Monday, October 29, 2018

Decision to bring White Helmets to CANADA Dangerous and Criminal?

Did Canadians get to vote on whether or not to bring potential terrorists or supporters of terrorists to Canada? No. Will Canadians get a say in where these potentially dangerous men will be settled? Highly unlikely. Canada agrees to resettle 117 white helmets evacuated from Syria.

HISPANTV: Canada accepts the resettlement of dozens of so-called white helmets, evacuated by Israel from the southern regions of Syria.

As reported by the Canadian chain CBC on Sunday, the Government of Ottawa has received a total of 117 white helmets and their families, after they were temporarily settled in Jordan for later transfer to a Western nation.

In July, before the incessant advance of the Syrian Army in certain sectors of the south of the country, controlled by the terrorist groups, some 800 white helmets were evacuated by the Israeli regime from Syria to the occupied Palestinian territories, and from there to the Jordanian territory.

According to CBC, this group of white helmets and their families arrived "silently" last week in Canadian territory and were relocated to the provinces of British Columbia (southwest), Saskatchewan (center), Ontario and Nova Scotia (southeast).

The information comes to light almost two weeks after the Canadian Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, confirmed that her country had agreed to receive the Syrian white helmets as "refugees

Syria condemns "criminal" evacuation of White Helmets by Israel | HISPANTV
The Syrian Government condemns the evacuation of the so-called White Helmets of the Arab country by the Israeli regime and qualifies the action of a criminal operation.
Resultado de imagen para imagenes de grupos terroristas
James Le Mesurier, formerly of the British intelligence service MI5, created white helmets in Turkey in 2013, and has since received no less than 55 million dollars from British diplomacy and 23 million or more from the US Office of Human Rights Initiatives. Transition, plus an unknown number of millions of Qatar.

The organization is presented as a humanitarian NGO, but both Damascus and Moscow accuse this group of staging the alleged attack with chlorine gas and sarin on April 7 in Duma, near Damascus (Syrian capital). Syrian President Bashar al-Asad considers them a "branch of Al-Qaeda and the Nusra Front," and as a kind of "public relations maneuver" for the United States, the United Kingdom and France.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. - James Madison

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