Thursday, September 26, 2024


 Alberto Fujimori profile: Deeply divisive Peruvian leader ...                                                                                                                                                                    STONE OFFERING FOR ALBERTO FUJIMORI 

By Oleg Yasinsky: The worrying and sad thing is that on the day of his death, the Peruvian and international press informed the world about "the death of the former president," sometimes adding the adjective "controversial" and always emphasizing that it was he who "won the war against terrorism" in Peru. 

 This means that, once again, nothing was learned from the horrors of recent history. Critical analysis of the past is once again replaced by a caricature, drawn on behalf of global power, and millions of Peruvian children will grow up with the false stories of a character who established cheap farce as the norm of political activity, in a country that never existed. A monster has died. But what matters is not him, but the political lesson of Fujimorism, which, with the dictatorial regime of Dina Boluarte, is more alive than ever.

 Boluarte testifies before the Peruvian Prosecutor's Office on the 'Qali Warma' case 

After decades of Latin American employers' discourse on 'left-wing populism' (since any government's concern for its people was immediately proclaimed 'populist'), Alberto Fujimori was the first right-wing populist, inaugurating the long and unfortunately successful season of the Bukele, the Bolsonaro, the Milei and others. It is important to keep in mind that the main key that opens the 'democratic' door to anti-popular right-wing and far-right populisms is the ignorance of the people, their idiocy due to the lack of public education and the overdose of media circus.

The humble people of Peru told me: "We support Fujimori because unlike the other rulers, he did not steal from the poor, but from the rich." This was one of the optical illusions of television at the time, when poor Peruvians thanked Fujimori for 'robbing the rich', leaving en masse to look for any job in neighbouring countries. His popularity was also a reflection of the racism and classism of Peruvian society, which opted instead for a ridiculously disguised Japanese man in a poncho and a chullito, as a representative of a 'more advanced' world, promising technological solutions and quick responses like anesthetic pills for centuries-old pain.

Details revealed about the final days of former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori 

To confront the 'Shining Path terror', the Peruvian State led by Fujimori chose to impose itself on the violence of the Maoist guerrilla with its State terrorism, far superior militarily, technically and, above all, in the media. The peasants of the Peruvian Andes still do not dare to tell the true story of the 'successful war against terrorism', while television viewers in the big cities applauded the great successes of the Army, which massacred any peasant suspected of being the support base of the Sendero members. Go to any Peruvian bookstore or library now and look for some testimony from the other side of the Peruvian civil war. Tens of thousands of people participated in Sendero Luminoso and, beyond its methods, which were undoubtedly reprehensible and hardly revolutionary, its struggle had an enormous historical root in centuries of injustice and exclusion of the indigenous peasantry. This view from the other side of the tragedy has been completely erased by Fujimorist censorship, which for decades stigmatized the entire Peruvian left, called by those in power as 'accomplices of the terrorists', even though the country's social movements were also one of the first victims of Sendero.

 Fujimori and Fujimorism have been characterized since their emergence in politics by total contempt for the people, taking advantage of the desperation of the most humble masses, scourged by violence and misery, which tend to support and reproduce one another. The same thing that happened decades later in Brazil and El Salvador, people exhausted by crime and lack of protection voted en masse for the promise of the 'iron fist', democratic and openly despising any rule of law, which the same system taught them to distrust. 

Mourning for Fujimori in Peru reopens discussion on pardon and the legacy of crimes against humanity

 Perhaps the most fascist expression of Fujimorism is the mass sterilization of indigenous women, who are treated, literally, like animals. According to official figures, as part of the government's campaign of "demographic control in order to reduce poverty levels," during five years, between 1996 and 2001, 272,028 poor indigenous and peasant women were forcibly sterilized by an irreversible surgical method, tubal ligation. To sterilize them, they were threatened, promised that it would be "only for a few years," or simply paid with a plate of food.

 The headlines of the international democratic press never carried images of these women. The civilized world was too concerned about human rights in Cuba. Then another Fujimorist lie came out: the authorities declared that "only 2,091 women" were forcibly sterilized, assuming that the others had done it voluntarily. To be fair, this is not a Peruvian or Fujimori invention; It is a long tradition of the supreme masters of democracy. In the US, tens of thousands of indigenous women were sterilized using the same method.

 According to a BBC publication, a 1976 report by the US Government Accountability Office states that in only 4 of 12 regions where these practices were carried out on indigenous women, between 1973 and 1976, "3,406 of these sterilizations were neither voluntary nor therapeutic.

