CANADIAN VEIL OF GLORY Co-Litigants, Ural Direk’s & Kemal Direkoglu’s “NOTICE” dated September 22nd , 2012, to Attention of “WORLD JEWISH COMMUNITY” gives brief insight into the systemic-crimes committed by the government & Justice System of Canada against taxpayers & minority population of this diverse multicultural & multiracial Canada. Abovementioned Notice guides Canadian & World Societies in better understanding, detecting, & preventing serious crimes committed & systemic – problems caused, by high – Authoritative- Figures seriously & severely plaguing the administration of justice. This Notice further guides & directs Canadian Citizens & World people to unification, amicability, endurance, & and pressuring for revisions/ annulments of laws to enable past, current, & Future Victims to obtain their justice, compensation, & entitled-fundamental-legal-rights they were, are, & will be deprived of. Abovementioned Notice also sends the message to Canadian Society & World Society of their need to increase their values also by defeating their invaluabilities, which is greatly contributing to Victims being severely violated & deprived of justice. This Abovementioned Notice gives insight into particular & critical areas that People in Canadian & World Societies need to be educated in, & refers to evidences & Court- File Numbers that need to be reviewed in the interest of justice. Abovementioned Notice advises of & indicates serious danger & bigger calamity that await if Canadian & World Societies continue being passive & do not act to protect. Co- Litigants, Ural Direk’s & Kemal Direkoglu’s virtually quarter-of-a-century (over 24 year-long) Legal Battle in Canada is also cited. Abovementioned Notice unveils secrets, which encourage & motivate people to take Matters & others things seriously and use their moral potentials for the benefit of Human Race, which is in a growing crisis.