In Argentina with Macri cities and towns,
metropolis and countryside’s, traders and employees, are under fire from the
plan of destruction of the neoliberals.
The reintegration of Argentina under the imperial boot Pentagon (which the recent inclusion of Argentina as an observer of the Pacific Alliance is one of the latest manifestations) seeks a territory dominated by Western decadent modern oligarchy that seeks to bring the Universe, replace God as Lucifer dreamed. What it was once under construction, hoping in the bow, from November 15, 2015, when Macri without querer- announced the future value of the dollar, suffering from a heavy bombardment of stealthy genocidal weapons which aims diminishment of country the size of a crawling colony and the pauperization of the people to the dimension of a crowd of beggars, begging the charity of idiots hierarchies for Macri, with their yellow balloons, was erected an idol as little more than Messi.
The arsenal of these weapons of mass destruction is made with different economic measures rapid concentration of economic power towards the western financial capital and the gross territorial aristocracy; and violent cooling production to remove all "leftovers" that is, everything that sustain a decent standard of living for those great masses that the cipayaje dreams dragged his feet as solicitous pimps, as desperate menial competitors ranks of the traitors. For this neocolonial nomenclature is essential that in Argentina under fire all political nests of national resistance against the attack are neutralized, isolated, maligned, hated, but not only for those who are behind the look peppering the people, but also for the as many of those who are also based in the territory beaten, who also suffer, as the tough, punishing bombs Macri, but remain mesmerized by Clarin, Telenoche (news program primetime in Argentina), TodoNoticias (news channel of Grupo Clarin) or different variants of the "presstitute".
Stealth bombing not only is that these bombs are not artillery-like strip which the West against Syria and Iraq using its terrorist paramilitary style Al-Qaeda or "Islamic State" - but his camouflage is precisely the ideological and political confusion, so that victims do not realize what they are doing them and see everything inverted, hate those who resist while hanging onto pants really, from the government- are ravaging the country. Several constant psychological operations and intelligence made and make anti-national to achieve these results of political turmoil, operations that are the combination of massive and repetitive propaganda, with the necessary facts to make it plausible.
The "sincerity" and "bomb is about to explode"
"I know they have been difficult for many Argentines months, I share the pain, the anguish, sincerar the economy has been very hard but they left a bomb to explode". This fallacy Macri, pronounced a few days ago, summarizes the overall logic on which the great handling that achieves this very clear economic bombing result for many is based, today !, Still totally invisible ... "sincerar" da idea that there is a lie that is necessary to unmask. "Bomb to explode" gives an idea of a trap that can explode and everything that goes wrong today is because those traps are detonating.
But if we analyze the objective information, unobjectionable sources of bias in the sense of what I intend to demonstrate, we realize that this, like all Macri, is a big lie and that, in fact, the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner left government accounts in relatively good condition and the only trap that existed was against the rich, not against the people and the nation.
The media are means, nothing more, and depends on the purposes for which its legitimacy are used. In this sense, all kirchnerismo monetary policy, especially in recent times, it is generally very poorly understood in all its dimensions. In monetary policy the problem is not the issue, but at the hands of who is going to stop the money is issued: if the hands of the banks or at the hands of the workers and the people. Macri today emits ten times more than Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, when printing debt of billions of dollars and pesos. These securities are not issued to give to the workers; They are issued for delivery to international usury. They are a promise of vassalage. Macri is a "bravo" against the Argentine people but a lapdog of the Yankee bankers.