" The same practice took place in Canada. According to a Senate report, cited by AP, "this horrible practice is not limited to the past, but clearly continues today. […] There are no solid estimates of how many women are sterilized against their will, but indigenous experts say they regularly hear complaints about it. Senator Yvonne Boyer, whose office collects the available data, which is limited, claims that at least 12,000 women have been affected by this practice since the 1970s." Peru reacts to the death of Alberto Fujimori

 Peru's illegitimate president, Dina Boluarte, who came to power after a coup d'état, a woman who represents a race not subject to sterilization, decreed three days of national mourning and a state funeral for the genocidal Alberto Fujimori.

It is symbolic that Alberto Fujimori died on September 11, the date of Pinochet's military coup in Chile in 1973. Fujimori meant practically the same to Peru as Pinochet did to Chile, and not only because of her decisive role in the destruction of a long democratic tradition or because of her total disregard for human rights. During Fujimori's presidency, the same neoliberal model was applied in Peru that had its great and publicized debut in Pinochet's Chile just a decade earlier. As in Chile under the military dictatorship, in Peru Fujimori's democracy, soon followed by a self-coup, consisted of the total privatization of public assets and the surrender of the little national economic sovereignty in the hands of local oligarchic groups to transnational corporations. During Fujimori's governments, 187 state companies were partially or totally sold for a total value of 7.542 billion dollars.

As in Pinochet's Chile, in Fujimori's Peru there was much talk of macroeconomic successes, which had little or nothing to do with the daily reality of the majority of its population, which with the dictatorship established in the country drastically restricted their rights, speaking, as always, of 'labor flexibility' and 'free enterprise'. Surely, this is the main reason for so much love for Fujimori on the part of the oligarchic groups of Peru, from whom the president supposedly 'robbed' to 'benefit' the poor.

A monster has died. The current civic-business dictatorship of Dina Boluarte is his work.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Freedom of the Press Is Guaranteed Only to Those Who Own One

Goodbye, 'Mister' Biden, cruel man! 

Maciek Wisniewski: The cloying praise for Biden's decision shows that the cult of the Leader is also something characteristic of liberalism, not just Trumpism and/or the       

"new authoritarianism" 


1. Immediately after Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race three weeks ago (, liberal commentators – many of whom had previously insisted unwaveringly that, despite signs of his clear mental and physical deterioration, he should remain the Democratic candidate for the US elections in November – began praising him for his decency, humility, selfless decision and willingness to sacrifice his political career for the good of the country. 

 2. Historian Timothy Snyder—one of the leading “late Cold War warriors” and critics of the so-called new authoritarianism—insisted, for example, that what the president did was humanly magnificent, morally extraordinary, and spectacularly strategic. Years from now, historians will be searching for words to describe Biden’s blessing, he wrote. 

 3. Not only did Biden not deserve any of this praise, but this kind of bombastic, saccharine, and—most importantly—utterly out-of-touch narrative dramatically reduced our ability to understand politics and the present. It demonstrated that the cult of the Leader is also something inherent to liberalism, not just Trumpism and/or the “new authoritarianism.” And it was part—consciously or unconsciously—of an entire damage control operation calculated to cover up the fact that in the four weeks after the presidential debate debacle, Biden, the decent man, was behaving like a normal person. In quintessentially Trumpian fashion (, lashing out at any kind of criticism or suggestion that he do, for the good of all, precisely what he has finally been forced to do. 

4. It is therefore important to clarify what happened here: after the fraud calculated to hide his true condition from the outside world was revealed and after Biden had been insisting until literally the last day on continuing with the campaign, what made him change his mind was the definitive loss of support from the big donors (so much for the greatness of American democracy) and from the leadership of his party, which has left him with the option of doing it the easy way or the hard way. 

5. As reported by Seymour Hersh, the dean of American journalism, Biden – much against his will – has been forced to resign under the threat of being removed from office. It was clear to the Democratic bosses that his obstinacy and selfishness threatened the interests of the party. According to Hersh, in the morning, before issuing his statement, Barack Obama called Biden to tell him, no more and no less, that they had Kamala's [Harris] (sic) support to invoke the 25th Amendment (which stipulates the transition process in the event of the death or disqualification of the president) and that they were waiting for his response. 

6. Thus, in his decision there was nothing noble, moral, selfless and much less strategic (at the beginning of the year Biden forced his candidacy in the primaries and now he left it to the Democrats to decide his replacement in a climate of emergency or, indeed, a coup d'état). In his sudden beatification by liberal commentators such as Snyder or Paul Krugman – who also called him a good man who did the right thing – there was only the desire to cover up the true spiritus movens of politics in the US (money) and the deep emptiness of the liberal Democratic project (

7.- Proof of this is also the fact that the whole good man narrative originally emerged after the disastrous presidential debate to salvage what was possible and convince voters that Biden might not be able to express himself intelligibly, but unlike Trump, he was at least a decent person. And it persisted until it became unsustainable only to be resurrected in another context, despite being equally antipodal to the truth. 

