Monday, June 1, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Torture in Canada is one of the most extreme acts of cowardice and domestic terrorism. Our Government, Agencies and Institutions do their best to hide the brutal acts of torture committed everyday from the International community. Especially when their tyranny, sadism is directed to our children, women and men
For more than two decades we have endured barbaric experiences and during this time we mourned in silence, myself, my wife and my children. We have been living with traumas, fears of survivors of torture. For many years our tortures apply a combination of psychological, physical torture against me, my wife and my children. The most brutal form of torture was psychological, the Metro Toronto Police and the Children Aids Society kidnapped my three children and subject to cruel and inhuman torture. I was forced by the Social worker Rob McMullan from the Children’s Aids Society and the Metro Toronto Police, to witness at 70 Chartwell Road how my children were destroyed emotionally and physically. This experience shows me how these tortures they are stuff of violence, repression, brutality. Social workers from the Society and the Metro Toronto Police could become the cruellest tortures. How they are capable of torturing our children and parents and who provides to these tortures the approval to commit these crimes.
Other people involved in these criminal acts were the social worker Danielle Warning, in her possession are several pictures taken from my traumatized wife and the Judge Harvey Brownstone from the family court 54 Sheppard Avenue East, accomplice of the barbaric torture of my children and parents.
In Canada most of the torture is directed at people’s mind, this anguish is fixed primarily to break emotionally our children, women and men. We can see the proof of this tragedy in the group homes, foster homes, SCHOOLS, public housing, jails, hospitals…. were ten of thousands of children, women and men are destroyed by different agencies and institutions. (OPERATION MIRACLE)
“OPERATION MIRACLE” created by Cuba and supported by Venezuela, has now become an immense campaign of social and humanitarian worth. At the beginning the operations, treatment, were carried out in Cuba hospitals, but with the aim of extending the benefits to the largest number the people possible, medical units for the same purpose have been constructed in others countries, always with the advice and assistance of Cuba.
Do we need also the assistance of the “Cuban Government” to provide with a complete medical unit of doctors, nurses and therapists? (For our children, women and men)
Others blogs:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Nadir, Eliska and Enver
Con lagrimas, vamos a revelar, recordar los centros donde fuimos sometidos a torturas barbaricas, vejaciones psicologicas y fisicas, hechos que marcan una pagina negra en la historia de este pais. Estas son: Metr0 Toronto Police 11 Division, Downsview Rehabilitation Centre (former Worker's Compensation Board of Ontario), Provincial Courts Family and Criminal, Canadian Embassy Prague, Czech Republic, Immigration Detention Centre (Pearson International Airport), Metro Toronto Public Housing, Shelters, Children' Aids Societies, West Detention Centre, Toronto Don Jail, Sunnybrook Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital, Bloor Imformation Legal Clinic and more.... y otras instituciones creadas con el fin the torturar y atentar contra los derechos humanos. Tenemos pruebas veridicas como videos, grabaciones, fotografias, y decenas de miles de documentos que soportan la verdad vivida en los centros y escuelas de tortura. Narraremos dramaticamente como usaron el sadismo, la crueldad destruyendonos en esos sitios, y las sensaciones vividas cuando regreso a los mismos.
Ahora solo queremos que los "responsables tengan juicio y castigo" y las instituciones de govierno, agencias, hospitales etc, etc, implicadas transparenten los procedimientos usados. Por mas de dos decadas, "siempre denuncie que aqui en Canada existe tortura pero nunca, nunca, los medios de comunicacion, organizaciones sociales o partidos politicos ( Los Rojos), Ammisty International de Toronto, reportaron o sacaron esto a la luz".
"Ahora que podemos hacerlo por intermedio de este medio de comunicacion, no quedara oculta la verdad. Es asi que nosotros estamos viviendo un nuevo momento donde tiene que transparentarse la verdad, no solamente para nuestra familia, si no para las decenas de miles de ninos, mujeres, ancianos y hombres brutalizados por este sistema esteril de injusticia. Nuestra condenacion a todo esto y nuestro grito haga eco al mencionar queremos justicia, hemos perdido el miedo, nos estamos quitando los traumas, por eso ahora estamos dispuestos a denunciar al pueblo Canadiense y al mundo entero todo esto".