In this sense, the policy of debt reduction Kirchner was not one of absolute debt reduction. It was one of external debt reduction in the sense of reducing the ratio of the relationship between GDP and external debt, so that over time the debt could be reduced further. Yes there was a significant government borrowing in pesos. That's true. But in terms of pesos the controversy would happen in the event of default it would be National ground, "behind closed doors". Then, in a kirchnerista context, if they would be most important human rights of Argentine citizens to pay a debt to the greedy capitalists potentates creditors, if they would be most important rights to housing, decent food and health, and education, of all compatriots, creditors had faced this situation in a much greater weakness. Here the state could impose that a millionaire as Macri or as Paolo Rocca (owner of Techint), as could impose the nationalization of the AFJP to ensure universal basic right such as retirement (why Rocca since that time -year 2008- spoke of a "confiscatory") stage. But never the Argentine government could impose the default (read "must confiscation from the rich and we all have rights") to the municipal courts of New York, he podiums from which the US denied a bankruptcy with almost 93 percent of same contest that had legitimized the terms of a manumission at the end tragically frustrated by the electoral victory of a súperalcahuete. It is very different to the battle inside to give it out. The illegitimacy of injustice is always the same, but the legitimacy to make war against it (because injustice has personeros, is not abstract) would have been very different. That's what they wanted in their favor sincerar the eternal frustradores of Argentina Power! That was the bomb to explode the rich were removed from the hands! Macri Kirchner maxim of "not paying the debt with the blood of the people" by "blood run Argentina to perpetuate the domination of the country, using the debt as a statute of colonialism" was disrupted.
And Argentina blood not only runs today as hunger, such as depression and shock and killed several workers fired state as the murder of elderly that they are desfinancia (denied) medication such as horizontal violence fueled by'm shortages manifested in the indices upwards of street crime (of white-collar crime is concerned "the best team in 50 years," cipayo conspiracy in power) - as the bankruptcy of small and medium company and much of the industry, but also runs the blood when the government represses macrista economic struggle, whether through media francs police uniform or covert means as the actions of gangs of thugs. The economic violence is always corresponded political violence. In that way we are driving Macri. The second maxim, "not treacherously suppress popular resistance" (because during the kirchnerismo there were numerous repressions to protest struggles with fatalities but there was also a commitment from the highest levels of national political power to resolve conflicts by relatively peaceful means, and that is testimony to the case of Mariano Ferreira, and others, which sought to create the political and institutional conditions for ending impunity and stifle the abuse of power), it is transformed into the maxim "impose unpatriotic plan with all necessary and exemplary "violence. For this there is a whole strengthening official policy of the repressive logic, trying to rewrite history, beginning to revive the "theory of the two demons" (those who did the armed struggle against the subversive band that took power in 1976 are the same as those useful in the service of the Pentagon) idiots - ensuring impunity for torturers old, recomposing the repressive capacity of the New State Cologne; making legal changes of great significance as laws of repenting and informants (where the penalties are traded and buchoneo institutionalizes), as the "security protocol" as the unification of justice of instruction, such as the centralization of the "war on drugs" in a group of addicts judges (I mean the central power, not the drug, although it could be), as the dismantling of all the reforms made by Kirchner (prosecutors against trafficking and exploitation of people, against drugs, against the administrative offense against institutional violence, hierarchy of prosecutors in the investigation and prosecution of cases, etc.), and other changes in criminal and procedural codes that not only seek to facilitate violence repressive, but also uprighting the state in an increasingly dictatorial regime.
The Sepoy cahoots
In the same manner as in the thirties there was a part of radicalism agreed with those who overthrew Yrigoyen, today a majority of politicians in the Justicia lista Party that is practically cogobernando with Macri. That's why until now a minority in the Chambers has not prevented Macri approve the worst laws in living memory: repeal of the Cerrojo Law (which prevented grant vulture funds better deal than the nearly 93% creditors who had accepted the renegotiation) and Sovereign payment (which prevents payment elsewhere that established therein: Argentina and alternately France); authorization of new debt to pay vultures; approval of two new members of the Supreme Court; reprivatization of ANSES (National Administration of Social Security) and curtailment of rights acquired by retirees; money laundering ...
Let's change members (PRO electoral alliance with the party of Macri Radical Civic Union the party of Fernando de la Rua, the president who fled by helicopter from the roof of the Casa Rosada by the debacle of 2001 and other minor parties, with which Macri won the election), the Renewal Front (the party that armed Sergio Massa, which was in the Kirchner government to divide the Peronist vote and collaborate with the victory of Macri), Block Justicialista (the traitors who left block Front for Victory) and other smaller blocks, all partners in the joint government against the people, are the connivance of the sepoys, the complicity of unpatriotic, the connivance of those who live accept bribes or blackmail the central government (using the federal budget to extort provinces), all part of the political nomenclature of a country governed directly by the US and CEOs of Western corporations.