 8. Is a decent man someone who, after having campaigned criticizing Trump's cruel immigration policies (the wall, children in cages, separation of families), reproduced and even radicalized them (denial of asylum)? Is a good man someone who, after having introduced in the 1990s an extremely punitive anti-drug legislation targeting consumers, always protected his addicted son and today even seems to consider pardoning him – from a recent drug-related conviction – at the end of his term?

 9. Is a good man a man who blatantly lied about the 40 babies beheaded by Hamas, repeating Israeli propaganda invented to justify the genocide in Gaza? Is a man who supported and financed this genocide and has never found in his heart an ounce of empathy for thousands of Palestinian children – real ones – killed in its course a decent man? 

 10. Snyder was right about one thing (who for his part, used a sea of ​​ink to talk about the dead in Ukraine, but did not spill a drop to talk about Gaza): historians will still be searching for words to describe Biden: his presidency, his decision to withdraw from the race (based on real events, not liberal fables), his personality. Ecpathy – the voluntary mental process of excluding feelings, attitudes, thoughts and motivations induced by another – the opposite of empathy, could be one. Cruelty could be another.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


  THE REGIME AND ITS AGA KHAN AFFAIR TO SPREAD FAKE NEWS                                                                                                                                                                         Canadian families hit hard as taxes surpass the cost of living, eroding standard of living
Financial security is on the decline in Canada as taxation and inflation skyrocket, outpacing spending on all basic necessities combined.

Earlier this month Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland asserted that "Canada is the best country in the world," failing to recognize that Canada’s living standards are declining rapidly relative to other developed nations.

Freeland’s remarks came just weeks before the recent report from the Fraser Institute that found Canadians pay nearly half of their income to taxes, more than all of their basic necessities combined.

“The average Canadian family now spends more of its income on taxes (43.0%) than it does on basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing combined (35.6%),” said the report. By comparison, 63 years ago in 1961, 33.5% of the average family’s income went to pay taxes and 56.5% went to basic necessities.

According to the report, there has been a steady increase in taxation since that time, with noticeable jumps in 2022 and 2023.

The report highlights that federal and provincial budget deficits, which surged during the hysterical COVID-19 response, will eventually need to be repaid through taxes. However, this deferral means that if the cost of deflected taxes were considered, the average family's tax bill would be significantly higher.

As taxes have continued to outpace every other basic expenditure since 1961, it’s clear that this is only dampening the economy, with bad policy and regulatory burdens driving out innovation and investment.

Meanwhile, the Liberals prioritize funding things like the failed billion-dollar drug and substance use strategy that has only seen an increase in overdoses and illicit drug related harms across the nation, and proxy wars in Ukraine with recent budgetary allowances showing Canada has committed over $12.4 billion in financial assistance to Ukraine, instead of reinvesting here at home to help Canadians.

With a pandemic hiring spree bureaucracy that became turbocharged during the government-sanctioned COVID-19 pandemic response, bloating three times faster than the private sector that lagged substantially behind, it’s time for Canadians to reign in reckless government spending, advocate for smaller, more efficient government, and push for policies that restore a higher quality of life.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

'Summit on peace in Ukraine' as a preparatory event for war in Europe


 'Summit on peace in Ukraine' as a preparatory event for war in Europe

by Oleg Yasinsky: Before this recent 'Ukraine Peace Summit' that took place in Switzerland, I did not know that signatures could be removed once an agreement or declaration, etc. was signed. Now we learn that every day more countries appear that annulled their signatures after the final document of that summit was signed. The first were Iraq and Jordan, then Rwanda followed in their footsteps. Who else? Although the final declaration, initially drafted by the fine literati of NATO, in the end turned out to be much softer than we, the usual misguided people, imagined.

It is known that about 160 countries were invited to the conference, 92 delegations attended and, of these, the final declaration was supported by only 76, considering that three of them regretted having signed. The name of the event, presented to the world as 'a summit', was somewhat presumptuous and exaggerated, since a meeting of presidents is called a "summit", and many of these delegations were not represented by heads of state, much less were " about peace", because in reality it was about the war against Russia.

There was also another sensitive issue, which bothered the Swiss political elites: "…kyiv dictates Swiss foreign policy. It is not the Swiss Government, but the head of a belligerent State who gives instructions to our Federal Council on who can attend the conference. of peace organized by Switzerland and who is not," wrote Swiss journalist Roger Köppel in the magazine Die Weltwoche on June 13. "All those who had doubts around the world about Swiss neutrality and the independence of our country can now be confirmed in a very official way."