Para mi es bastante duro recorrer los sitios donde me torturaron, donde estaba al borde de la muerte, pero tenia ansiedad de encontrar, de vivir esos momentos de dolor y sentir como me humillaron, denigraron, torturaron barbaricamente, donde me hicieron cosas que un ser humano no podia hacer ni soportar, mas ahora solo podemos esperar, que algun dia la justicia se encargue de traer a un juicio a todos los criminales que por ahora estan protejidos por nuestro govierno, autoridades y medios de comunicacion Canadiense.
Esperamos que un dia no muy lejano, podamos llegar hasta nuestros torturadores, y para que se termine la impunidad los voy a denunciar con nombres y apellidos. Es importante la verdad salga a luz, no solamente en nuestro caso si no en las decenas de miles de victimas inocentes, que esta comprobado y comprobaremos que se cometio y se esta cometiendo delitos de lesa humanidad, "los mismos que no prescriben".
Senores: `````mi voz clamando justicia nunca podran silenciar, ni jamas podran intimidarme por tres ocasiones me tuvieron al riesgo de la muerte, la que con valor resisti. Mas es hora de escuchar a todas las victimas, familares y testigos de torturas, secuestros y asesinatos cometidos por agentes del estado. Investigar con transparencia, independencia e imparcialidad. Las rejas no callaran de denunciar la verdad de este sistema corrupto. Cierren los centros de torturadores y escuelas de tortura, "Abajo los muros de las prisiones".
Sunday, January 25, 2009
This will be a story of a twelve years old boy who had been brutalized at the REGAL ROAD PUBLIC SHCOOL, by theirs Principal CHRISTINE VON AECH and VICE-PRINCIPAL, KIKI KARILIADIS who put- forth false allegations against my son and use my son as a acapegoat for racism and foul-play caused by others students from the above mentioned school. My son has been tortured by the Principal and Vice-Principal and been bullied by other students at the school. The psychological trauma my son is enduring has derived from the Principal and Vice-Principal Malpractice and unprofessional conduct. These above mentioned school officials are not merely acting harmfully against my son, but also to other students from that school. My son had been physically abused in many forms, he had been struck, punched, pushed, pulled, kicked, strangled, almost stabbed inside of the classroom in front of his teacher with scissors with the intention to kill, and was thrown and shot with objects, however, the SCHOOL PRINCIPAL CHRISTINE VON AECH, VICE-PRINCIPAL KIKI KARILIADIS and POLICE OFFICIALS, never intervened or investigated upon my son's complains and my requests/complains, and instead, the Vice- Principal, Kiki Kariliadis, from the above mentioned school had envolved the "Children's Aids Society" in order to intimidate my family so as to shroud the fact that they failed to conduct an investigation on the matter and to prevent my family from scouring our rights and to prevent me from protecting my family. These Officials have obviously committed and are still committing "Human Rights Violations". These aforementioned Child-Abuser's, as School-Officals, are dangerous and hazarduos for the communities and families.
The "Metropolitan Children's Aids Society's ruthless Intake worker Karem Clark and the Metro Toronto Police" were involved in this claims of child-abuse and barbaric torture and called by the father, Nadir Siguencia, to the Regal Road Public School in order to investigate and/or prosecuting criminal charges to the Principal and Vice-Principal, but; the whole family was intimidated by the Gestapo Social Worker Karem Clark and the police Who cover-up these heinous criminal acts.
The mental and physical torture of children in Canada is generally regarded as the most depraved and degenerate act, yet, in this country which practice torture. Children are certainly not spare. In our case my children became merely other potential adults of the hated race, to be destroyed. My children were and are the possessions, the most treasured possessions of the Principal CHRISTINE VON AECH, Vice Principal KIKI KARILIADES, CHILDREN'S AIDS SOCIETY and METRO TORONTO POLICE, and so the terrorization and barbaric torture of my children and the destruction of their potential is the powerful and paralyzing aimed at the whole family.