In this context the intransigent attitude of former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who was strongly opposed to external reendeudamiento, privatization of ANSES and money laundering that aims to legalize the money misappropriated the "best team in 50 years highlights ". This political position was not accompanied by all the caucuses of deputies and senators of the Front for Victory (electoral alliance that led to the presidency) although a significant part of them. The impressive mobilization that went back when he was subpoenaed to testify in a rigged cause to pursue and the important influence it has on several branches of government, particularly in the legislative chambers and in a few places of the Judiciary, reach to show that it is not isolated but his power is from the institutional, too limited to successfully hinder this aggression against the people and the nation.
The broad National Front to be built to unite the resistance against Macri pumps obviously that exclude and point the finger at all these traitors, and condemned forever like that.
Lopez case
Just one day before the omnibus bill (so called because it is a set of regulations) with which it aims to reform the pension system, lower jubilacionies, privatize ANSES and whiten flight capital a vote in the Chamber of Deputies the country by members of Let's change, was arrested in a village in the last peripheral cords of the metropolitan region, in the city of General Rodriguez, former undersecretary of Public Works during the governments of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, Jose Lopez. The man was seen throwing lumps inside a monastery. When police stopped him he found about nine million dollars in various currencies and a carbine Sig Sauer.
This is at least suspect, because it is very timely and helpful for macrismo at a time when it came backward politically, Kirchner came recomposing and popular field had made numerous mass demonstrations of opposition to government measures, and at least doubtful in its characteristics, which are very rare, not only for the time and place where they find it, but the mental, paranoid ravings and inconsistencies saying, that the man was. With this arrest a new artillery attack media against the former president, an attack that devote hours to 9 million undeclared Lopez is detonates and not a second to the thousands who abscond and have systematically escaped those who make up the "best team in 50 years, "who came to finish the Argentina.
Regarding the kirchneristas, you can say that certainly any inconsistency first is wrong, because that's an inconsistency, and secondly it will always be used against the enemies of an independent Argentina and a people with rights. Undoubtedly civil servants and patriotic leaders must always strive to be virtuous and have conduct. But why we cannot fail to see that those who tear their hair are the real corrupt because their political decisions for the whole country, are estreguistas and treacherous, and no worse corruption than treason.
At this point it is fitting to quote some concepts of the transcendent national thinker who was Jauretche. "Popular governments are weak before the scandal not have, nor have mutual concealing solidarity of the oligarchies and are their own supporters who say their magnifies defects after the press. the small domestic crime is exaggerated to conceal the crime national oligarchies prepared in the shade, and sells homeland is horrified at the armholes of the cook ".
Argentina is under fire, not the Lopez, but diabolic serving the interests darkest conspiracies. No wonder the Pope rejected a donation of 16.666 million pesos (note the 666, which has a very specific meaning) Macri for a program promoted by the very Francisco I. No wonder a monastery involved in the maneuver appears in which Lopez was arrested. You will coincidences? I do not know. What is clear is that the measures are not invented Macri and "heavy legacy" which are producing a general collapse of economic activity. They are Macri measures that are having these bad results, because its objective is to re-make Argentina a docile colony and the people who exploit a flock without mercy. They are measures that have again Macri to give ourselves as a country to the same as always preyed us.
At this point, with both generalized lack of control, with ever higher inflation, with a festival of usurers pecking national wealth in the midst of complete freedom for the movement of hot money, with layoffs that continue to occur, with tarifazo of public services is a mass murder, with a general collapse of much of companies, all caused by measures Macri, who does not want to see it is because you have chosen which place be: on the side of the imperialists against Argentina.
Argentina is under fire. The National Resistance is challenged to organize against the attack, unite politically to transform quantitatively and qualitatively. Sooner rather than later born the Political Front and the Argentine people find ways to reverse this adverse situation, find ways to compose herself, find a way to clean the loopholes from where they shoot the murderers and achieve finally back on track which we departed an unfortunate Nov. 22.
