Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Dealing with the corrupt Canadian judiciary system;
You cannot have hope to get justice, only determination
To reveal to the world their heinous crimes!                                                                         FRANCISCO NARIS (STREICHER) FRANZ NORITZ                                                             DANIELA (DANGEROUS) WARNING
Jean Peasah
Patsy Hamilton
Criminal Judge: MARY (TORTURE) HOGAN

Why again, I have to write my shocking experience, and others families experiences at the hands of the Children's Aid Societies. It’s true that the society crimes has been told many times, the apocalypse against children and parents it’s full of horrors and terror. Until the present time, the criminal tactics to brainwash children and the intimidation of parents is causing suffering, agony and mental distress on countless children and parents. The continuation of this holocaust is deeply disturbing and excruciating; and the road to the martyrdom is simple: Judges, Societies Workers and Police, are forcing to face the sordid reality of family destruction. Our revelations are accompanied of personal testimonies, from eyewitnesses, and artificial mountains of documents in the state archives and personal files.
In this country the state continues to commit the most despicable crimes, on native children and parents as well on immigrant families and poor Canadians. The mental torture and drugging of children and parents are cruelest acts of brutal savageries committed in this country by the judiciary, social workers, police, family doctors and psychiatrists serving the state interests. It’s the right moment for ask; to the government, and Children Aid Societies. Where they are the kidnapped children? The children that the system took care in order to give a better living condition! An education to make them usefully in the society! The answer is simple and truthful; in jails and in the streets across the country, committing all kind of crimes, and under the influence of drugs.                                                                                                                         
Actually in many countries around the world are home of social movements, where conscious social activists are fighting the state tyranny. But in Canada until now the social movements, the church has been controlled by false leaders and priests at the services of the government institutions or big unions. These deceitful bests are misleading the public with illusions, working away at clearing out the fundamentals roots of state crimes, oppression, exploitation, harming children and families.    
While in democratic countries the media bring us the truth, the same does not happen in Canada with the written or spoken media. Specifically, CBC, CP-24, CTV, and the Voice of the Community, a communitarian radio station, these are the weapons of manipulation in the service of the government and the bourgeoisie. So are accomplices for the state crimes being committed every day, by the Children’s Aid societies, police, judges, crown attorneys, and other criminals?
                                                                                                                                                                             The heart is a drum
The drum has a snare
The snare is in the blood
The blood is in the air
                                                                                                                                                                 OUR CHILDREN – OUR FAMILIES – OUR BROTHERS – OUR BLOOD

"Maduro rise to the Vice President for the Supreme People's Social Happiness"

                                                                                         The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro
Caracas, October 24 - President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, said Thursday on the momentum of the missions José Gregorio Hernández, Black Hippolyta, Sons of Venezuela and In Love Mayor, while the Foundation reported that Sovereign People enter the Mission range and will be chaired by Major Antonio Pérez Suárez .
I'm giving mission range Sovereign People Foundation, serving the people, "said the president.
He also announced the creation of the Deputy Minister for Social Happiness Supreme Venezuelan people, who will coordinate the missions.
At the head of this office appointed doctor and former deputy of the National Assembly, Rafael Rios.
The Deputy Minister has the ultimate goal of social happiness , to " serve the countrymen with disabilities , their compatriots who are on the street , our old men and old women , to our children " , as reported through a mature
Speaking from the Miraflores Palace in Caracas.
Presidente Maduro crea el Viceministerio para la Suprema Felicidad Social del Pueblo
El presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro
Caracas, octubre 24 - El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, informó este jueves sobre el impulso de las misiones José Gregorio Hernández, Negra Hipólita, Hijos de Venezuela y En Amor Mayor, al tiempo que notificó que la Fundación Pueblo Soberano entrará en el rango de Misión y estará presidida por el mayor Antonio Pérez Suárez.
Le estoy dando rango de misión a la Fundación Pueblo Soberano, que atiende al pueblo", manifestó el primer mandatario.
Asimismo, anunció la creación del Viceministerio para la Suprema Felicidad Social del Pueblo Venezolano, que se encargará de coordinar las misiones. Al frente de este despacho designó al doctor y ex diputado de la Asamblea Nacional, Rafael Ríos.