The ways in which my children experience and make sense of the brutal torture and violence inflicted on them by the above mentioned School Officials and Institutions; depend very much on the stage of their mental functioning, that they have reached. They took absolute personally, as punishment inflicted for something that never have done or have done his father a Human Rights Activist, denouncing the brutal "Human Rights Violations in Canada". To been tortured and see as the parents intimidated, persecuted, brutalized, afraid, attacked and helpless to protect our children from the tortures, all of this has a very powerful and memorable effects in our children, on the effects of atrocities on our children, and the treatment in our children, give a more in-depth understanding of the necessity of the long term work and the medical care to be done. "OPERATION MIRACLE", created by Cuba and supported by Venezuela, has now became an immense campaing of social and humanitarian worth. "WHERE IS THE CANADIAN FOR VICTIMS OF TORTURE".
This outlines of atrocities, sadism, perversity, committed by the School Officials, Metro Toronto Police, Children's Aids Society, against my children my wife and me, sound depressingly, when the information is extracted from every one of us. Yet Paul, Edward, Enver, Eliska, Nadir, all has repulsive stories unique to us and when this are brouht to life. We are unfolding the destructive effects of torture in ourselves, the family relationships and the communities in which we are belongn begins to disclose. This sooner or later leads to bring our stories been told to the Public. with the possibility of putting words to the bad experiences, letting the Public feel what it might had been like and taken in this horrific experiences of opening up without been abused.
This statement asserts the crucial needs to protect all the children with our lives from all forms of vicious torture, abuse and degrading mistreatment which can cause negative effect on their mental, moral or educational progress. These Crimes under International Law represent an agreement by states that the certain acts are so repulsive that the individuals responsible for barbaric crimes must be brought to justice.
All the evidence regarding these brutal crimes is in the Canadian Provincial Courts, Superior Court Of Justice and Ontario Court of Appeal.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
“What Did We Do To be So Be So Latino, Black or Chinese”
Police Brutality in this country is a term to describe the killings and the use of excessive physical force, assault, verbal attacks and threats by the police officers, Widespread, systematic police brutality persist in this country with authoritarian corruption of the ineffective and corrupt judicial system. Individual incidents of police brutality occurs everyday and is one of several forms of police misconduct, which include kidnapping and torture of our children, false arrest, persecution, intimidation, racial profiling, political repression, surveillance abuse and police corruption.
Due Process:
Notice and opprtunity to be heard and to defend in orderly. Proceedings in court and benefit of the law for all citizens. By the rule of law. I mean a system of law, that protects the basic freedoms of the individual not only from others around him but also from the unrestricted power of the state. In practice it generally amounts to a constitution laws of general application.
As a brief introduction to our widely-ranged exahausted-experiences with actions of injustices commited by Canadian Court-Officials within Provincial Court-Rooms, I would like to start off by deposing the Provincial Court-Rooms, I would like to start off by deposing the Provincial Judges` highly detrimental and apparant wrongdoings and/or errs-in law, from which lurks/rests their following actions of;
1. Shrouding evidences so as to; convict the innocent or dismiss a Party`s claim/action
The revulsion that most political leaders in Canada publicly express about torture should mean that it is a fact for those involved in torture, whether directly or by association, to be apprehended and tried in courts for the vicious crimes committed.
Where are the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Political Parties, theCanadian Media and Social Organizations.
UN Convention against Torture
This Convention, which came into force in 1987, prohibits torture in all circumstances, obliges states party to make torture a criminal offence under the own laws, and provides for universal jurisdiction over suspected tortures, including procedures for extrasdition. Insists that victims of torture are entitled to compensation and rehabilitation, and prohibits confessions or statements extracted under toture from being used as evidence in Family or Criminal courts.( Operation Miracle)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Statement of Nadir Siguencia
Where should civilians turn when no one can provide elementary protectiion of constitutional rights? How can the public enforce thier own policy on those who put themselves above the law? Asking this questions is fundamental to begin a disscussion on the subject of "International Human Rights" The grim problems people face of Police Violence, or those who are victims of Children`s Aids Societies, like mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina under the brutal military junta and others victims are the result of the uses and misuses of force and violence by those wno control the apparatus of government and state agencies at any given time. This is something to keep and mind when we consider human rights and the endless struggle to preserve them. Isn`t the right time to dissuss the problem on national level.