Written by Leonardo Del Grosso Argentine Journalist
The reintegration of Argentina under the imperial boot Pentagon (which the recent inclusion of Argentina as an observer of the Pacific Alliance is one of the latest manifestations) seeks a territory dominated by Western decadent modern oligarchy that seeks to bring the Universe, replace God as Lucifer dreamed. What it was once under construction, hoping in the bow, from November 15, 2015, when Macri without querer- announced the future value of the dollar, suffering from a heavy bombardment of stealthy genocidal weapons which aims diminishment of country the size of a crawling colony and the pauperization of the people to the dimension of a crowd of beggars, begging the charity of idiots hierarchies for Macri, with their yellow balloons, was erected an idol as little more than Messi.
The arsenal of these weapons of mass destruction is made with different economic measures rapid concentration of economic power towards the western financial capital and the gross territorial aristocracy; and violent cooling production to remove all "leftovers" that is, everything that sustain a decent standard of living for those great masses that the cipayaje dreams dragged his feet as solicitous pimps, as desperate menial competitors ranks of the traitors. For this neocolonial nomenclature is essential that in Argentina under fire all political nests of national resistance against the attack are neutralized, isolated, maligned, hated, but not only for those who are behind the look peppering the people, but also for the as many of those who are also based in the territory beaten, who also suffer, as the tough, punishing bombs Macri, but remain mesmerized by Clarin, Telenoche (news program primetime in Argentina), TodoNoticias (news channel of Grupo Clarin) or different variants of the "presstitute".
Stealth bombing not only is that these bombs are not artillery-like strip which the West against Syria and Iraq using its terrorist paramilitary style Al-Qaeda or "Islamic State" - but his camouflage is precisely the ideological and political confusion, so that victims do not realize what they are doing them and see everything inverted, hate those who resist while hanging onto pants really, from the government- are ravaging the country. Several constant psychological operations and intelligence made and make anti-national to achieve these results of political turmoil, operations that are the combination of massive and repetitive propaganda, with the necessary facts to make it plausible.
The "sincerity" and "bomb is about to explode"
"I know they have been difficult for many Argentines months, I share the pain, the anguish, sincerar the economy has been very hard but they left a bomb to explode". This fallacy Macri, pronounced a few days ago, summarizes the overall logic on which the great handling that achieves this very clear economic bombing result for many is based, today !, Still totally invisible ... "sincerar" da idea that there is a lie that is necessary to unmask. "Bomb to explode" gives an idea of a trap that can explode and everything that goes wrong today is because those traps are detonating.
But if we analyze the objective information, unobjectionable sources of bias in the sense of what I intend to demonstrate, we realize that this, like all Macri, is a big lie and that, in fact, the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner left government accounts in relatively good condition and the only trap that existed was against the rich, not against the people and the nation.
The media are means, nothing more, and depends on the purposes for which its legitimacy are used. In this sense, all kirchnerismo monetary policy, especially in recent times, it is generally very poorly understood in all its dimensions. In monetary policy the problem is not the issue, but at the hands of who is going to stop the money is issued: if the hands of the banks or at the hands of the workers and the people. Macri today emits ten times more than Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, when printing debt of billions of dollars and pesos. These securities are not issued to give to the workers; They are issued for delivery to international usury. They are a promise of vassalage. Macri is a "bravo" against the Argentine people but a lapdog of the Yankee bankers.
