Sunday, June 14, 2015


“AN INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY"                                                                 Canada is a country of heinous crimes of grief and mourning, a land of human misery without any hope. An ocean of human tragedy that their fierce waves drag millions of shattered lives! Nadir Siguencia                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kidnapping, torture, and death of children under the care of the Children Aid Societies workers, has the same similarity with the horrifying tragedies perpetrated in the Residential Schools by the Canadian regimes and the churches. "Again the silence to reveal to the public, and the cover up of atrocious crimes, makes the Canadian mass media to be accomplices of crimes of lesa humanity."    
  Franz Norizt alias (Francisco Naris from Ecuador), Daniela Warning, Rob McMullen, do you think: You monsters can find a place to hide? How I can't forget my history... How can I forgive the terror that you make...                                                                                        

                                                                                                       PUTRID CANADIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM!


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