For example, the course of actions chosen by the Metropolitan and the Catholic Children`s Aids Societies for revising the Public policy spelled out of statute is a clear treat to democracy and human rights. Parents are prejudiced and put the position of being second-class citizens deprived of choices and options available to the majority of the population. Children`s Aids is free from responsibility or obligations imposed on them by statute. Courts do not the rules and procedures proscribed by the civil process. False and fabricated allegations are admitted as fact without supporting evidence, contrary to the evidence act. The heavy weight of responsibility for the Societies actions are carried by the parents, who are ordiary people trapped in tragic situations.
Unfortunate victims of these atrocities are facing the severity of the emotional trauma connected to the loss of loved one`s, especially the loss of children. At the same the parents are forced into struggle wth the state. The process is beyond the merits of " CIVIL ACTIONS" but rather comparable to the kind of "prosecutions" performed by the Spanidh Inquisitions or German Nazism. It is financially and psychological exhausting to the parents and their familes. The state is at war with the families. Are children given a chance to survive the torture they experience at the hands of the GESTAPO" Caregivers of hell" Is to be up to the "scientists" to determine? Chances are about equal to surviving a "CONCENTRATION CAMP" Only the lucky ones got away. The government leaders and agencies who approve torture and the tortures themselves are human`s beings too. The too love thier families. They dont`t see themselves are villains but as patriots. They think torture they inflict in service of some " higher cause" can break the spirit of the children or parents. They refuse to recognize that thier victims are humans too.
Who provide the " Children Aids Societies" the right to revise the public policy and torture Civilians and Children? Certainly or hopefully, not the Public.
Public Housing- Hell Housing
The lack of public housing in Canada very fast is becomimg the most critical issue facing all the cities today, in Canada millons of people find themselves, at some time, in the streets without permanent shelter. For a multitude of people, and ten of thousands of families, housing is simple beyond reached altogether, and the numbers of homeless are growing even in ours wealthies cities.
Are different the factors contributing to homelessness and this situation we are experience to the extreme in our province of Ontario, and Toronto in particular. The increase the numbers of homeless in the past decades has been very great and, for most people , unexpected. Also is necesary to denounce the emergency shelters and others facilities are inapropriate and dangerous for the ten of thousands people, but nothing has been done to provide longer-term or permanent housing. Today homeless people prefer to die in the streets or to freeze under the bridges.
" The Hell of our lives in the Little Alcatraz"
Friday, January 2, 2009
TO BE or NOT to BE
To be or not to be. That is the question. Is it more
noble to suffer stoically from the blows and injuries of a
whimsical fortune, or to battle against a sea of troubles,
ending them by opposing them? To die... to die is to sleep,
no more.....
Does Human-Rights exist in Canada?
Way of our Lives has decided that some fast review on Canada is in order. The Canadian Government set themselves as a judge and jury of every country, when their own is rotting. In the past years the Canadian Government denounced The Human Rights Violations which are occurring in Iran, China, North Korea, Iraq, Zimbabwe............ and other countries but they don't expose the mental and physical torture, malpractice, negligence, fraudulence, wrongdoings, brutal tortures and injustices. That they themselves commit from the public. All these crimes are perpetrated by the Children's Aids Societies, Metro Toronto Police, Judicial System, Correctional Services, "Regal Road Public School", Worker's Compensation Board and Public Housing...... These are the laws of Canada but since Canada was set up as a judge and a jury, journalists, reporters and people working for different agencies and government departments have taken it upon themselves to criticize every other country. In doing this, the mess that is called Canada remains sacred.
In countries around the world the "MEDIA" plays a significant role in denouncing "Human Rights Violations", however the same cannot be said concerning the Media in Canada. Ten of thousands of individuals especially (FAMILIES) have turned to the press, television, radio stations in order to denounce their horrific experiences, brutality and sadism, mental and physical torture and in turn, "CANADIAN MEDIA" refuse and stray away from their duty to publicize their truthful stories.
Daily the Charter of Rights is violated by sundry government agencies and in particular by the above mentioned institutions. Most victims of torture, judicial abuse, malicious prosecutions, wrongful convictions by corrupts provincial judges, unlawful search and seizures, malicious discliplinary proceedures and draconian immigration measures are poor and unable to get a private lawyers. Stand up now and fight for your rights.
"WAY OF OUR LIVES' has been denouncing about such brutality, pain and suffering of tens of thousands of people for many years in order to take decisive action to stop the human rights violations in CANADA.
Listen to what they did
Don`t listen to what they said.