In this sense, the policy of debt reduction Kirchner was not one of absolute debt reduction. It was one of external debt reduction in the sense of reducing the ratio of the relationship between GDP and external debt, so that over time the debt could be reduced further. Yes there was a significant government borrowing in pesos. That's true. But in terms of pesos the controversy would happen in the event of default it would be National ground, "behind closed doors". Then, in a kirchnerista context, if they would be most important human rights of Argentine citizens to pay a debt to the greedy capitalists potentates creditors, if they would be most important rights to housing, decent food and health, and education, of all compatriots, creditors had faced this situation in a much greater weakness. Here the state could impose that a millionaire as Macri or as Paolo Rocca (owner of Techint), as could impose the nationalization of the AFJP to ensure universal basic right such as retirement (why Rocca since that time -year 2008- spoke of a "confiscatory") stage. But never the Argentine government could impose the default (read "must confiscation from the rich and we all have rights") to the municipal courts of New York, he podiums from which the US denied a bankruptcy with almost 93 percent of same contest that had legitimized the terms of a manumission at the end tragically frustrated by the electoral victory of a súperalcahuete. It is very different to the battle inside to give it out. The illegitimacy of injustice is always the same, but the legitimacy to make war against it (because injustice has personeros, is not abstract) would have been very different. That's what they wanted in their favor sincerar the eternal frustradores of Argentina Power! That was the bomb to explode the rich were removed from the hands! Macri Kirchner maxim of "not paying the debt with the blood of the people" by "blood run Argentina to perpetuate the domination of the country, using the debt as a statute of colonialism" was disrupted.
And Argentina blood not only runs today as hunger, such as depression and shock and killed several workers fired state as the murder of elderly that they are desfinancia (denied) medication such as horizontal violence fueled by'm shortages manifested in the indices upwards of street crime (of white-collar crime is concerned "the best team in 50 years," cipayo conspiracy in power) - as the bankruptcy of small and medium company and much of the industry, but also runs the blood when the government represses macrista economic struggle, whether through media francs police uniform or covert means as the actions of gangs of thugs. The economic violence is always corresponded political violence. In that way we are driving Macri. The second maxim, "not treacherously suppress popular resistance" (because during the kirchnerismo there were numerous repressions to protest struggles with fatalities but there was also a commitment from the highest levels of national political power to resolve conflicts by relatively peaceful means, and that is testimony to the case of Mariano Ferreira, and others, which sought to create the political and institutional conditions for ending impunity and stifle the abuse of power), it is transformed into the maxim "impose unpatriotic plan with all necessary and exemplary "violence. For this there is a whole strengthening official policy of the repressive logic, trying to rewrite history, beginning to revive the "theory of the two demons" (those who did the armed struggle against the subversive band that took power in 1976 are the same as those useful in the service of the Pentagon) idiots - ensuring impunity for torturers old, recomposing the repressive capacity of the New State Cologne; making legal changes of great significance as laws of repenting and informants (where the penalties are traded and buchoneo institutionalizes), as the "security protocol" as the unification of justice of instruction, such as the centralization of the "war on drugs" in a group of addicts judges (I mean the central power, not the drug, although it could be), as the dismantling of all the reforms made by Kirchner (prosecutors against trafficking and exploitation of people, against drugs, against the administrative offense against institutional violence, hierarchy of prosecutors in the investigation and prosecution of cases, etc.), and other changes in criminal and procedural codes that not only seek to facilitate violence repressive, but also uprighting the state in an increasingly dictatorial regime.
The Sepoy cahoots
In the same manner as in the thirties there was a part of radicalism agreed with those who overthrew Yrigoyen, today a majority of politicians in the Justicia lista Party that is practically cogobernando with Macri. That's why until now a minority in the Chambers has not prevented Macri approve the worst laws in living memory: repeal of the Cerrojo Law (which prevented grant vulture funds better deal than the nearly 93% creditors who had accepted the renegotiation) and Sovereign payment (which prevents payment elsewhere that established therein: Argentina and alternately France); authorization of new debt to pay vultures; approval of two new members of the Supreme Court; reprivatization of ANSES (National Administration of Social Security) and curtailment of rights acquired by retirees; money laundering ...
Let's change members (PRO electoral alliance with the party of Macri Radical Civic Union the party of Fernando de la Rua, the president who fled by helicopter from the roof of the Casa Rosada by the debacle of 2001 and other minor parties, with which Macri won the election), the Renewal Front (the party that armed Sergio Massa, which was in the Kirchner government to divide the Peronist vote and collaborate with the victory of Macri), Block Justicialista (the traitors who left block Front for Victory) and other smaller blocks, all partners in the joint government against the people, are the connivance of the sepoys, the complicity of unpatriotic, the connivance of those who live accept bribes or blackmail the central government (using the federal budget to extort provinces), all part of the political nomenclature of a country governed directly by the US and CEOs of Western corporations.