El Viceministerio tendrá el objetivo de la suprema felicidad social, para "atender a los compatriotas con discapacidad, a los compatriotas que están en la calle, a nuestros viejitos y viejitas, a nuestros niños y niñas", así lo informó Maduro a través de una alocución desde el Palacio de Miraflores, en



COMUNIDAD LATINA “OUR PROFOUNDLY PRAYERS”                                                                                                                                                                                                         When ...When destiny of children stands in the Government hands;  
With their policies easily separate children by races.
O! How danger is to educate underprivileged children?  
Philosophy to keep eternally ignorant for lifetime slaving…
Publicizing that poor children are in essence criminals!
Power of lawbreaker’s is always dangerous?
More Super – Jails Tyrants
Por décadas hemos guardado nuestro dolor, el silencio, la ignominia de haber sido víctimas de la tiranía Canadiense.
Nuestros verdugos nuevamente hoy están utilizando un pequeño grupo de oportunistas de turno, que en cierta forma se benefician de las subvenciones gubernamentales para tratar de convencer a nuestra valerosa comunidad; que existe cierta  integración al sistema Canadiense. Estos señores desconocen u  olvidan, desde el inicio de los años 70 cuando comenzaron a viajar oleadas de inmigrantes latinoamericanos con destino a este país,  encontraron un sistema inquisidor que estaba lleno de un racismo perverso dominado por bárbaros.  Recordemos a estos perros que pertenecemos a una raza valiente, adaptable, sin prejuicios y que aceptábamos el efímero destino dictado por nuestros opresores.  Despertemos  hermanos latinoamericanos de este letargo, falsa propaganda,  que nos tienen sumidos a la mayor parte de los miembros de nuestra comunidad en dolor y miseria, hagamos llegar nuestra repulsión a los medios de comunicación al servicio del sistema. Con la sensibilidad que caracteriza a la comunidad latinoamericana, ayudemos a denunciar las descomunales injusticias impuestas por el gobierno en nuestros hijos.  Es primordial contar con una educación universal de calidad, detener la destrucción de nuestros hijos que implementa el gobierno beneficiando el sistema judicial, abogados, sistema de prisiones etc. La desintegración familiar nos causa dolor, miseria y en ciertos casos padres de familia están al borde de perder su equilibrio mental, además  nuestros ancianos lloran su tormento en las bóvedas de las casas públicas.  Y miles de injusticias más.
Para los señores y ave maría purísima “padrecito” que predica integración Canadiense, cabe recordarles a breve rasgos el historial delictivo de este sistema "Where a child cries, our profoundly prayers"                                                                                                                                                                                                          When destiny of children stand in the Government hands,  
With their policies easily separate children by races.
O! How danger is to educate underprivileged children?  
Década de los setentas del siglo pasado.-  El gobierno Canadiense utiliza un pequeño número de traidores socialistas latinoamericanos para que controlen a sus propios compañeros y hermanos.
Década de los ochentas.- Refugiados centroamericanos forzosamente separados en los hoteles de acuerdo a su creencia.
Década de los noventa,-  Se pone en práctica con mayor frecuencia la industria del estado, negociar con la sangre de nuestros hijos y de la familia.
Siglo 21.-  Persecución brutal  contra activistas políticos and defensores de derechos humanos. Se incrementa las subvenciones gubernamentales para gusanos que aprueban en una  u otra forma a que el estado cometa crímenes en sus propias comunidades.
La lista es extensa y difícil para traer a los lectores, pero publicaremos en los blogs - www.canadianshatteredlivesblog and     Nadir Siguencia  Facebook  or under the name “State Crimes and Its Control”

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



\\democracy !! Justice?                                                                                                                                                                     This is a Court of Law?                                                                                                  Are nothing more than sweet names                                                                                                                             between the terrified screams of our children?                                                                                                               And the agony of parents to defend their convictions!
"GRANTED BAIL AND PULICATION BAN" BY THE CORRUPT JUDICIARY SYSTEM?                                                                                                                              

Surprise, shock, and disbelief is causing the decision made by the judge from the college Park Court , granting bail an officer who cowardly executed a young boy, which at no time Sammy Yatim,  was representing  a danger for the public or the police. We know the Canadian courts are a world of police privilege in which the judges are conferring to the police; not only power and opportunity to commit such crimes, when the players are a helpless people and the police, the police will receive the benefit of protection to walk free. With the help from the mass media the judiciary is trying to manipulate and exercise public control, to make us to believe the justice works for all, that we have come to accept the brutalization and murders of citizens by the police, as an acceptable method of law enforcement. The circumstances of the extrajudicial execution of Sammy Yatim, show the assumption that young people with a small knifes represent imminent danger, and the police who Serve & Protect, are the patient guys. There is videos footage from this savage execution, the officer James Forcillo shooting the victim nine times, nine times… as well other officer tasering the dying young Sammy. This disturbing horror is recorded, and was showed to the people of the world; this execution is creating a sense of mass outrage, the executions of defenseless people with or without mental illness are showing the criminal "manic" behavior from the police.  Again the killing of Sammy Yatim, committed by the officer Forcillo, could go unpunished and the incident with the help of the media quickly buried?