Monday, May 6, 2024

Milei el Malinche: A danger for Latin America

                                              by Pablo Jofre Leal: The Argentine government, administered by the far-right servant of Milanchismo (1) Javier Gerardo Milei, has defined its foreign policy based on two great allies: the United States and Israel.

United States and Zionism, without sparing public and private efforts to give signs that it will serve its patrons with dedication and servility.
Milei el Malinche: A danger for Latin America  

As a correspondence to this announced servility, both Washington and the Israeli national-Zionist regime have declared that Milei constitutes a strategic ally in the southern South American cone, specifying an open agenda in multiple fields, which are expressed in the decision to strengthen ties in political and economic matters. , military and even with attempts to establish a joint naval base with the United States in Argentine Patagonia. Announcement released after the interview of the Argentine president with the head of the Southern Command of the US army Laura Richardson (2) in the southern city of Ushuaia - on the banks of the Beagle Channel on the border with Chile - which is feared to also serve as a field of military activities and action of the Israeli National Zionist army in what Argentina calls the Antarctic logistics pole.                                                                                                                                                           Pole that is an expression of the Argentine political-military strategic vision regarding its claims to recover the Malvinas in the South Atlantic and the strategic deployment in the Antarctic territory, which will undoubtedly generate strong tensions with Chile whose gaze is on the south of the continent. It is an inherent part of its political and military strategic depth. In the case of the Malvinas, the ideas expressed by Richardson regarding maintaining a naval base in the southern continental zone of the American continent, goes in the direction of contending with the influence of the People's Republic of China in the South Atlantic - based on the agreements signed between Beijing and Buenos Aires between 2012 and 2014, by which China maintains a 200-hectare space observation base in the province of Neuquén.

The ideas on Milei's side regarding the projected joint naval base are along the lines of supposedly serving as a defense of sovereignty, the territorial and river borders from the entry of drug trafficking, the Argentine territorial sea and with the mission of investigating terrorism. Islamic. Milei's ramblings regarding the foreign military presence in Patagonia have even made him think that it could serve as a recovery point for the Malvinas, an absolutely delusional issue taking into account that Great Britain, which occupies the Argentine islands, is a global strategic partner of Washington. and not even in his dreams would he damage the relationships with those who accompany him in all his invasions and attacks on other countries in the world.

The submission of the Milei government to the international guidelines established by Zionism, both based in Washington and Tel Aviv, has served to generate a narrative appropriate to the interests of its “new best friends” although it is fair to say that the mandate of the former President Alberto Fernández also went through these flirtations so typical of Yanacona and Malinchista governments, where this curse of Malinche turns out to be his most important imprint, generating loyalty and unworthy servility in the face of those who dominate our people. Dressing their actions in supposed openness and liberalism, when in truth it is pure indignity and betrayal. Milei has no qualms in relation to the United States of carrying out actions of genuflection with both Republicans and Democrats and has expressed it unequivocally “My ally is the United States, whether Democrats or Republicans. They gave us a Hercules. What happened the other day – the meeting with Richardson – was the greatest act of sovereignty in the last 40 years. Because being a military base in Ushuaia, it supports our claim to Antarctica. And I ask you a question. Ushuaia is the capital of what? Land of Fire. And what else? Falkland Islands, Georgia Islands, Sandwich Islands and the entire maritime spectrum. It is the first step to start thinking about the recovery of the Malvinas. Come on, let them get her out of the corner,” said the president. When he asks him if he is going to seek the recovery of the Falklands, he points out: "Obviously, but through diplomatic means." Obviously I'm thinking about getting them back, but it's a long-term process. (3)

 At the level of its relations with Zionism, and its reference such as the Israeli infanticidal entity, the dangers for South America are evident. Not only for allowing the most powerful emergence of this ideology expressed through her strong ties with the government of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, whom she visited on her first international tour as soon as she took command in the Casa Rosada. For analysts like Santiago Montag, President Milei “in accordance with his individualistic ways, he began to manipulate international relations. based on her personal messianic and religious interests, but also to favor the economic sectors that her government represents. He has been firmly in charge of demonstrating his devotion and admiration for the Hebrews, dangerously linking politics and religion” (4)

A Milei who dreams of becoming Jewish as part of what he calls an inner path that has led him to establish deep relationships with sectors of Argentine Jewish ultra-orthodoxy, who have been the catapult in his first political aspirations until he has it today.
occupying the presidential chair in the Casa Rosada. In September 2023, he publicly confessed that the former Christian was beginning to walk a path that has turned him into a “son of light” today (5). Javier Gerardo Milei, in the midst of his presidential campaign, stated “I don't go to church, I go to the temple.” . I have a primary rabbi and I study Torah. He is recognized internationally as a friend of Israel. I am a little away from being a Jew, I only lack the blood pact” (6) And in that path of self-interested confusion between religion and Zionist ideology, the self-proclaimed libertarian has taken steps to strengthen relations with the genocidal entity, as has been his decision to move – against the grain of international law – the embassy from Argentina from Tel Aviv to Al Quds – Jerusalem – supporting the extermination of the Palestinian people, positioning itself as the main outpost of Zionism in Latin America and allowing its emergence in a way that entails enormous danger for our people.   

