Monday, April 11, 2016

"Canadian Media an Instrument of Mind Control "

"Canadian Indigenous kill themselves by crushing of their rights"

In Canada it surprised a declaration of state of emergency in a community. It is not by natural disaster, storm, tornado, earthquake or Tsunami. It is because Indians are committing suicide.
International analyst Alex Corrons approaches the subject from the Basque Country, in an interview with HispanTV

  Aboriginal women -- resistance, resilience & revitalization | Patti Doyle Bedwell | TEDxCapeBreton 

Poverty as a Social Determinant of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Health
“National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health”
Research indicates that “at best, the health situation of Indigenous peoples mirrors that of the world’s poorest, but is made worse by their social and cultural marginalization.”

Aboriginal children are drastically overrepresented in the child welfare system. Physical neglect as a result of poverty, poor housing and substance abuse is a key factor in child apprehension.

...” There is a central role for national governments to adopt and implement a development strategy which will improve the socio-economic circumstances of its most vulnerable citizens. In Canada, a key strategy for reducing Aboriginal poverty is to close the gap in government funding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.

As a result, First Nations governments are unable to keep up with the socio-economic demands of a growing population, particularly with respect to programs and services. 

Poverty Amongst Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples
 · One in four First Nations children lives in poverty as compared to one in six for non-Aboriginal children.

· Approximately 40% of off-reserve Aboriginal children live in poverty.

· Aboriginal people living in urban areas are more than twice more likely to live in poverty than non-Aboriginal people.

Rates of poverty for Aboriginal women are double that of non-Aboriginal women.

As a result of living under conditions of poverty:
· More than 100 First Nations communities are currently under boil water advisories and have little or no access to clean water for drinking and sanitation.

· Nearly one in four First Nations adults live in crowded homes and 23% of Aboriginal people live in houses in need of major repairs.

· First Nations suffer from ‘third world’ diseases such as tuberculosis at eight to ten times the rate of Canadians in general.

Aboriginal people in Canada were found to be four times more likely to experience hunger as a direct result of poverty.

More than one quarter of Aboriginal people off reserve and 30% of Inuit children have experienced food insecurity at some point.

EL Condor Pasa- English Version!


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