided to keep interest rates unchanged, giving a signal that it would not deepen the policy of monetary contraction. The globalist forces had all their interest put in the deepening of the monetary contraction, raising interest rates for this and hoped that this would "provoke" a world depression in the midst of the presidential election campaign in the US that would have a negative impact before the start of the year. year 2020 and with it "hit" hard to Trump's government and in the re-election of this one. When it is already known, that the intention to vote for Trump's re-election is 64% positive. If this blow could lead to the great depression, the fall of the dollar would be imminent.
The globalists hope in a situation of generalized crisis with large-scale bankruptcies, to offer to save the world economy by introducing a crypto-currency under their control and without dependence on any central bank, which would go beyond any sovereignty of any State Nation even from the USA, blaming it for the crisis.
In this context, Donald Trump again criticized the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, a week after the organism held its meeting in June, and stated that the interest rates of the Federal Reserve were too high and that they negatively affected growth. of the real economy. Therefore, Trump advanced in the threat of replacing Powell of the presidency in the Fed if it continued with the conspirative monetary contraction. The reality is that after these "shocks" of Trump against the president of the Fed, he was inclined to change and return to a policy of monetary expansion that could leave the "great crisis" at least until after the elections. In them, Trump could be reelected as president for another four years. This result would particularly affect globalist interests.
It is at that precise moment that the Libra cryptocurrency comes out. As an option to be used on a global scale. The Pound is based on a blockchain with 100 secure "nodes" to validate and record transactions. Blockchain is a sort of unforgeable public registry that allows you to transfer virtual currencies quickly and safely. "Libra", which is described as "a new global currency", was presented by the largest social network in the world as a means of payment with the potential to bring cryptocurrencies out of the shadows.
This virtual currency will be operated by the Libra Association, which is integrated by Facebook and 27 other corporations, among others, by bank card issuers such as MasterCard and Visa, transport companies such as Uber, Lift and other transnationals. Asociación Libra will be headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, country where the Central Bank of the Central Banks (the Bank of Basel) of the world run by the globalist forces also happens to be. The Libra association will be the only entity capable of creating ("coining or burning") the digital currency (unlike the other crypto-currencies) thus maintaining control like a central bank. They will be able to make broadcasts without limit. Libra would be supported by a reserve of assets that could be a basket of other currencies but not by gold, that is, without a guarantee of support. The above is subject to volatility, because at the end of the day it is another fiduciary currency without guarantees or backing in gold, like the dollar and the fiduciary currencies in general at this time. Libra if you have the project to become a global currency managed by globalist forces. At the moment it is estimated that it will already have a universe of two billion people around the world who are Facebook users.
Meanwhile, Beijing has sought to diversify its gold holdings in the face of the sure fall of the dollar as a hegemonic international reserve currency and is preparing for a world of greater uncertainty. The central banks' global gold reserves soared by 651.5 tons in 2018, 74% more than in the previous year, another symptom of the expected great crisis. For this reason, gold prices have set a new record in June 2019 reaching 1,439 dollars per ounce, its maximum in six years.
The strong investments in gold made by Beijing to get away from the dollar, show that China has been in recent years selling progressively its US Treasury bonds, decreasing its holdings from 1.32 trillion at the end of 2013 to 1.1 trillion in April 2018. Gold has been outstripping most of the ten most liquid currencies in the world since the trade war broke out between the US and Beijing. This has opted for the precious metal to "diversify its reserves", reduce its dependence on the US currency and be able to timely introduce a crypto-currency backed by gold, which the globalists will not be able to achieve. Also in this field, multipolar China has the advantage over the Anglo-Saxon West.
The capitalism of Artificial Intelligence and the collective subject
The consumer society based on marketing and the media are increasingly using the 'Big Data' to carry out a psychological war that leads to the control of behavior and the manipulation of the same. More recently, it is applied not only in marketing but also in electoral politics, as has been well documented in the case of the elections in the USA in 2016. There are innumerable complaints and evidences of the manipulation of behaviors carried out by Facebook and not only around to the elections in the USA. With Big Data, it is also possible to 'organize decision-making in the electoral act' towards the predetermined candidate, demonizing in a thousand ways and forms the real options that question the neoliberal system. Not only characterizing them politically and ideologically as extreme right or left as it was before the Big Data, without revealing that it is a working population fed up with neoliberal policies. The media sell elections as a democratic power that is only in its appearance. Big Data in the electoral moment operates having built an emotional, pre-political and cognitive subjectivity in the masses, which associates sensations and dreams that build a bond between one and the others where the "is like me" emerges, emphasizing the way I I am and not as who I would like to be, or what society I would like to build. Un: he likes the same as me, he suffers for the same as me, he tries the same as me, he has a daughter the same as me, he likes sports the same as me, he hates bureaucracy and politicians the same as I.