 Milei's relations with the Jewish sect of the Chabad Lubavicht (7) – a powerful Orthodox current with political and economic influence in both the United States and Argentina – represents a threat, not only for the Andean country, but also for its neighbors, especially
all South Americans, who have begun to suffer strong attacks from the Milei government in its alignment with the Israeli entity. It is not in vain that Security Minister Patricia Bullrich has served as spokesperson for the alerts from Tel Aviv and Washington regarding the alleged presence of Hezbollah sleeper cells in Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, the Triple Border (between Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina) and even in Chile, which generated an impasse with the latter country diplomat that meant the public apology of the Milei government administration due to the demands of President Gabriel Boric (😎. An accusation that obeys the guidelines drawn up by the CIA and the Mossad aimed at diverting attention from crimes against humanity, the extermination carried out by national-Zionism against the Palestinian people. It is part of a larger plan aimed at imposing a pro-Zionist narrative, which supports the attack most intense of the military, security and intelligence industry strongly linked to the political and social espionage of Israeli companies, frequently involved in issues of corruption and support for the formation of paramilitary groups and drug trafficking.
                                                                                                                                                  A Milei who, along with his dreams of conversion, must deal with the absolute contradiction that inhabits his government, which speaks of diplomatically recovering the Malvinas, serving the United States and Zionism and verifying, for example, the vital contradictions that will face this “libertarian” president when put into practice, by the Israeli-owned Navitas Petroleum, which will begin to extract oil at the end of this year 2024, in one of the 21 wells of the Sea Lion field that is qualified in this matter. of hydrocarbon quality, as well as world class with an estimated reserve of 791 million barrels.
All this from maritime deposits located 280 kilometers north of the Malvinas from a clearly illegal license - for the Argentine legal system - granted by the Kelper government (9) and which meant in September 2023 that the government of the former President Alberto Fernández, through his Foreign Ministry, will express his repudiation of those activities that do not have the permission of the competent Argentine authority. But, it is evident that this contradiction, which for any government less subject to the interests of “its new great friends” in the case of Javier Milei, is easily solvable, and this is to finalize the agreements with the well-known helpful and unworthy behavior of the new ones. followers of malinchism that brings dangers in broad areas of the life of our people.

 Pablo Jofré Leal
Article for Hispantv

1.- Malinche refers to a woman, a historical figure part of the conquest of the Aztec empire by the Spanish. Malintzin or Malinalli, also known as Doña Marina or La Malinche, was a Nahua woman who played a central role in the conquest of the Aztec empire by the Spanish. She was an interpreter, advisor, intermediary and lover of Hernán Cortés. The term malinchista denotes a person who is disloyal to his or her country. Due to Malinche's collaboration with the Spanish that facilitated the conquest, and which at the time represented a betrayal of her people, culture, ideology, religion and traditions, the term Malinchismo was coined.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Malinchism is the dismemberment of nationality and cultural and behavioral patterns, due to the acceptance and preference of models that are not one's own or in accordance with the idiosyncrasy, culture and resources due to foreign ideas, tastes, models, organization, behavior, attitudes, religion and patterns of different behavior. He who favors and forbids this change is called a malinchista. The globalization in which the planet is immersed has paved the way for this ideological -political-administrative-economic model to settle in practically all countries, which has only exclusively favored a small group, having a negative impact on the great majority. majority of the population and countries.
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                                                                                                                                                        2.- Milei's emergency trip to the Argentine city was to support the American general whose presence was declared unwelcome by the governor of Tierra del Fuego Gustavo Melella. Dressed as a military man during an event at the city's naval base where the anthems of Argentina and the United States were heard, Milei stated that “the West is at risk” and that Argentines have “a natural affinity” with the United States, with whom they share “ "the defense of life, liberty and private property."
Later, he announced the construction of a joint naval base in the area. “It is a large logistics center that will constitute the closest development port to Antarctica and will make our countries the gateway to the white continent,” Milei explained.
                                                                                                                                                        5..- Javier Milei was honored as Ambassador of Light by the Jewish community in Miami, during a dinner and ceremony that the Chabad Lubavitch organization organized on April 10 in the city of Miami. Milei was accompanied by his sister and General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the Argentine ambassador in Washington, Gerardo Werthein; and Rabbi Axel Wahnish, proposed by him as the new ambassador to Israel. Karina Milei was also decorated as “Ambassador of Light” distinction mainly focused on the active commitment of the Argentine president and his sister to the “Israel cause” and the war of extermination carried out against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
                                                                                                                                                       6.- él al-judaismo-y-su-deseo-de-conviertese-que-dice-la-constitucion-argentina /

  7.- Chabad Lubavitch is not only an ultra-right orthodox current of Judaism, but it is also particularly the one that brings together large capitalists, both in Argentina and in the rest of the world. What can we say about these links with obscurantism? This branch of Hasidism that would have emerged back in the 19th century gained strong momentum since the middle of the last century, from the establishment of Menachem Mendel Schneerson - the Rebbe - in the New York Jewish community, from where he coordinated the opening of Chabad centers to the length and width of the globe. To make it short, it is enough to mention that Donald Trump cultivated relations with the organization and received it in an official event at none other than the White House in 2018, in addition to the fact that his daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law are practitioners. The powerful banker David Rothschild is another active adherent. Across the Pacific, prominent Lubavitcher financiers included Russian oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, Putin's allies and former business associates of the Trump family until the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. This is the environment in which they move. Negocios

                                                                                                                                                     9.- In April 2022, the Ministry of Energy declared “illegal” the activities carried out by Navitas Petroleum on the Argentine Continental Shelf, close to the Malvinas Islands, because it is a company that does not appear in the records as a concessionaire and/or permit to carry out hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation in the area. The measure was ordered through Resolution 240/2022 in which Navitas Petroleum was declared “clandestine” for carrying out activities “without being authorized to do so by the competent Argentine authorities”, and was disqualified for 20 years from operating in exploration and production. of hydrocarbons in Argentina. This sanction included contacts with the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, in order to notify Navitas of the irregular situation in which it found itself. Although the Israeli embassy received the request, there was no response.
           The name Kelper mentioned in the article refers to that pejorative name for the settlers of British origin who occupy the Malvinas. Name derived from the numerous algae (Kelps) that abound around the coast of the islands.

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