The "unilateral appropriation of Russian assets" represents "a derogation from the United Nations Charter," President William Ruto said.

Kenya calls seizure of Russian assets during Ukraine summit "illegal"

Several decisions about attendance, at least in the Latin American segment, were made somewhat improvised and at the last minute. Thus, Javier Milei traveled, who was not going to attend, and Gustavo Petro, who did plan to attend, did not travel. Petro, a few hours before the start of the event and about to take off from Sweden to Switzerland, called things by their name and returned to Bogotá.

Milei, on the contrary, has come to his senses, he remembered that he is a far-right anti-communist and anti-Russian pro-American and he fulfilled his ideological duty by going to the conference. I must admit that this news left me calmer. I know that several would have missed him in an event as useless and absurd as that.

The Ukrainian tragedy became a revealing element of the political essence, where all the hypocritical pseudo-leftists at the service of the corporations and their blatantly fascist servants, like Milei, always appear in the same color. No matter how much they position themselves as irreconcilable and opposing forces. That's why another faker from the south could not be missing, Gabriel Boric. The Ukrainian massacre unites and inspires them, as the main anti-Soviet dream of many generations of 'democratic leftists' and professional cannibals who sincerely and consciously hate communism finally comes true.

In Switzerland, whose memories of 'neutrality' are now like the nostalgia of an old prostitute for the distant times of her virginity, everything was very well thought out: the duo of the best tricksters of the north and the south, Zelensky and Milei, should move even the most inert public. The Ukrainian president could play his favorite piano, with white keys made from the ribs of his compatriots, and his Argentine colleagues would sing to him to the rhythm of the tangos played at full volume by their political idols in the secret prisons of the military dictatorship, so that the screams of his victims would not be heard. And then Argentina could finally give Ukraine the C-130 Hercules military transport planes, from where its military used to throw the 'enemies of the nation' still alive, the 'disappeared', into the ocean. Zelensky would most certainly put them to good use in his house.

The democratic gentlemen present would only habitually avert their progressive gaze and words, just as they did since 2014 in Donbass, because if there is one thing they are truly professional in, it is in this, in turning a blind eye.

 And none of the representatives of this INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCUM, who at the expense of taxpayers came to spend time in entourages with alpine landscapes, to seek the aromas of edelweiss (the favorite flower of a certain Hitler, once elected as democratically as the Milei himself), they did not vomit from the stench of the corpses of the distant Ukrainian fields plowed by death, nor from the blood released from the veins of the sacrificed Ukrainian youth, the surface of Lake Fyrwaldstett was not turned into a tsunami to erase the still living body of Europe that beautiful festive lawn (part of 'Borrell's garden') in which its gravediggers have gathered to talk about peace.

The Orwellian name of this event, presented as a 'peace conference', explains the true objectives of its organizers much better than any Kremlin propagandist. The irresponsibility and arrogance of the political games in which all these characters have been involved in recent years have led them to a corner with no way out, where any solution seems the worst.

Ukraine, so persistently not formally welcomed into NATO, has long been a key part of the organization; It is used as their tool and for cheap media effects. I don't know how you manage to not see something so obvious.

This pseudo-summit in an Alpine valley is nothing more than another smokescreen to hide the West's impotence in the face of the crisis of its own making. Fortunately, the different sides of the same side, torn by their petty, short-term and selfish electoral, credit and media interests, are no longer able to agree on anything, not even with an obvious common objective. And that is where the great opportunity for peace now lies!

The recent pandemic has already shown all the capacity for 'unity' of the 'civilized world', with each of the rich countries pulling the blanket to its side, without understanding the non-existence of borders for viruses, capital or missiles. The same goes for war.

Like a monkey with its hand clutching a handful of peanuts in a hole in a hollow tree, unable to open its fist to remove its hand... the monkey that screams in terror at the sight of the hunters surrounding it, but by nature is unable to free themselves from their own greed and flee, thus, Europe's current neoliberal elites are unable to divert their attention from the immediate interests of power and begin to act for the interests of their own population.

The result can and must be the collapse of all European colonies. After that, there will inevitably be a fall into the past or a leap over the abyss into the future.

The Ukrainian tragedy is a prelude to a new world that is to come and that will depend on many factors and on anything else, except the recent statements at the Swiss Bürgenstock. Biden's mental and physical state became a good metaphor for what the vassals of his empire offer the world.

And regarding the concrete results of the 'Ukrainian Peace Summit', we can only congratulate the hotel, gastronomic and tourism entrepreneurs of Bürgenstock, who surely did not miss the great opportunity.