Paying taxes to a corrupt government is not PATRIOTIC; it is SLAVERY.
By Homar Garcés: The separation of the State from the popular sectors is a fact that is evident and is repeated, regardless of its designation, on a planetary scale. Between both elements there is a constant tension that, if increased, could produce a crisis of ungovernability and lead to a coup or something of greater impact such as a general popular rebellion. This forces us to rethink what the bourgeois liberal state is and should be in light of the various events that have arisen from the end of the last century to the present in demand of higher levels of democratic participation, which has led to talk, in the majority of cases, the cases, of a participative and protagonist democracy in which the emancipatory spirit of the peoples is fully and primarily manifested. This new vision and / or conception of democracy certainly contrasts with the current model of society, this being a system that generates inequalities of all kinds, derived from and legitimating the predominant capitalist logic.
Thus, it is observed that the characteristics, the essence, the control and the directionality of the traditional State - designed for centuries according to the ideology, privileges and interests of the dominant minorities - are completely incompatible with the aspirations of integral emancipation that they animate popular struggles. An issue that, in one way or another, affects the validity of what we usually identify as the inefficient bureaucratic functioning of the State - of which the generality of citizens is a perpetual victim -, to which is added the corruption existing in its different levels and modalities (from that which is sought to justify according to the material necessity of those who are corrupted to that which is legitimized as a product of a centuries-long tradition that is considered inescapable and, therefore, is accepted as something normal or ordinary), which will always have its consequences in the attitude assumed by these same citizens with regard to the perception of themselves, their fellow men and the country in which they reside.
Neoliberalism is alive and kicking...
For this reason, those who control the power of the State seek to stimulate and reinforce the establishment of a political power characterized by an arbitrary and personalistic exercise that has little or nothing to do with collective interest and rights; making people see that there are no other alternatives to replace it. Obviously, his objective is to generate a common passive behavior among his subordinates, similar to that of industrious bees and ants, dedicated exclusively to satisfying the tastes, pleasures and selfish emotions of those who are at the top of the social pyramid, for which They require the existence of social, educational and labor relations where petty, competitive, repressive and authoritarian attitudes prevail; which will make it easier for them to adapt to the role assigned to them.
Popular sovereignty, therefore, is a serious obstacle to the persistence of corruption and the inefficiency of the traditional State. In the first place, because their actions would oppose the unilateral decision-making of the body of bureaucrats and rulers, which would seriously affect their power and existence. Then this will also have effects in the economic area by promoting the self-management of the popular sectors, which will make them less dependent on the demagoguery of politicians, bureaucrats and leaders who require their votes and approval to stay in power. Consequently, when confronting the corruption and inefficiency of the State, popular sovereignty must simultaneously aim at political and economic objectives, without obviating the need to manifest itself one hundred percent in the structural transformation of the existing type of society, since the survival of any of the elements that make up the State would imply the deformation and cooptation of said sovereignty, diverting and fading the options to create and consolidate a new social, economic and political conception focused on the benefit -not only material but also cultural and spiritual- of all citizens, regardless of their sex and their particular creeds.
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