Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Vancouver Publication Accuses the CBC of “Lying” to Canadians About Venezuela

The Colonial Broadcasting Corporation: As It Happens In The USA, {Part Two}
 With charming irresponsibility, prime minister Justin Trudeau not only assisted what many consider the wholly improper call to bring the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, before the International Criminal Court, he also is alleged to have (in September) misreported (at the UN) conditions in Venezuela.

The charge by the Vancouver publication The Fire This Time (Oct. 2018) of the CBC lying to Canadians involves Anna Maria Tremonti, The Current, and so-called ‘responsible’ reporting about Venezuela. The Fire This Time’s allegations may be timely because public impatience with false, twisted, ‘convenient’, padded news/ information delivery is growing.

The situation regarding Venezuela is complex … but, at base, very simple. The U.S., major creator of The Organization of American States (which Canada kept free from for years, but which now acts, inside, as a U.S. lackey), is often accused of wanting to control all of Central and South America.

That began with the so-called Monroe Doctrine set out in 1823 … providing one of the bedrock policies for the fundamental imperialist basis of U.S. global policy. The “Doctrine”, in effect, told European powers to stay out of Central and South America (the USA’s “back yard”). The area was to belong to the USA (to exploit, to ravish, to oppress).

The attempt to have the International Criminal Court move against Nicolas Maduro followed an Organization of American States complaint against Venezuela based upon a Report by three “experts” of which Canada’s Irwin Cotler was one. The USA does not belong to the very questionable International Criminal Court, largely because it fears actions may be taken against itself. But it “uses” the ICC through proxies (like Canada) when convenient. Donald Trump calls Venezuela a socialist regime acting with its Cuban supporters. No condemnation (for him) could be greater.

The Anna Maria Tremonti (in Toronto) and Adrienne Arsenault (in Colombia) reporting about Venezuela apparently parroted what the USA and Justin Trudeau would say … without regard for an absolutely key fact about Venezuela. So important was the absence of the key fact… that some reasonable people believe it is fair to call the broadcast “a lie”.

As a part of the attempt to wreck, it seems, any Venezuelan continuation of a people-centred, independent, democratic government (in this case in the hands of socialist actors), the USA, Canada, the European Union, Switzerland, and Panama have imposed vicious, crippling sanctions upon Venezuela. The aim is to prevent Venezuela from importing food, medicines, and other basic goods. It is to prevent Venezuela from, in effect, using the U.S. financial system … and even from receiving the profit from the Venezuela-owned fuel industry company CITCO in the USA.

Present Venezuelan conditions have to be seen in the light of those facts.

A United Nations spokesperson has condemned the sanctions as violating Human Rights obligations. Canadians should care deeply. And they might care deeply if they knew the facts … if the CBC, for instance, looked to some like something other than a tool of U.S. policy, however vicious.

Ms. Tremonti (CBC) is reported as allowing the elected leader of Venezuela to be called – on the broadcast – by the extremist U.S. Ambassador to the UN, “a dictator” who is sacrificing “the people of Venezuela”. The U.S. Ambassador apparently also declared that Nicolas Maduro is going to have to be “dealt with”.

According to The Fire This Time (Alison Bodine), the Anna Maria Tremonti broadcast also avoided reporting the support given by the ultra-rich to “violence and terrorism”, “hoarding, price-gouging” … even smuggling and sabotage that others have reported. Even casual observers of Venezuelan affairs cannot be unaware that repeated, violent demonstrations against the Maduro government have been organized and carried out from the wealthy sections of Caracas,Venezuela’s capital.

Since the attempted (and failed) coup against the leadership of Hugo Chavez in 2002 (a coup loudly celebrated at the US Embassy while believed successful), the US and its minions (Canada included) appear to have been trying to destroy the democratically elected government of Venezuela.

Si el informe de The Fire Next Time del "ejercicio de propaganda" de Anna Maria Tremonti sobre Venezuela es exacto ... entonces los canadienses deben estar muy preocupados, muy enojados y deben exigir un cambio significativo. ¿Cómo terminamos el CBC como una transmisión continua llamada "Como sucede en los Estados Unidos"?

Dentro de cada organización grande en curso hay lo que podría llamarse "una forma de ser", una forma, es decir, de trabajar y actuar sin ofender a nadie (dentro) o abrir la posibilidad de una diferencia real en actitud, acción, o creencia básica. En un monódromo como el Colonial Broadcasting Corporation, parece que se está representando una ficción gigante en la que todos se involucran en una búsqueda genuina de información significativa, para revelar hechos. En verdad, los programas de información de CBC ... que no tocarán el 11 de septiembre, el par de Falsas Banderas del siglo XXI que involucran muertes y daños a inocentes en Canadá, el papel del Banco de Canadá en la creación de deuda canadiense; el papel lacayo de Canadá en el expansionismo estadounidense; el fracaso gigantesco del gobierno canadiense en la acción del cambio climático ... (la lista podría continuar ... y continuar) ... están unidos por la promesa no declarada de servir al poder dominante, nunca arriesgando el equilibrio del monódromo al presentar una pregunta real o al insistir en (como en Venezuela) un examen de la verdad plena, desnuda y dolorosa de la situación. Servir al poder dominante en los medios de transmisión canadienses significa, simplemente, ejecutar, sin interrupciones, una transmisión continua que podríamos llamar As Sucede en los EE. UU.

Canadá Venezuela Relaciones

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