The mode of accumulation of the so-called Artificial Intelligence Capitalism based on Big Data is composed of: (a) A raw material of Internet users; (b) A means of production consisting of Artificial Intelligence, algorithms, data science, etc .; (c) Predictive products that create immediate or future behaviors; (d) A new meta-market where the prediction of current behaviors and the possibility and reality of modifying or controlling behaviors are traded.
With Artificial Intelligence -IA- it is developed, thanks to mathematical algorithms, that machines learn by imitating human learning. This manipulation of collective behaviors makes current democracy, in essence, profoundly anti-democratic. This global capitalism tends to be that there is no "real subject of politics" but only a participation of individuals and collectivities with subjectivities and identities manipulated and "formatted" for this or that electoral and even religious / political "consumption". The AI gives shape to God even through the advances of the Digital Age hence the denomination of "Artificial Intelligence Capitalism".
The 'Artificial Intelligence Capitalism' has penetrated a lot into religion and for political purposes. The most interesting place in the world from a religious perspective is not the Islamic State or the Belt of the Bible (Evangelical Protestantism in the South of the US), but the Silicon Valley. That's where the gurus of high technology are developing religions for us [that] promise all the old rewards (happiness, peace, prosperity and even eternal life) but here and now, on Earth and with the help of IA technology, instead of after death and with the help of celestial beings.
Anthony Levandowski is an engineer who worked for Google and Uber, and founded a church. Specifically, he proclaimed himself 'Dean' of the 'Way of the Future', a religious organization that, according to its statutes, will focus on the creation, acceptance and adoration of a Deity based on Artificial Intelligence, developed through computer hardware and software. An AI is very similar not to God, but to organized religion. In Germany IA wants to revolutionize again the Christianity with a cure robot. "The Lord be with you." "And with your software."
Returning, it is not always the 'predictive product' as it has been shown in the case of Brexit and in the presidential elections of 2016 in the US, it is part of the moment in which we find ourselves in the deployment of this option of "democracy of formatted appearances" that tends to a global financial monarchy that must be hidden behind the circle of its court officials, CEOs or Managers.
This type of Artificial Intelligence applied to the market allows the development of micro-entrepreneurship, as a format derived from the tools provided by the Platforms. Large globalist consortiums (such as Facebook, Uber, Google, Airb & b, etc.) subcontract to microenterprises and individuals in the last link, mostly for data collection. Thus, a network of micro-enterprises dependent on the Platforms is generated, since it would be impossible for it to obtain a significant amount of data and to develop these technologies autonomously. Google is one of the corporations that most grants this type of tools so that micro-companies / micro-entrepreneurs can grow, but developing Google.
Globalist consortia in general do not take risks, they always win. The most direct risks are for "micro-entrepreneurs" or independent workers, hyperspecialized and suppliers of services or atomized goods that today are a majority in the work force of children under 40 years.
The danger of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which advances in a technology of general purpose, is that it remains in private hands that serve the interests of a few globalist consortiums. If the AI remains under the control of market forces, it will end inexorably in a mega-oligopoly of monetizable data of billionaires who will reap the wealth created by the robots that displace the workforce, leaving behind a massive unemployment to around, generating a crisis not only economic but social and political. Regardless of whether it comes first, the great economic crisis with a stock market crash or rather the social and political one from robotization, it will be these independent workers, first of all, who will be "thrown into the streets" by Global Capital, but already not to look for work but to rebel as a collective political subject against this globalist system.
The economy of the new multipolar social formation under construction under Beijing's leadership has the potential to provide a solution to the coming Great Crisis, if it plans with the IA to allocate, from the collection of mega data from the economic bases, resources through the big data analysis and if the robust feedback loops can replace the imperfections, while it is oriented to distribute in an equitable way the immense wealth that it creates in the middle of a planned and robotized mega economy. AI, then, may well be developed for the common good of the people; operate with the principles of intelligibility and fairness, respect the rights of privacy and never grant the autonomous power to harm, destroy or manipulate humanity and nature.
This community / collective subject if it manages to overcome the alienation with the product, the alienation with its creative activity and the estrangement with its worker, people and nationality in the pluriversal can move forward to claim another society, another economy, another policy, another world where the great popular majorities can be worthy human beings.
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