In this context the intransigent attitude of former president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who was strongly opposed to external reendeudamiento, privatization of ANSES and money laundering that aims to legalize the money misappropriated the "best team in 50 years highlights ". This political position was not accompanied by all the caucuses of deputies and senators of the Front for Victory (electoral alliance that led to the presidency) although a significant part of them. The impressive mobilization that went back when he was subpoenaed to testify in a rigged cause to pursue and the important influence it has on several branches of government, particularly in the legislative chambers and in a few places of the Judiciary, reach to show that it is not isolated but his power is from the institutional, too limited to successfully hinder this aggression against the people and the nation.
The broad National Front to be built to unite the resistance against Macri pumps obviously that exclude and point the finger at all these traitors, and condemned forever like that.
Lopez case
Just one day before the omnibus bill (so called because it is a set of regulations) with which it aims to reform the pension system, lower jubilacionies, privatize ANSES and whiten flight capital a vote in the Chamber of Deputies the country by members of Let's change, was arrested in a village in the last peripheral cords of the metropolitan region, in the city of General Rodriguez, former undersecretary of Public Works during the governments of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, Jose Lopez. The man was seen throwing lumps inside a monastery. When police stopped him he found about nine million dollars in various currencies and a carbine Sig Sauer.
This is at least suspect, because it is very timely and helpful for macrismo at a time when it came backward politically, Kirchner came recomposing and popular field had made numerous mass demonstrations of opposition to government measures, and at least doubtful in its characteristics, which are very rare, not only for the time and place where they find it, but the mental, paranoid ravings and inconsistencies saying, that the man was. With this arrest a new artillery attack media against the former president, an attack that devote hours to 9 million undeclared Lopez is detonates and not a second to the thousands who abscond and have systematically escaped those who make up the "best team in 50 years, "who came to finish the Argentina.
Regarding the kirchneristas, you can say that certainly any inconsistency first is wrong, because that's an inconsistency, and secondly it will always be used against the enemies of an independent Argentina and a people with rights. Undoubtedly civil servants and patriotic leaders must always strive to be virtuous and have conduct. But why we cannot fail to see that those who tear their hair are the real corrupt because their political decisions for the whole country, are estreguistas and treacherous, and no worse corruption than treason.
At this point it is fitting to quote some concepts of the transcendent national thinker who was Jauretche. "Popular governments are weak before the scandal not have, nor have mutual concealing solidarity of the oligarchies and are their own supporters who say their magnifies defects after the press. the small domestic crime is exaggerated to conceal the crime national oligarchies prepared in the shade, and sells homeland is horrified at the armholes of the cook ".
Argentina is under fire, not the Lopez, but diabolic serving the interests darkest conspiracies. No wonder the Pope rejected a donation of 16.666 million pesos (note the 666, which has a very specific meaning) Macri for a program promoted by the very Francisco I. No wonder a monastery involved in the maneuver appears in which Lopez was arrested. You will coincidences? I do not know. What is clear is that the measures are not invented Macri and "heavy legacy" which are producing a general collapse of economic activity. They are Macri measures that are having these bad results, because its objective is to re-make Argentina a docile colony and the people who exploit a flock without mercy. They are measures that have again Macri to give ourselves as a country to the same as always preyed us.
At this point, with both generalized lack of control, with ever higher inflation, with a festival of usurers pecking national wealth in the midst of complete freedom for the movement of hot money, with layoffs that continue to occur, with tarifazo of public services is a mass murder, with a general collapse of much of companies, all caused by measures Macri, who does not want to see it is because you have chosen which place be: on the side of the imperialists against Argentina.
Argentina is under fire. The National Resistance is challenged to organize against the attack, unite politically to transform quantitatively and qualitatively. Sooner rather than later born the Political Front and the Argentine people find ways to reverse this adverse situation, find ways to compose herself, find a way to clean the loopholes from where they shoot the murderers and achieve finally back on track which we departed an unfortunate Nov. 22.
Written by Leonardo Del Grosso Argentine Journalist
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