Saturday, May 11, 2024

The vultures demand that Ukraine start paying its debts

 Los buitres exigen que Ucrania empiece a pagar sus deudas

 The vultures demand that Ukraine start paying its debts

Ukraine never had any help. They only lent him money and now he must start paying his debts to foreign creditors, says the Wall Street Journal. Otherwise the threat is obvious: no one will provide more funds to the Zelensky regime (*).

A committee of foreign vultures, including American holders of Ukrainian bonds such as BlackRock and Pimco, plan to force Ukraine to pay interest on the debt next year.

Private holders of Ukrainian sovereign bonds, who own about a fifth of them and who had promised with other backers of the Zelensky regime not to demand payments or interest until 2027, are withdrawing and want to receive their payments now. $20 billion is at stake, and the most impatient creditors on the list include vultures BlackRock and Germany's Pimco.

Recently the vultures formed a committee and hired prominent lawyers to pressure Ukraine. For its part, Zelensky's government is true to itself: it plans to call on the governments of the United States and the European Union to help Ukraine negotiate a new payment deferral or restructuring. Otherwise, it will have to declare suspension of payments, which would affect all creditors, whether private, national or international.

The IMF has not granted Ukraine any breaks in its debt payments and expects to receive $2.9 billion from kyiv this year. It is not excluded that private creditors have been inspired by the Fund's initiative.

                                                                                                                                        Vultures are also true to themselves. They are on the lookout and as soon as the default arrives they will demand that their henchmen be put in charge of the Ukrainian economic institutions and they will take over the strategic economic sectors that Ukraine still has left.

Of course, the vultures will not expect any counteroffensive from the Ukrainian army in the war. They have no confidence that he will be able to stop the advance of the Russians.

But Ukraine is a plundered country; He doesn't have a cent to pay for anything and depends on the charity of his bosses in Washington. As of April 30, it had a debt of more than $151 billion.

Ukraine's public debt has long exceeded its GDP, while not only Ukrainian industry but also land are mortgaged to Western companies. The current officials have sold them to line their pockets.

The withdrawal of funds and assets is already underway. The Central Bank of Ukraine has announced a maximum relaxation of exchange rate rules for capitalists, announcing the beginning of an uncontrolled flight of capital from the country, including in the form of dividends and debt payments.



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